Is it Impossible for Entanglement > FTL Communication?

In summary: I forgot what, is simply wrong. Sorry, I forgot the name and the details of the theorem, but it is quite well known and the above is a quite well known counterexample.
  • #1
Lots of people have wondered about whether we can get FTL communication from entanglement.

My question is slightly different.

Is it impossible to get FTL communication out of entanglement? If it has been shown to be impossible, then we can shut off the entanglement-FTL avenue altogether and focus on other areas of research.
Physics news on
  • #2
tade said:
Is it impossible to get FTL communication out of entanglement?.
Unless you can show what is wrong with general relativity, it's not possible,
  • #3
tade said:
Lots of people have wondered about whether we can get FTL communication from entanglement.

My question is slightly different.

Is it impossible to get FTL communication out of entanglement?
What's the difference between FTL communication from entanglement and FTL communication out of entanglement?
  • #4
Demystifier said:
What's the difference between FTL communication from entanglement and FTL communication out of entanglement?
Using entanglement to communicate FTL
  • #5
tade said:
Using entanglement to communicate FTL
And which of the two expressions is supposed to mean that?

BTW, I like your avatar picture. Can I buy a t-shirt with that? :smile:
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  • #6
Let's say you have particle-antiparticle creation of a electron-positron. If one is spin up, the other has to be spin down. You could say that since if one is spin up, then the other must be spin down, therefore, one instantly affects the other. However, this does not allow faster than light communication since you have no control over whether the first particle is spin up or spin down. Therefore, even if you have "spooky action at a distance" you still do not have have faster than light communication.

The fact is that faster than light communication can be easily disproved as physically impossible, because if it were possible, you could have time travel, and the grandfather paradox. You can read more about it here.

The original poster wrote "If it has been shown to be impossible, then we can shut off the entanglement-FTL avenue altogether and focus on other areas of research."

There is no such thing as an "entanglement-FTL avenue". It is not an "area of research". We are not "focusing" on FTL at the expense of "other areas of research". The way the original poster phrased it, it's as if they imagine that physics departments at universities devote resources to a FTL research program. Of course, in reality, the fact that faster than light communication is impossible can be easily proved in five minutes by any physics undergraduate with a pencil and single sheet of paper. No actual physicist would waste one second considering such a thing. I strongly suspect that the original poster read some crackpot claptrap on the Internet pushing various crank "alternative" theories, all sorts of silly nonsense, while cultivating the false impression that it's all quite reasonable.
  • #7
The easiest way I've found to think about entanglement is to remove the idea of particles or QM or anything and think about it purely in terms of math. If you have two particles entangled, then they are described by any equation: f(x). Now if you pull out one of the particles into it's own equation: g(x), then the other particle can have no value other than f-g(x). There is no delay, the instant you define one particle, you define the other.
  • #8
David Neves said:
The fact is that faster than light communication can be easily disproved as physically impossible, because if it were possible, you could have time travel, and the grandfather paradox
Have you never read any sci-fi? The "grandfather paradox" is problematic, but not necessarily a game-ender. Not by a long shot.

Besides, we can't prove that there is no preferred set of coordinate frames (spacetime foliation). The fact that the laws we know of have Lorentz symmetry is very important and has lead to most of the Standard Model, but there can still be a more fundamental theory that does not have this symmetry, as long as it explains where the symmetry comes from on the scales of QFT and above. I believe several of the models in LQG are like this. In that case, it could be that FTL communication would work only in a preferred frame and so would not allow back-in-time communication.
David Neves said:
There is no such thing as an "entanglement-FTL avenue". It is not an "area of research". We are not "focusing" on FTL at the expense of "other areas of research".
Well, I think there are a few legitimate researchers who do spend time on such things. Google "ER=EPR". Definitely not "mainstream" though.

The bottom line is that "no FTL causality", a.k.a. the "clustering principle", is one of the Wightman Axioms underlying QFT. Assuming QFT is a consistent theory- which hasn't been proven- we can be sure that no correct calculation using "our" quantum theory will ever predict FTL communication. But if and when we move on to Quantum Gravity- the bets are off.
  • #9
maline said:
But if and when we move on to Quantum Gravity- the bets are off.
Okay, that was an exaggeration. Given that all known phenomena- except gravity- seem to fit perfectly with QFT, and that we haven't yet come up with any way at all to do an experiment that would involve Quantum Gravity effects, it's a pretty good bet that whatever theory we finally come up with will be make predictions so similar to what we already know, that the theory will be irrelevant for all or nearly all practical purposes (Sorry, Interstellar...).
But of course, you never know...
  • #10
You cannot use entanglement to make FTL communication, and this is quite easy to prove. The point is that you can explain the QT correlations in two ways, first by some hidden causal influence ##A \to B##, and, second, by some hidden causal influence ##B \to A## (this is, essentially, the consequence that Bell's theorem excludes a common cause explanation ## C\to A, C\to B##. Above explanations can be given in quite explicit formulas, say, using dBB theory.

But for an effect which could be used to communicate ## A \to B##, an explanation by some hidden ##B\to A## signal would be impossible. So, the theorem which proves that there has to be some FTL effect to explain the correlation, also shows that this effect cannot be used for communication.
  • #11
David Neves said:
The fact is that faster than light communication can be easily disproved as physically impossible, because if it were possible, you could have time travel, and the grandfather paradox. You can read more about it here.

What about CTCs in Kerr metric then?

FAQ: Is it Impossible for Entanglement > FTL Communication?

1. What is entanglement?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, even if they are separated by large distances.

2. Can entanglement be used for faster-than-light (FTL) communication?

No, entanglement cannot be used for FTL communication. While the state of one particle may instantly affect the state of the other, information cannot be transmitted through this connection faster than the speed of light.

3. Why is it impossible for entanglement to be used for FTL communication?

This is because of the principle of causality, which states that an effect cannot occur before its cause. In order for entanglement to be used for communication, one particle would have to be manipulated to send a specific message, which would require information to be transmitted from one particle to the other. However, this transmission of information would still be limited by the speed of light.

4. Are there any potential loopholes or workarounds that would allow for FTL communication using entanglement?

At this time, there are no known loopholes or workarounds that would allow for FTL communication using entanglement. Many experiments have been conducted to try and find ways to use entanglement for FTL communication, but all have failed to provide evidence of such capabilities.

5. Could advancements in technology or further research change our understanding of entanglement and FTL communication?

While it is always possible for advancements in technology and further research to change our understanding of any scientific phenomenon, the current understanding of entanglement and its limitations on FTL communication is well-supported by experimental evidence and theoretical principles. It is unlikely that this understanding will change drastically in the near future.
