Is Homogeneous Always Separable in First Order Differential Equations?

In summary, the conversation discusses the basics of linear first-order differential equations and how they can be written in the form of dy/dx + P(x)y = Q(x). The person is asking if all homogeneous first-order linear differential equations are separable and if the converse is true. They also discuss the general solution for y in a homogeneous first-order d.e. and how it involves a constant A multiplied by the reciprocal of the integrating factor. They also clarify the use of the term "homogeneous" in first-order d.e.s.
  • #1
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Please bear with me, I've only had the first sort of "pseudo-lecture" in ordinary d.e.'s this past week, and I was doing some reading ahead. It occurred to me that if linear first-order differential equations are those that can be written in the general form:

[tex] \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = Q(x) [/tex]

and if I understood my prof's remark correctly that homogeneous linear first-order d.e.'s are those for which [itex] Q(x) = 0 [/itex], then all homogeneous first-order linear differential equations are actually separable because:

[tex] \frac{dy}{dx} + P(x)y = 0 [/tex]

[tex] \frac{dy}{dx} = -P(x)y [/tex]

Which can be solved as follows:

[tex] \int{\frac{dy}{y}} = -\int{P(x)dx} [/tex]

^^Looks separable to me. I just wanted to make sure I was getting the basics before I moved on. So is the thread title statement true then? Oh yeah, and I'm guessing that the converse is not always true right? A separable first-order d.e. is not necessarily a homogeneous linear d.e. right? After all, [itex] \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{6x^2}{2y + cosy} [/itex] is not linear in [itex] y [/itex] right? But it looks like it could be homogeneous non-linear (if such a thing exists, I don't know?). In that case, would the statement homogeneous = separable be true in the most general sense? Moving on with the original example (I'm just solving while "LaTeXing" to see what comes out) ...

[tex] \ln|y| = -\int{P(x)dx} [/tex]

[tex] |y| = e^{-\int {P(x)dx}} [/tex]

Now, the most general solution for [itex] y [/itex] must include the most general antiderivative, so we'll have a [itex] C [/itex] stuck in there if and when we solve the integral:

[tex] y = \pm e^{-\int {P(x)dx} + C} = \pm e^{-\int {P(x)dx}}e^C = \pm Ae^{-\int {P(x)dx}} [/tex]

Whoah, cool! So in a homogeneous first order d.e. the solution takes the form of some constant [itex] \pm A [/itex] times the reciprocal of the integrating factor [itex] I(x) [/itex]?! Is this always true?

EDIT: Yeah actually I can see why that is. Take the usual statement about the integrating factor:

[tex] (I(x)y)^{\prime} = I(x)Q(x) [/tex]

If [itex] Q(x) = 0 [/itex], then

[tex] (I(x)y)^{\prime} = 0 [/tex]

[tex] I(x)y = \pm A [/tex]

[tex] y = \frac{\pm A}{I(x)} [/tex]

Awesome! I discovered a lot more writing this post than I expected. I hope someone will correct me if I've made any errors.
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  • #2
Just wondering, but do you really need to state that the constant of integration is +/- A, instead of just A (in the part where you talk about integrating factors)?
  • #3
Good point. In fact, I guess I could have gotten rid of the +/- way up here:

[tex] \pm (e^{-\int {P(x)dx}})(e^C) = Ae^{-\int {P(x)dx}} [/tex]

just combining everything into "A", which would remain as A for the ensuing discussion.
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  • #4
In answer to the original question, yes, a first order d.e. that is "homogeneous" in this sense: P(x) dy/dx+ Q(x)y= 0 is trivially seperable: dy/y= -(Q(x)/P(x))dx.

But be careful: in the limited area of FIRST ORDER d. e.s, the term "homogeneous" is often used in quite a different way (the d.e. A(x,y)dx+ B(x,y)dy= 0 is "homogeneous" if and only if B(&lamda;x,&lamda;y)/A(λx, λy)= B(x,y)/A(x,y) (essentially that means that the total exponent of x and y in each term is the same).

FAQ: Is Homogeneous Always Separable in First Order Differential Equations?

1. What is the definition of homogeneous?

Homogeneous refers to a substance or mixture that has uniform composition and properties throughout. This means that all parts of the substance or mixture are the same.

2. What does separable mean in terms of homogeneous substances?

Separable means that the individual components of a homogeneous substance can be physically or chemically separated from each other. This is because the substance is made up of distinct parts that have different properties.

3. Is every homogeneous substance also separable?

No, not all homogeneous substances are separable. Some substances may be homogenous on a macroscopic level, but on a microscopic level they are made up of the same components and cannot be separated.

4. Can a substance be separable but not homogeneous?

Yes, a substance can be separable but not homogeneous. This means that the substance is made up of distinct parts that can be separated, but the individual parts do not have uniform composition and properties throughout.

5. How does the homogeneity of a substance affect its separability?

The homogeneity of a substance does not necessarily affect its separability. Homogeneity refers to the uniformity of a substance, while separability refers to the ability to physically or chemically separate the components of a substance. However, in some cases, a homogeneous substance may be easier to separate compared to a non-homogeneous substance.
