Is God bound by logic or is God above all laws, even that of logic?

  • Thread starter Jikx
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In summary: God couldn't be illogical, it would still be within his power. Basically, if God could do something, then it's within his power to do.
  • #36
I think that it is important to remember where the idea of God came from... Humans Created God, and seeing that he is only a creation of mankind that is relative to what one belives. In order to create something perfect the creator must be perfect, thus God can not be Omnipotence (all powerful), Omniscience (all knowing)
nor Omnibenevolence (all loving), since it would imply that humans (or a human) is perfect...
Just food for thought...
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  • #37
Has it ever occurred to you that 'man' didn't make God, and surprisingly enough man can not create, we can transform, invent, but not create, cause to create is implying no resource, but everything man makes comes from a resource of some sort.

Secondly, your comment is like saying that man can't imagine dragons cause in no way are dragons a part of reality, yet we can imagine them, so the same implies with God.
  • #38
without faith god is nothing. therefore proving gods existence would destroy him.

why would god being perfect and so supreme make something as dull witted and stupid as the human race?
  • #39
In regards to AiA message...

I am not sure how you interpretted they way you did but maybe I should clarify...

I am trying to say that the idea of God came from man. Thus we created God. Just like the idea of dragons, elves, and monsters were all ideas of man... Heck even things like electrons and electromagnetic waves. All of these things are made (created) in the minds of human beings.

Also in regards to your first statement, how would you consider a thought a transformation of something. A human being can create thoughts and ideas in there minds without transfroming anything.
  • #40
I think it was already said somewhere in all these ramblings but if "God" is omnipotent then god controls the foundation of logic. What ever "God" "wills" should fit perfectly and logically with the universe.
As for the omnipotent/all-powerful problem, if "God" is all then nothing exists beyond "God" and "God" has power over all that is manifest as part of "God". By this definition anything outside of "God" or outside of "God's" power does not exist. The idea of "God" creating a stone that "God" can not lift is senseless because anything "God" creates would be within "God" to begin with. It would be held in the proverbial "hands" of "God" when it was created. When you ask that question you are metaphorically referring to the creation of something beyond the bounds of infinity. If there are no boundries to infinity then nothing can exist beyond infinity.

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