Is $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$?

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  • Thread starter evinda
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In summary: Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!Aha! show the negated version,don't we have to find a condition that is satisfied for each x,y?Or am I wrong?Yes. You need to find two numbers $x$ and $y$ such that $|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi! :rolleyes: I have also an other question...
Could you explain me why $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ is not Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$??How can I show this??Do I have to use the condition $|f(x)-f(y)| \leq M|x-y|,M>0$ ,to show this??
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  • #2
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Hi! :rolleyes: I have also an other question...
Could you explain me why $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ is not Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$??How can I show this??Do I have to use the condition $|f(x)-f(y)| \leq M|x-y|,M>0$ ,to show this??

Hint : choose $y=0$.
  • #3
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Hi! :rolleyes: I have also an other question...
Could you explain me why $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ is not Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$??How can I show this??Do I have to use the condition $|f(x)-f(y)| \leq M|x-y|,M>0$ ,to show this??

If $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb{R}$ is Lipschitz it would mean that there is a positive $M>0$ so that for all $x,y\in [0,\infty)$ we have $|f(x)-f(y)|\leq M|x-y|$. Write it out in logic symbols:
$$ \exists M>0 ~ \forall x,y\in [0,\infty), ~ |f(x)-f(y)|\leq M|x-y| $$
When you negate this statement you get,
$$ \forall M>0, \exists x,y\in [0,\infty), ~ |f(x)-f(y)| > M|x-y| $$
You want to show the negated version as you are claiming $f$ is not Lipschitz.

Thus, given any $M>0$ you therefore need to find two non-negative numbers $x$ and $y$ so that $|\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$.
  • #4
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Hi! :rolleyes: I have also an other question...
Could you explain me why $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ is not Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$??How can I show this??Do I have to use the condition $|f(x)-f(y)| \leq M|x-y|,M>0$ ,to show this??

We say that the function f(x) satisfies the Lipschitz condition on the interval [a,b] if there is a constant K, independent from f and from the interval [a,b] such that for all $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ in [a,b] with $x_{1} \ne x_{2}$ is...

$\displaystyle |f(x_{1}) - f(x_{2})| < K\ |x_{1} - x_{2}|\ (1)$The function $\displaystyle f(x) = \sqrt{x}$ has an umbounded derivative in x=0, so that it doesn.t satisfy the Lipschitz condition in $[0,\infty]$...

Kind regards $\chi$ $\sigma$​
  • #5
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

ThePerfectHacker said:
If $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb{R}$ is Lipschitz it would mean that there is a positive $M>0$ so that for all $x,y\in [0,\infty)$ we have $|f(x)-f(y)|\leq M|x-y|$. Write it out in logic symbols:
$$ \exists M>0 ~ \forall x,y\in [0,\infty), ~ |f(x)-f(y)|\leq M|x-y| $$
When you negate this statement you get,
$$ \forall M>0, \exists x,y\in [0,\infty), ~ |f(x)-f(y)| > M|x-y| $$
You want to show the negated version as you are claiming $f$ is not Lipschitz.

Thus, given any $M>0$ you therefore need to find two non-negative numbers $x$ and $y$ so that $|\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$.

I understand... :) this relation $|\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$ always satisfied? :confused:
  • #6
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
I understand... :) this relation $|\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$ always satisfied? :confused:

No. It is not always satisfied. For example, $x=0,y=0$ will make it false. You need to show it is sometimes satisfied. You need to find some $x$ and $y$ that will do it for you.
  • #7
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

ThePerfectHacker said:
No. It is not always satisfied. For example, $x=0,y=0$ will make it false. You need to show it is sometimes satisfied. You need to find some $x$ and $y$ that will do it for you.

Isn't this relation just satisfied for $x,y \in (0,1)$??
  • #8
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Isn't this relation just satisfied for $x,y \in (0,1)$??

No. Say $M=2$ so we are saying $|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}| > 2|x-y|$ for all $x,y\in(0,1)$. But that is not true, just pick $x,y=1/2$.
  • #9
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

ThePerfectHacker said:
No. Say $M=2$ so we are saying $|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}| > 2|x-y|$ for all $x,y\in(0,1)$. But that is not true, just pick $x,y=1/2$.

Aha! show the negated version,don't we have to find a condition that is satisfied for each x,y?Or am I wrong?
  • #10
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

The typical way to disprove it, is a proof by contradiction.
First assume it is Lipschitz. That is, there is some M such that the inequality holds for every x and y.
And then find an x and y, such that the Lipschitz condition is not satisfied after all.
(Hint: pick one of the 2 as zero and the other "small enough" depending on M.)
  • #11
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Aha! show the negated version,don't we have to find a condition that is satisfied for each x,y?Or am I wrong?

No. You just need to find one $x$ and one $y$. That is all.
  • #12
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

ThePerfectHacker said:
No. You just need to find one $x$ and one $y$. That is all.

So,I could pick for example $x=\frac{1}{2},y=0$ and $M=1$..Right??

- - - Updated - - -

I like Serena said:
The typical way to disprove it, is a proof by contradiction.
First assume it is Lipschitz. That is, there is some M such that the inequality holds for every x and y.
And then find an x and y, such that the Lipschitz condition is not satisfied after all.
(Hint: pick one of the 2 as zero and the other "small enough" depending on M.)

