Is it just me or are all the 'lazy genius' claims irritating?

  • Thread starter MissSilvy
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In summary, there is a widespread phenomenon of students in academic programs boasting about their laziness and lack of effort, while still expecting to excel and be respected by their peers. This behavior is fueled by a societal emphasis on being above average and a desire for peer status, and is often observed in highly competitive and rigorous programs. However, it is ultimately a self-defeating and alienating behavior, regardless of the individual's level of talent.
  • #36
turbo-1 said:
That's better than giving inaccurate information. "I don't know, but I'll find out." would be a better reply.

It's more of a 'you' find it out situation.
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  • #38
~christina~ said:
It's more of a 'you' find it out situation.

I actually think this is a very appropriate answer.

A lot of people have this problem, that they like to just look for someone with credibility to ask a question and take at face value. I've always been more satisfied looking things up for myself. And most importantly, a teacher doesn't necessarily have the time to go into as much depth as you want even if have an answer. If you want something done right, do it yourself.

The thing about lazy geniuses, under certain definitions, who become bored with the slow pace learning and don't feel challenged, is that nobody is stopping them from learning faster and in more depth about the subject on their own.

Sure the teacher has to go at a pace that most of the students can keep up with, so what, what's stopping you from challenging yourself?

It is a childhood habit, probably left over from having to ask your parents everything, and you'll learn that like your parents, teachers don't know everything. At some point, you have to grow up.
  • #39
jreelawg said:
The thing about lazy geniuses, under certain definitions, who become bored with the slow pace learning and don't feel challenged, is that nobody is stopping them from learning faster and in more depth about the subject on their own.

Sure the teacher has to go at a pace that most of the students can keep up with, so what, what's stopping you from challenging yourself?

Except that, at least in K-12 systems, you have to be in class from 8am-4pm, which is a tremendous waste of time and can be tiring.
  • #40
I can sniff these people out with ease - I think it's a skill I have.

I'm generally a pretty reserved guy, if I get a 100 on an exam I don't run around tell people or talk loudly about how easy the exam/class is.

What I like to do is when I get a difficult problem that I can eventually figure out - I go up to one of these arrogant people and ask them if they got the problem. Usually they don't, and since I came up to them they are comfortable admitting it because they assume I didn't either. I then go to explain the problem step by step and watch a blank stare come on their face. Basically I just enjoy embarrassing these people and putting them in their place. Not that I'm some kind of genius or even all that smart, but you get a lot farther by shutting up and putting pencil to the paper than being a loudmouth.
  • #41
I've realized that many people will resent you for outperforming them.

I'm not a genius, but I have observed this social phenomena. And when someone is the smartest, or best at something, they have the whole curve to the left who might gang up on them.

If you want to be liked, and your a genius, it's sometimes best to act dumb, or throw a few games here and there.
  • #42
since going back to school and having to pick up some pre-reqs, I'm finding that several of the courses are about as difficult as high school. to get an A on the exam, you simply show up, pay attention (no facebook or games on the laptop), study over the exam review lecture material, then play multiple guess on the scantrons. some courses can be aced this way by simply using the convenient pdf or ppt lecture slides and never even bothering to open a book.
  • #43
Many 'lazy genius' claims are to save their self esteem, it might seem pathetic but in the end it isn't any worse than a lot of other ******** people spouts to keep their ego up. Just listen to a bunch of girls if one of them just broke up or relationship talk in general, or to a bunch of guys just after they did/failed any 'deed' at all.

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