Is Fitzpatrick's Advanced Calculus the Best Book for Multivariable Analysis?

In summary: It's a very nice book. It is easy to read and understand. It has beautiful pictures and also contains proofs. It is definitely more rigorous than Munkres and Duistermaat's books. I definitely recommend this book over Munkres and Duistermaat's books.
  • #1
I realize the term 'Advanced Calculus' is rather vague, so to be more specific I'm looking for a textbook covering multivariable analysis. I've taken a look at Shifrin's Multivariable Mathematics and Hubbard and Hubbard's Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms, and these seem like quite nice books. However, I'm concerned that they may be less than rigorous. What does everyone think of these books? In addition to these, what other (potentially more challenging) books are recommended?
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  • #2
In order of less challenging to hard:

Analysis on manifolds - Munkres
Calculus on manifolds - Spivak
Multivariable real analysis I,II- Duistermaat, Kolk
  • #3
I'm assuming Shifrin and Hubbard are significantly easier than those three books. I realize rigor is impossible to quantify, but, if you had to say, how much easier are they? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated!
  • #4
i haven't read the 3 books micromass has mentioned but i have used hubbard's book and it is definitely rigorous. he proves practically everything and leaves the more difficult proofs in the appendix. the text along with the proofs in the appendix can actually be used as an analysis text.

hubbard is usually a first year/second year math text. if you have already taken multivariable calculus in a reasonably rigorous fashion. That is if you covered things like the derivative as a linear mapping, pathological functions where equality of mixed partials fail, derivatives of matrix functions, implicit function theorem, integration over surfaces (hubbard treats integration over manifolds), integration theorems, etc. then you could probably move on to something like spivak's calculus on manifolds.

all the topics i listed above (and more) are covered in hubbard.
  • #5
I am almost finished with the Hubbard book and I am also almost done with baby rudin. They both touch the same topics, but Hubbard has pictures and examples whereas Rudin is really dense. For example, Hubbard has a whole chapter on linear algebra while Rudin just has a couple pages. They both go over the same proofs and so have the same rigor. The main difference is that Rudin is more general in using metric spaces while Hubbard uses R^n. All in all is took me two years to get through Hubbard; mostly because I got stuck on the Inverse Function Theorem at the end of chapter 2 and didn't want to go on until I got that down. I finally just said "to hell with it" and went on anyways and spent the last 6 months doing the rest of the book.
  • #6
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  • #8
the_kid said:
Hubbard and Hubbard's Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms

FYI - Here is a video series from Harvard that uses that book:

(Thanks to sponsoredwalk for the link)
  • #9
the Arfken and Weber Mathematical Methods for Physicists should be rigorous enough for you - its the grad level text.

Or you could try a book titled "Advanced Engineering Mathematics" physics majors and engineers often take upper division math classes from a book with this such name. however i do not recommend the Kreysig or the Zill versions of that book.

My favorite book was called "Advanced Calculus" by Kaplan. It was my grandpas book, first edition, printed in like 1951.
  • #10
I believe Shifrin's book is completely rigorous. i.e. complete definitions and proofs.

A harder book, also completely rigorous, is Foundations of modern analysis, by Dieudonne'.
  • #11
Hubbard to me does everything the hard way. Spivak Calc on manifolds does a similar amount in 1/4 as many pages.
  • #12
quite a late reply

I write this answer on 2013, so it is quite late but I still hope this be helpful.

I know a book that can definitely satisfy you.

It is Advanced Calculus by Fitzpatrick.

I've recently read Munkres's and Duistermaat's.

The former one is very very good. It is perfectly rigorous bot not only that it is just

beautiful and so comprehensible. I felt like drinking this book, very smooth.

The only down side was that I did not contain every topic that I looked for,

such as Lagrange Multiplier Method.

The latter one seems also good. But I must say reading this was very tough though I didn't

even read much of it. The selection of Lemmas and Theorems are not that efficient nor beautiful

nor organized; I actually feel that they are quite messed up. But this book is certainly rigorous

and contains strong Theorems on many many topics.

Now the book Advanced Calculus by Fitzpatrick is quite easy and very smooth to read.

It also contains basic topics such as Lagrange Multiplier Method.

Simply put, this is just basic and rigorous. Though the size of multivariable stuffs is not

much, it will lay down every base for you to go on to more advanced topics in this area.

So I think the best way is to read this and then read a more advanced book such as the

ones mentioned above.

Related to Is Fitzpatrick's Advanced Calculus the Best Book for Multivariable Analysis?

1. What is Advanced Calculus?

Advanced Calculus is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of functions of multiple variables, including limits, derivatives, integrals, and series. It is considered to be an extension of basic calculus, covering more complex topics and applications.

2. Why is it important to study Advanced Calculus?

Advanced Calculus is used extensively in fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and statistics. It provides a solid foundation for understanding and solving complex real-world problems involving multiple variables and functions.

3. What makes a good Advanced Calculus book?

A good Advanced Calculus book should have clear explanations, thorough coverage of topics, and a variety of examples and exercises. It should also have a balance between theory and applications, and be accessible to readers with a strong background in basic calculus.

4. What are some recommended books for studying Advanced Calculus?

Some popular and highly recommended books for studying Advanced Calculus include "Advanced Calculus" by Patrick M. Fitzpatrick, "Advanced Calculus: A Differential Forms Approach" by Harold M. Edwards, and "Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Linear Analysis" by Leonard F. Richardson.

5. Is self-studying Advanced Calculus possible?

Yes, it is possible to self-study Advanced Calculus. However, it is recommended to have a strong foundation in basic calculus and a good understanding of mathematical concepts before delving into this subject. It is also helpful to have a variety of resources, such as textbooks, online lectures, and practice problems, to aid in the self-study process.

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