I picked $y=0,x=\frac{1}{M}$ and I got $M \geq 1$.Would this be a contradiction? :confused:
  • #13
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
- - - Updated - - -
I picked $y=0,x=\frac{1}{M}$ and I got $M \geq 1$.Would this be a contradiction? :confused:

Sorry, but no, that is not a contradiction. :eek:

Let's see what we have.
The Lipschitz condition is:
$$|f(x)-f(y)| \le M|x-y|$$

With $f(x)=\sqrt x$ and with $y=0$ this becomes:
$$|\sqrt x - \sqrt 0| \le M|x-0|$$
Since the domain is restricted to $x \ge 0$, we can simplify this to:
$$\sqrt x \le Mx$$

Can you solve it for x?

And if so, can you also find an x for which it is not true?
  • #14
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

I like Serena said:
Let's see what we have.
The Lipschitz condition is:
$$|f(x)-f(y)| \le M|x-y|$$

With $f(x)=\sqrt x$ and with $y=0$ this becomes:
$$|\sqrt x - \sqrt 0| \le M|x-0|$$
Since the domain is restricted to $x \ge 0$, we can simplify this to:
$$\sqrt x \le Mx$$

Can you solve it for x?

And if so, can you also find an x for which it is not true?

Can we square this: $\sqrt x \le Mx$ ??

If yes,then we have: $x \le M^2x^2$ and for $x=\frac{1}{4}$,we get: $\frac{1}{4} \le \frac{M^2}{16}$..This relation does not hold for $M>2$..Could we say it like that? :confused:
  • #15
Remember what you need to show. Given an $M>0$ you can find $x,y\geq 0$ such that $|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$.

I will do it for $M=1$. Choose $x=\tfrac{1}{4}$ and $y=0$, then we get,
$$ \left| \sqrt{\frac{1}{4}} - \sqrt{0} \right| > 1\cdot \left| \tfrac{1}{4} - 0 \right | $$
Which is true.

Now say that $M=2$, how would you choose $x$ and $y$?
  • #16
Re: f not Lipschitz at [0,oo]!

evinda said:
Can we square this: $\sqrt x \le Mx$ ??

Yes, you can square this, since both sides are $\ge 0$.

If yes,then we have: $x \le M^2x^2$ and for $x=\frac{1}{4}$,we get: $\frac{1}{4} \le \frac{M^2}{16}$..This relation does not hold for $M>2$..Could we say it like that? :confused:

Wel... you still didn't solve for $x$ did you... can you?
  • #17
ThePerfectHacker said:
Remember what you need to show. Given an $M>0$ you can find $x,y\geq 0$ such that $|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}| > M|x-y|$.

I will do it for $M=1$. Choose $x=\tfrac{1}{4}$ and $y=0$, then we get,
$$ \left| \sqrt{\frac{1}{4}} - \sqrt{0} \right| > 1\cdot \left| \tfrac{1}{4} - 0 \right | $$
Which is true.

Now say that $M=2$, how would you choose $x$ and $y$?

For $M=2$ I would pick $x=\sqrt{1}{5},y=0$ ..

- - - Updated - - -

I like Serena said:
Yes, you can square this, since both sides are $\ge 0$.
Wel... you still didn't solve for $x$ did you... can you?

$x^2M^2-x \ge 0 \Rightarrow x(xM^2-1) \ge 0$
  • #18
evinda said:
- - - Updated - - -
$x^2M^2-x \ge 0 \Rightarrow x(xM^2-1) \ge 0$

Let's try it like this:
x &\le& M^2x^2 \\
\frac 1 {M^2} &\le& x \\
x &\ge& \frac 1 {M^2}

So let's pick \(\displaystyle x = \frac 1 {M^3}\) (Evilgrin)
  • #19
I like Serena said:
Let's try it like this:
x &\le& M^2x^2 \\
\frac 1 {M^2} &\le& x \\
x &\ge& \frac 1 {M^2}

So let's pick \(\displaystyle x = \frac 1 {M^3}\) (Evilgrin)

Oh yes! This is a contradiction! (Nod)

Related to Is $f(x)=\sqrt{x},x\geq 0$ Lipschitz at $[0,\infty]$?

What does it mean for a function to be not Lipschitz at [0,oo]?

A function is not Lipschitz at [0,oo] if it does not satisfy the Lipschitz condition, which states that the absolute value of the slope of the function must be less than a constant for all points in its domain. In other words, the function cannot have a steep or rapidly changing slope at any point in the interval [0,oo].

Why is it important for a function to be Lipschitz at [0,oo]?

The Lipschitz condition is important because it ensures that the function is well-behaved and does not have any extreme or unpredictable behavior. This is especially important in mathematical analysis and optimization problems, where the Lipschitz condition guarantees the existence and uniqueness of solutions.

How can you determine if a function is Lipschitz at [0,oo]?

To determine if a function is Lipschitz at [0,oo], you can check if its derivative is bounded in the interval [0,oo]. If the absolute value of the slope is always less than a constant, then the function is Lipschitz. Alternatively, you can also check if the function satisfies the Lipschitz condition directly by evaluating the absolute value of the difference quotient for all points in the interval.

What happens if a function is not Lipschitz at [0,oo]?

If a function is not Lipschitz at [0,oo], it does not necessarily mean that it is not a valid function. However, it may have certain limitations or restrictions in its use, particularly in mathematical analysis and optimization problems. It may also exhibit unexpected or unstable behavior in certain cases.

Are there any alternative conditions to the Lipschitz condition?

Yes, there are alternative conditions that can be used instead of the Lipschitz condition, such as the Hölder condition and the Cauchy condition. These conditions also ensure the smoothness and well-behavedness of a function, but may have different requirements and limitations compared to the Lipschitz condition.

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