Is it madness if someone thinks that telepathy is possible?

  • Thread starter fxdung
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In summary, some books by Michio Kaku and Feynman suggest that with advanced technology, it may be possible to create a machine that can read people's thoughts. However, this is different from the concept of telepathy, which involves a person being able to read someone's thoughts from a distance. It is not impossible, but it is doubtful that such a machine could be created, and it is not a definitive sign of mental illness. Paranoia and delusional disorders involve intense and irrational mistrust and suspicion, as well as other symptoms such as difficulty with forgiveness and a defensive attitude.
  • #1
It is seem to me some books of Michio Kaku and Feynman say that when technology develope enough,one can make a machine to read the thinking of people.Why if someone thinks that:scientist possibly can read his thinking,then he is said to be mental disorder?
Is it madness if someone say that telepathy is possible?
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Physics news on
  • #2
fxdung said:
It is seem to me some books of Michio Kaku and Feynman say that when technology develope enough,one can make a machine to read the thinking of people.Why if someone thinks that:scientist possibly can read his thinking,then he is said to be mental disorder?
Is it madness if someone say that telepathy is possible?
It's not clear what you mean.

What they are talking about, I think, is having a machine, very likely with multiple sensors directly on the head, being able to somewhat interpret the electronic signals in the brain. That certainly could be possible some day. Probably.

"Reading minda" / "telepathy" is something else entirely, at least as the concept is used in English. It means a PERSON, not a machine, being able to read someone's thoughts, usually from a distance. I don't think anyone can say that it is impossible, but personally, I think it is and always will be. The electrical signals in the brain are VERY weak and we have not evolved with receptors for interpreting such things anyway.
  • #3
I mean a machine at distance, emits(eg laser ray) onto the head and absorbs signal from the head.Through it they can read the thinking.Is it possible?
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  • #4
fxdung said:
I mean a machine at distance, emits(eg laser ray) onto the head and absorbs signal from the head.Through it they can read the thinking.Is it possible?
Well, it's certainly not impossible but I find it very doubtful. Anyway, I'm sure it isn't going to happen in my lifetime so I don't really care.
  • #6
It requires a lot more than that to diagnose someone as mentally ill. That symptom is a tiny part of paranoia.From Mental Health America :

What are the Signs of Paranoia?

Symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders include intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of fear, anger, and betrayal. Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of paranoia include mistrust, hypervigilence, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative.

FAQ: Is it madness if someone thinks that telepathy is possible?

1. Is there any scientific evidence to support the belief in telepathy?

As a scientist, I can say that there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of telepathy. While some people may claim to have experienced telepathic communication, these experiences have not been able to be replicated in controlled experiments.

2. Can telepathy be explained by any known scientific principles?

At this time, there is no known scientific principle that can explain telepathy. The concept of telepathy goes against our current understanding of how the brain and communication work. Until there is solid evidence and a scientific explanation, telepathy remains a pseudoscientific concept.

3. Are there any studies or research being done on telepathy?

While there have been some studies and experiments conducted on telepathy, the results have been inconclusive and not widely accepted by the scientific community. As of now, there is no ongoing research specifically focused on telepathy.

4. Can telepathy be learned or developed?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that telepathy can be learned or developed. While some people may claim to have developed their telepathic abilities, these claims have not been scientifically verified. It is important to approach these claims with skepticism and rely on scientific evidence.

5. Is it possible for telepathy to be proven in the future?

As a scientist, I cannot rule out the possibility that telepathy may be proven in the future. However, at this time, there is no scientific evidence to support its existence. For telepathy to be accepted as a legitimate phenomenon, it would require rigorous scientific testing and evidence that can be replicated by other researchers.

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