Is $F=(f_1,f_2) : N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$ a smooth map?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a smooth map is a function between two differentiable manifolds that is infinitely differentiable. To determine if a map is smooth, all of its component functions must be smooth with continuous partial derivatives. The notation $N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$ indicates that the map takes in an input from one manifold and outputs a point in a product manifold. A map cannot be considered smooth if even one of its component functions is not smooth. Examples of smooth maps include polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions.
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem.


Problem: Let $M_1$, $M_2$ and $N$ be smooth manifolds. Show that $F=(f_1,f_2) : N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$ is a smooth map if and only if $f_i : N\rightarrow M_i,\,i=1,2$ are smooth maps.


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  • #2
No one answered this week's problem. Here's my solution below.

Suppose that $(f_1,f_2): N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$ is smooth. There for coordinate charts $(\mathcal{U},\psi)$ in $N$ and $(\mathcal{V}\times\mathcal{W}, \varphi_1\times\varphi_2)$ in $M_1\times M_2$, it follows that the transition map $(\varphi_1\times\varphi_2)\circ(f_1,f_2)\circ \psi^{-1}$ is smooth. But it follows that $(\varphi_1\times\varphi_2)\circ(f_1,f_2)\circ \psi^{-1} = (\varphi_1\circ f_1\circ \psi^{-1},\varphi_2\circ f_2\circ \psi^{-1})$ is smooth. But since the cartesian product of smooth maps is smooth, it follows that each component is smooth, i.e. $\varphi_i\circ f_i\circ \psi^{-1}$ is smooth. But since the transition map $\varphi_i\circ f_i\circ \psi^{-1}$ is smooth, then it follows that $f_i$ is smooth. Reversing the argument shows that if $f_1$ and $f_2$ smooth, then $(f_1,f_2)$ is smooth.


FAQ: Is $F=(f_1,f_2) : N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$ a smooth map?

What does it mean for a map to be smooth?

A smooth map is a function between two differentiable manifolds that is infinitely differentiable, meaning that all of its partial derivatives of all orders exist and are continuous.

How do you determine if a map is smooth?

To determine if a map is smooth, you can check if all of its component functions are smooth. This means that all of the partial derivatives of the component functions must exist and be continuous.

What is the significance of the notation $N\rightarrow M_1\times M_2$?

This notation indicates that the map $F$ takes in an input from the manifold $N$ and outputs a point in the product manifold $M_1\times M_2$. In other words, $F$ maps points from one space to another.

Can a map be smooth if its component functions are not smooth?

No, a map can only be considered smooth if all of its component functions are smooth. If even one of the component functions is not smooth, then the map as a whole cannot be considered smooth.

What are some examples of smooth maps?

Some examples of smooth maps include polynomials, trigonometric functions, and exponential functions. These maps are smooth because they have continuous derivatives of all orders.
