Is infinite divisibility possible through quantum mechanics?

In summary, the thread "Sorites Heap Paradox" brought the following thought to mind. Multiple respected explanations for quantum weirdness like this are proposed, but if this is true then electrons would be unable to interact with each other.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
The thread “Sorites Heap Paradox” brought the following thought to mind.

Quantum mechanics may not answer the infinitely divisible question in the way that one would expect. Normally we think of discrete units here, but consider this: I read that at the University at Boulder [I think] an atom was made to exist in two places at once. Somehow they we able to actually measure the wave function without collapsing it…I think…which made it possible two measure two of its states or positions. Does this qualify as splitting one and not getting two halves, but two wholes? Perhaps we can keep producing doubles infinitely without ever collapsing the wave function of the entangled system. How about it...does anyone know if this could be possible? Perhaps the problem of infinitely divisible becomes one of infinite energy. I don’t know much about this experiment so please forgive any errors. In fact, I would appreciate any information, links, or comments.

Assassination attempts are OK also.
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  • #2
That's an example of nonlocal effects which actually imply the opposite of infinite divisibility, profound unity. The double slit experiment is a more classic example of this phenomenon.

There are no less than eight widely respected explanations for quantum weirdness like this. One is that everything is profoundly unified, another is something is moving faster than the speed of light. Moving faster than light is equivalent to saying its magic. For example, string theory proposes there is only one electron in the universe, it just gets around so fast we can't tell the difference between having only one electron and having quadrillians.
  • #3
Originally posted by wuliheron
Moving faster than light is equivalent to saying its magic. For example, string theory proposes there is only one electron in the universe, it just gets around so fast we can't tell the difference between having only one electron and having quadrillians.

If that were true, wouldn't that mean that electrons are unable to interract with each other in any way?
  • #4
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I read that at the University at Boulder
[I think] an atom was made to exist in two
places at once. Somehow they we able to
actually measure the wave function without
collapsing it…I think…
What ?! Link, please !
(btw, isn't this a theo. physics subject ?)
  • #5
Originally posted by C0mmie
If that were true, wouldn't that mean that electrons are unable to interract with each other in any way?

Naah... faster than light is just another euphamism for supernatural. If the supernatural were constrained by natural law it wouldn't be super now would it?

FAQ: Is infinite divisibility possible through quantum mechanics?

1. What is infinite divisibility?

Infinite divisibility is the concept that a quantity or object can be divided into smaller and smaller parts without ever reaching a point where it cannot be divided any further. This means that the process of dividing can continue infinitely.

2. How is infinite divisibility proven?

Infinite divisibility cannot be proven in a mathematical sense, as it is a theoretical concept. However, it is supported by the fact that many physical quantities, such as length and time, can be divided infinitely without ever reaching a smallest unit.

3. Why is infinite divisibility important in science?

Infinite divisibility is important in science because it allows us to break down complex systems and phenomena into smaller, more manageable parts. This allows for better understanding and analysis of these systems, and can lead to new discoveries and advancements.

4. Is infinite divisibility limited to physical quantities?

No, infinite divisibility can also be applied to abstract concepts and mathematical objects. For example, the concept of infinity is infinitely divisible, as there is no largest number or endpoint.

5. Are there any limitations to infinite divisibility?

While infinite divisibility is a useful concept, it is important to note that it is only a theoretical concept and cannot be proven or observed in the physical world. Additionally, some theories, such as string theory, suggest that there may be a smallest possible unit of length, which would contradict the idea of infinite divisibility.

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