Is Higgs Boson Theoretical or Hypothetical?

In summary, according to wikipedia, the CERN team has discovered a new particle that they believe is the Higgs Boson. They verified some of its major properties, and they are currently at a 5-sigma level of evidence.
  • #1
I had an argument at my university about it, since experiments at LHC aren't 100% confirmed.

I mean, gauge theories are.. theories and Goldstone bosons are theorems.

Someone share some light plese?
Physics news on
  • #2
Well according to wikipedia they believe they found a new particle at CERN at July 2012 that seems to be the Higgs Boson and at March 2013 they verified some of its major properties.

Not sure what you mean but everything is theory, experiments and measurements done even if they are 100% correct, they cannot prove that a theory is true, we can only say that the theory is consistent or not with the results of the experiment. If the theory is not consistent with one experiment then the theory is considered to be false. 100 experiments in consistency with a theory cannot prove the theory true, however 1 experiment inconsistent with the theory it does prove the theory false.
  • #3
1) I don't understand the distinction you are drawing between "theoretical" and "hypothetical".

2) "It's not 100% confirmed" is a terrible argument. You can say that about absolutely anything. It's not 100% certain that my neighbor won't turn into a werewolf tonight and kill me. But I don't live my life as if it were a serious concern.

3) There is no reasonable doubt that a particle was discovered at the LHC. This particle has the properties of the SM Higgs to within one's ability to measure.
  • #4
tahlaskerssen said:
experiments at LHC aren't 100% confirmed.

No experiment confirms anything to 100%.

In particle physics, the convention is to announce that a new particle has been discovered only when the evidence reaches a "five-sigma" level. This means that if the particle did not actually exist, then there would be a probability of less than ##3 \times 10^{-7}## that the data came out that way by chance.

5 Sigma—What’s That?
  • #5
jtbell said:
No experiment confirms anything to 100%.

In particle physics, the convention is to announce that a new particle has been discovered only when the evidence reaches a "five-sigma" level. This means that if the particle did not actually exist, then there would be a probability of less than ##3 \times 10^{-7}## that the data came out that way by chance.

5 Sigma—What’s That?

So are we on five-sigma level?
  • #6
tahlaskerssen said:
So are we on five-sigma level?
Both ATLAS and CMS were independently at that level two years ago. Now they have more than twice the amount of data, and the analysis methods improved a lot. Combined, they should be well above 10 sigma. The probability of a statistical fluctuation is completely negligible - somewhere in the range of "win the jackpot in a lottery many times in a row".
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  • #7
Had they really reached 5 sigmas? I thought they were at 3 until LHC re-runs... Nice clarification
  • #8
Also what does the OP mean by gauge theories are just theories?
We are pretty sure that the way to explain elementary particle interactions is through gauge theories...
  • #9
ChrisVer said:
Also what does the OP mean by gauge theories are just theories?

My "theory" is that he's thinking in terms of the popular definition of "theory" which equates it to a "hunch" or "guess" or "speculation", rather than to a coherent mathematical framework that makes testable predictions. Gauge theory makes many other predictions which have been extensively tested and verified, especially for the electromagnetic and weak interactions which is where the idea of the Higgs originated in the 1960s.

As I recall, there are "Higgsless" electroweak theories, but pre-Higgs-discovery they didn't match experimental data as "naturally" as the standard model with Higgs.
  • #10
Nop, I meant theory in the scence of the math definition for theory or theorem, which is good.

I'm a mathematician by the way :).

FAQ: Is Higgs Boson Theoretical or Hypothetical?

1. What is the Higgs Boson?

The Higgs Boson is a subatomic particle that is theorized to give other particles their mass. It was first proposed by Peter Higgs in the 1960s and was finally discovered in 2012 by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.

2. Is the Higgs Boson theoretical or hypothetical?

The Higgs Boson is both theoretical and hypothetical. It was first theorized by Peter Higgs and other physicists, and its existence was supported by mathematical equations and experiments. However, it was not observed until 2012, making it a hypothetical particle for many years.

3. Why is the Higgs Boson important?

The Higgs Boson is important because it is the missing piece in the Standard Model of particle physics. Its discovery confirms the existence of the Higgs field, which is responsible for giving particles their mass. This has a significant impact on our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

4. How was the Higgs Boson discovered?

The Higgs Boson was discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The LHC is a particle accelerator that smashes protons together at high speeds, recreating the conditions of the early universe. The data collected by the LHC experiments provided evidence of the Higgs Boson's existence.

5. What are the implications of the Higgs Boson's discovery?

The discovery of the Higgs Boson has many implications for particle physics and our understanding of the universe. It confirms the Standard Model and the role of the Higgs field in giving particles their mass. It also opens up new areas of research, such as studying the properties of the Higgs Boson and searching for new particles beyond the Standard Model.

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