Is Germany Steering the EU Towards a Church-Controlled State?

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  • Thread starter David Ben-Ariel
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In summary, Germany is seen as the dominant force in the emerging Eurostate, with the Catholic Church and the Vatican playing a role in its development. However, there are concerns about the potential loss of religious freedom and national independence. Some believe that Germany and other European countries, such as the UK, France, Italy, and Spain, could be controlled by the Catholic Church. Others dismiss these ideas as conspiracy theories and point out that Europe has a large population of atheists. One person, David Ben-Ariel, promotes a book called "Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall" which he claims predicts these events. However, others on the forum find him to be a source of entertainment rather than a credible source of information.
  • #1
David Ben-Ariel
GERMANY is clearly the HEAD of this emerging EUROSTATE.

The German Church has already left its mark on the Maastricht treaty with the Vatican’s seal of approval. As reported in The Economist, "Never on a Sunday," an ominous blue law was forcibly inserted in Europe’s grand design.

Could this be the cornerstone for their reconstructed Europe? This greater Church-State collaboration ought to be of grave concern to every individual and country that cherishes religious liberty and national independence.
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  • #2
Oh would you please shut up.
  • #3
well being that most of europe is catholic/christian anyway, who gives a damn.

No Va Va Voom...You are wrong!
  • #4
Do you know that Germany (the largest contributor to the EU)is a majority Protestant country as is the UK (the second largest contributor to the EU)? Even France's (the third largest contributor to the EU) Catholic church has a longstanding traditon of independance from the Vatican. These are the big three in the EU, after them you have Italy and Spain who do have strong links to the Vatican and which the Vatican does have some (though far from controlling) influence over domestic politics.

But of course you already knew you were talking crap David, why break the habit of a lifetime?
  • #5
LOL! Bravo! jcsd = Va Va Voom!
  • #6
The movers and shakers of European unification are German-Jesuits. On the surface Catholicism isn't much of an influence, however, just let that Babylonian sorcerer (pope) perform a few miracles and the masses will do his bidding and accept his "anointed" to LEAD EUROPE. Watch and see. You've been told... read all about it - in advance - in Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Herbert Armstrong foretold where Europe is today over 50 years ago. Beyond Babylon goes further and shows where it will shortly be and what it means for the rest of the world that will be held captive to Catholic dictators!
  • #7
yeah uh, hate to tell you this but the might of babylonia fell quite a few thousand years ago... however i hear Genghis Khan and his mongol horde are coming soon!

Why would the pope perform miracles? He is the human representitive of God, but he is human.

Anyway, its not like 'catholics' are going to rule the world. Most of todays catholics are part-time worshippers, you know, church at christmas, pray to God when they are in trouble but otherwise get on with their lives. Modern day christians are not as zealous as say, followers of Judaism, Hinduism or Islam. I suppose they are like buddhist but without the buddha!

so what about a book? some guy predicts things that happened now, 50 years ago? its not that hard...Nostradamus predicted things like Hitler and he was born on 09/14/1503! that is slightly more exciting.
  • #8
The Whole..Germany is in control really gets my goat... a european super state was what Hitler was aiming for and that turned out to produce world war 2...
How is it that this is being allowed to happen now.. it goes against everything my grandfather fought for.
  • #9
never thought of it like that. once again its us brits that stick out like a sore thumb...which of course is not what boney tony wants now is it? he wants to be the lapdog of the world... but dammit I am voting for michael howard next election! or if he screws up, monster raving looney party
  • #10
Actually, it's fairly common knowledge that shape-shifting illumanati lizards control the EU, but they'll never get me with their mindrays as long as I wear my tinfoil hat.
  • #11
i heard that too! but i also heard that they had the legs of chickens as well...chinese whispers stylee so its probably just a LITTLE distorted.
  • #12
Are we forgetting that Europe has more atheists than anywhere else in the world?
  • #13
Originally posted by David Ben-Ariel
read all about it - in advance - in Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. Beyond Babylon goes further and shows where it will shortly be and what it means for the rest of the world that will be held captive to Catholic dictators!
Since when is PF to be used for free advertising of this idiot's book? All he's doing here is trying to get people to go to his website and buy it. I don't approve of him using the forum for free advertising space.
  • #14
I would say get rid of the fool, but he provides so much fun. God Bless Him, lol.
  • #15
yeah, u tell him mom! however he is a good source of fun, so i reckon we should keep him. He could be our pet! ooh ooh, can we keep him??
  • #16
Originally posted by jimmy p
yeah, u tell him mom! however he is a good source of fun, so i reckon we should keep him. He could be our pet! ooh ooh, can we keep him??
Ok, you & Andy can keep him. No one on PF would buy his book anyway.
  • #17
YAY! i promise i will walk him every day and when he talks s**t andy can slap him with a rolled up newspaper!
  • #18
Whoa Gee whizz! What dya think would happen to him if we put him in a microwave?
  • #19
maybe his eyes will pop out! lol having pets is fun!

pets = Va Va Voom

FAQ: Is Germany Steering the EU Towards a Church-Controlled State?

What is the meaning of "Catholics Control EU"?

"Catholics Control EU" is a statement that suggests that the Catholic Church has a significant influence on the policies and decisions of the European Union.

Is there any evidence to support the claim that Catholics control the EU?

There is no concrete evidence that proves that Catholics control the EU. While there are Catholic politicians and officials within the EU, they do not hold a majority and decisions are made through a democratic process.

What role does the Catholic Church play in the EU?

The Catholic Church does not have an official role within the EU. However, individual Catholics may hold positions of power within the EU institutions and may use their beliefs to inform their decisions.

How do Catholics in the EU maintain their religious identity and beliefs?

Catholics in the EU are free to practice their religious beliefs and maintain their identity. The EU has laws and policies in place to protect freedom of religion and expression for all citizens.

Is the Catholic Church the only religious group with influence in the EU?

No, the EU is a diverse and secular organization that includes people of various religions and beliefs. While the Catholic Church may have some influence, it is not the only religious group with a voice in EU policies and decisions.

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