Is it necessary to bring a date to a wedding?

  • Thread starter Topher925
  • Start date
In summary: As a single male you have bridesmaids, hopefuls, sisters, cousins, etc that are all ready to glom onto you if you appear to be a "catch".
  • #1
Bringing a date to a wedding?

Is there anything wrong with not bringing a date to wedding? I don't think there is but a lot of people seem to make a big deal about it like its some pathetic act. I recently attended a wedding, did not bring a date, and some people looked upon me with shock and pity. Yes, I'm single, and am getting a PhD, and don't really have time to date. What is the big deal?

I've got at least two more weddings I have to go to before September, which unfortunately are for family members, and everyone on both sides of my family are already relentlessly asking me if I have a date lined up for them. What the hell? What if I don't want to bring a date? What if I'm going to be bored out of my mind and want to pass the time by hitting on brides maids. What is wrong with that? Maybe I should just fake being ill, skip them, and go to a bar instead.
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  • #2

Never bring a date to a wedding if you are a young single man! It's like taking a ham sandwich to an all-you-can-eat buffet! Dance with the bridesmaids and chat them up. Take names and numbers. Just sayin'
  • #3

Topher925 said:
Is there anything wrong with not bringing a date to wedding? I don't think there is but a lot of people seem to make a big deal about it like its some pathetic act. I recently attended a wedding, did not bring a date, and some people looked upon me with shock and pity. Yes, I'm single, and am getting a PhD, and don't really have time to date. What is the big deal?

I've got at least two more weddings I have to go to before September, which unfortunately are for family members, and everyone on both sides of my family are already relentlessly asking me if I have a date lined up for them. What the hell? What if I don't want to bring a date? What if I'm going to be bored out of my mind and want to pass the time by hitting on brides maids. What is wrong with that? Maybe I should just fake being ill, skip them, and go to a bar instead.

They're all just jealous :devil:. No, there's nothing wrong with going to a wedding without a date.
  • #4

turbo-1 said:
Never bring a date to a wedding if you are a young single man! It's like taking a ham sandwich to an all-you-can-eat buffet! Dance with the bridesmaids and chat them up. Take names and numbers. Just sayin'

Exactly! And as was said on the TV Show "How I Met Your Mother", bringing a date to a wedding is like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. :biggrin:
  • #5

Math Is Hard said:
Exactly! And as was said on the TV Show "How I Met Your Mother", bringing a date to a wedding is like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. :biggrin:
My heroine!
  • #6

turbo-1 said:
Never bring a date to a wedding if you are a young single man!

My thoughts precisely! An event where there's girls feeling depressed/frustrated/anxious about getting married is a perfect place to get phone numbers. Bringing a date there would be like committing suicide. Unfortunately these weddings are all for family members and not friends of mine so I can't be going around playing wedding crasher and need to be on good behavior. Or, I can just wait until everyone is drunk and won't remember me doing things like hitting on their sister/cousin/friend/daughter.
  • #7

What are they expecting to happen when the garter and bridal bouquet are thrown? This is the strangest attitude I've heard in a wedding.
  • #8

Stag or drag, eh? Definitely Stag.
  • #9

Evo said:
Stag or drag, eh? Definitely Stag.
As a single male you have bridesmaids, hopefuls, sisters, cousins, etc that are all ready to glom onto you if you appear to be a "catch". Go stag!
  • #10

any girl that you bring to a wedding - unless it is absolutely understood by both parties - will think you are interested in her romantically. better to go stag and snag a bridesmaid... it is like taking candy from a baby:)
  • #11

Groom should never bring a date to his wedding.

Oops, sorry. I may have misread the situation.
  • #12

Borek said:
Groom should never bring a date to his wedding.

Oops, sorry. I may have misread the situation.

Yeah, I imagine marrying someone else in the middle of your date would land you a spot on the World's Worst Date list. :smile:

Definitely go stag!

FAQ: Is it necessary to bring a date to a wedding?

What should I wear to a wedding?

It is important to dress appropriately for a wedding. Typically, for men, a suit or dress pants and a button-up shirt with a tie is appropriate. For women, a dress or skirt and blouse are appropriate choices. Avoid wearing anything too casual or revealing.

Should I bring a gift to the wedding?

Bringing a gift to a wedding is customary, but not required. If you are unsure, it is always a nice gesture to bring a small gift or card to congratulate the couple on their special day.

Is it okay to bring a plus-one to a wedding?

It is important to respect the wishes of the couple and follow the invitation instructions. If the invitation does not include a plus-one, it is not appropriate to bring one. However, if the invitation does allow for a plus-one, it is acceptable to bring a date as long as they are respectful and follow the dress code.

Should I let the couple know if I am bringing a date?

It is always considerate to let the couple know if you are bringing a date to their wedding. This allows them to properly plan for seating, meals, and other arrangements. If there is an RSVP option, make sure to indicate the number of guests attending.

What should I do if my date and I are not close with the couple?

If you and your date are not close with the couple, it is still important to be respectful and follow wedding etiquette. Make sure to dress appropriately, bring a gift, and be polite to the couple and their guests. It is also a good idea to get to know some of the other guests and participate in the celebration.
