Is gravity really a force in the expansion of the universe?

In summary, there is no consensus on the mechanism of the expansion of the universe, but the most popular theory is dark energy. It is not considered a force, but rather a response to a force. Some believe that this force is gravity, but others argue that it is not fully understood. The expansion of the universe is described by Einstein's equations in general relativity, which relate the geometry of space-time to its matter content. This means that gravity is not a force in the traditional sense, but rather a relationship between space-time and matter. Theories such as dark energy attempt to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe, but there is still much debate and research being done in this area.
  • #1
Ascending One
Is the expansion of the universe phenomenon considered a force or what? Basically I'm wondering how the mechanism of the expansion of the universe is represented in the standard model or any models of physics.
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  • #2
"the expansion" is not a force, its a response to a force (presumably).
The mechanism is not fully understood or agreed upon according to any theory - many aren't convinced that it is fore-sure expanding (although it really does seem to be).

The most popular theory is dark energy - to my knowledge a magic aether that permeates the universe magically causing accelerated expansion... surely the details are better-understood - but certainly not by me.
  • #3
It's a response to a force? Which force? Is it one of the 4 fundamental forces? I read on Wikipedia that it is gravity, but how can that be?
  • #4
The inadequacy of all current theories for explaining the expansion of the universe is the driving force behind HEP (high energy Particle physics) lzkelley is right when he suggests that the expansion theory is not universally accepted. The expansionist theory depends upon the notion (often included in the definition of Doppler) that relative radial velocity (rrv) is the only basis for explaining the excess of redshift observable.
This is in spite of the fact that most scientists cling to a belief in GR which asserts that "gravitational redshift" must occur.
  • #5
lzkelley said:
The most popular theory is dark energy

Note that the universe "expanding" has nothing to do with dark energy; it is the present day acceleration of this expansion which dark energy is conjectured to explain.
  • #6
well i woulnot consider it a force (such as i would gravity). The point is that it is expanding but that expansion started with the Big Bang and it wasn't constant, the uuniverse was not always expanding so i'd say No. But if you want to bring in dark matter and antimatter and all those things into the equation then i have't he foggiest idea.
  • #7
rubecuber said:
the uuniverse was not always expanding so i'd say No.

What makes you say this? The expansion of the universe is an initial condition in the standard model of cosmology.
  • #8
Hi Ascending One, I can help you.

Its a consequence of Einsteins Equations. Matter an energy couple to spacetime generating expansion...its as as simple as that.

Formally the metric for an FRW universe reads (in cartesian coordinates)

The expansion of the universe is 'controlled' by the scale factor a(t). To find a(t) you need to solve Einsteins equation:
[tex]G_{\mu\nu}=\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu\nu}[/tex]
This is pretty easy actually. Anyhow, you discover that a(t) is related to the energy density and pressure of the universe if you model it as a perfect fluid. Some fiddling with conservation of energy equations demonstrate that the pressure is negative which drives the expanding (accelerated) universe.

Summary - Forget what you know about forces and basic classical mechanics, matter and energy couple to spacetime and generate expansion. Thats it. I'm sorry of you find this hard to visualize or understand mechanically, but sadly general relativity is not really like that. That was Einsteins genius.
  • #9
Robousy's answer is definitely the best so far (to the OP's question). All the solutions of Einstein's equation that describe homogeneous and isotropic universes describe expanding universes. If we modify the equation by adding the cosmological constant (which is equivalent to a non-zero density of vacuum), there are some solutions that describe a more complicated behavior (like an accelerating expansion).

How can the "force" be gravity? General relativity describes gravity as a relationship (expressed by Einstein's equation) between the geometry of space-time and its matter content. So in GR, gravity is not really a force. It's just geometry. Note that it's the geometry of space-time, not just space. The fact that time is involved is what makes things like expansion possible even though geometry is usually just about shapes.

I also agree with everything that Cristo said.
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FAQ: Is gravity really a force in the expansion of the universe?

1. What is the Expansion of the Universe?

The Expansion of the Universe is the theory that the universe is continuously expanding, meaning that the distance between galaxies and other celestial objects is increasing over time.

2. How do we know the Universe is expanding?

Scientists have observed that galaxies and other celestial objects are moving away from each other and the further they are from us, the faster they are moving. This is known as the Hubble's Law, which provides evidence for the expansion of the universe.

3. What is causing the Expansion of the Universe?

The exact cause of the Expansion of the Universe is still unknown, but the leading theory is the concept of dark energy. Dark energy is a mysterious force that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

4. Will the Universe continue to expand forever?

Current observations and measurements suggest that the Expansion of the Universe will continue indefinitely. However, new discoveries and theories may emerge in the future that could change our understanding of the fate of the universe.

5. How does the Expansion of the Universe affect us?

The Expansion of the Universe does not have a direct impact on our daily lives, as the expansion is happening on a large scale and at a very slow rate. However, it does have implications for the future of the universe and the potential for life to exist in other parts of the universe.
