Is it fair to state mass distorts space-time

In summary, "mass distorts space-time" is one way to express the concept of General Relativity, where stress-energy (not just mass) curves spacetime, leading to gravity. However, this is a more precise description than saying "distorts" as it is not just mass, but all forms of energy and stresses that contribute to spacetime curvature. The relationship between space and time is difficult to understand and there is still much to be learned about the laws of nature. It is important to avoid misinformation and continue to learn from reliable sources.
  • #1
Is it fair to state "mass distorts space-time"

I thought it was. Here's the response I'm getting,

I think time is a constant and space is undistortable (gravity's influence on mass can be mistaken. You're talking about gravity fields and their impact on the space/time continuum but nothing distorts space or time.
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  • #2
MinnesotaState said:
Here's the response I'm getting

Where are you getting this response? I see you're new to PF, and there's no response like that in the only other thread you've started.

As far as your question goes, "mass distorts spacetime" is one way of expressing what General Relativity says, yes. A better way of saying it is that "stress-energy curves spacetime", since not just mass in the usual sense, but all forms of energy, plus stresses such as pressure, contribute to spacetime curvature; and curvature is a more precise way of describing what happens than "distortion", which is vague.
  • #3
Here's the full response,"Mass distorts space/time? Really? I think time is a constant and space is undistortable (gravity's influence on mass can be mistaken. You're talking about gravity fields and their impact on the space/time continuum but nothing distorts space or time. Its really rough to use something as an example of how smart you are...and find out you didn't get it right after all. Understanding the relationship of space and time is one of the hardest things for the finite brain to understand. Its the light that bends, more specifically, the portions of the light that exists in physical form and those are affected by gravity, but not space and not time. Space and time are the metering sticks, gravity is the metered anomaly.

"Space/time" is not one thing. Its two things that are measured in relation to other factors. Space, itself, can have paradoxical measuring properties that can be misunderstood as "distortion". What counts here is that it is impossible to answer your question as long as it rides on the presupposition that I have to misunderstand the question just so you can try to answer it. First of all, since gravity absolutly can't prove laws that we know as true (that light's protonic activities are what allows a gravity field to be applicable for light. Its not there. You have to get into quantum-physcial abstractions before you can accurately both factors. Your question is only applicable if you can measure and predict the effects of "space AND time". It can't be done, time doesn't distort. Time is used to measure the impact in relation to space. Space is the measurable factor as figured by gravity but time is unnmoveable. A constant. "Space/time" should be covered because it just doesn't seem like you actually know what it means, more, you like sounding like you know."

The response was from another forum. Basically states that "science" has the answer to everything. This is what bothers me about that,

Experiment tells us what the laws are

but experiments don't exactly tell us why the laws are set that way.
For example, why is C the constant of the universe or why does mass distort space-time in the first place? Ever watch that video on Feynman explaining magnets? He never explained it. Reason? Because no one can. That's just the way nature is. Magnets work because they just do. It's just extremely difficult to ask why when dealing with something so fundamental, like the laws of nature. I posted that other thread because I wanted to know theoretically, if it was possible to answer those questions. I think it'd be fantastic. Then science would be this "circular dynamic" I thought it was. I'm getting off topic here. I know there was another individual talking about gravity in the thread, but I'm pretty sure he directed that towards me. I'm an EE student. I have a few years, but advanced physics is coming. The least I can do is get a grasp so it's not so over whelming. Learning "bad science" wouldn't do me any good.

Just want to make sure I had the idea correct,

"mass distorts space-time"

  • #4
MinnesotaState said:
The response was from another forum.

Well, now you know to stay away from that forum :smile:
Seriously, the standard of moderation at PF is higher than in than in many forums, and it shows in the high signal-to-noise ratio and generally high-quality responses.
  • #5
hehe. signal-to-noise ratio. That's a good way to put it. Yes, that person's post looks very much on the noisy side.
  • #6
MinnesotaState said:
"Space/time" is not one thing. Its two things ...

That right there should tell you to ignore this person. It is quite the opposite. Space and time are not individual things, they are aspects of the single thing "space-time". CLASSIC physics treated them as two things, which turns out to be OK only on small scales and low speeds and away from massive gravitational forces.
  • #7
Let's leave arguments conducted on those other forums on those other forums. Experience (and basic politeness) tells us communication is more effective directly rather than through a third party.
  • #8
Vanadium 50 said:
Let's leave arguments conducted on those other forums on those other forums. Experience (and basic politeness) tells us communication is more effective directly rather than through a third party.

Fair enough
  • #9
Vanadium 50 said:
Let's leave arguments conducted on those other forums on those other forums. Experience (and basic politeness) tells us communication is more effective directly rather than through a third party.

I understand. I'm not hear to "collect" information. It took me a long time to wrap my mind around relativity. If there was something I missed within that individual's post, then I'd like to know.

I guess that's not the case.


Related to Is it fair to state mass distorts space-time

1. Is it true that mass distorts space-time?

Yes, according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, mass does distort space-time. This distortion is known as gravity.

2. How does mass distort space-time?

Mass causes a curvature in the fabric of space-time, similar to how a heavy object placed on a trampoline would create a dip in the surface. This curvature is what we experience as gravity.

3. Does the amount of mass affect the distortion of space-time?

Yes, the more massive an object is, the greater its distortion of space-time. This is why larger objects, like planets and stars, have a stronger gravitational pull than smaller objects.

4. Is it fair to say that mass is the only factor that distorts space-time?

No, other factors such as energy and momentum also contribute to the distortion of space-time. However, mass is the most significant factor and has the greatest impact on the curvature of space-time.

5. How does the distortion of space-time affect our daily lives?

The distortion of space-time is what allows objects to have a gravitational pull and keeps us grounded on Earth. It also affects the motion of objects in space, such as the orbits of planets around the sun.

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