Is It Plausible Gulf War Syndrome (1991) Caused BY Israeli Nukes?

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  • Thread starter Atrayo
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In summary, the IAEA was trying to get Israel to admit that they have nuclear weapons, and a technician that was imprisoned released a few months ago revealed that Israel was developing nuclear weapons back in the 1990s. However, there is no evidence that nuclear weapons were used during the first Gulf War in 1991.
  • #1
Hello All,

Earlier this month the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) a UN program sent a delegation to Israel. IAEA Article

In part i heard via CNN, that the IAEA was trying to get Israel to admit having nuclear weapons. Also a couple of months ago Israel released an imprisoned "whistle blower" that was a technician at a Israeli nuclear facility. Whom served close to 20 yrs in prison, for alerting the world back then that Israel was developing nuclear weapons. This individual although released from prison isn't allowed to leave the country.

Now let's go back to 1991 during the Gulf War crisis with the first senior President Bush. Saddem Hussein was firing SCUD missile batteries at Israel to force their hand to retaliate. The US force provided Israel with Patriot Missile Batteries to shoot down any incoming SCUD missiles from Iraq's mobile launchers.

Now let's jump to around 1993-1995 where "Gulf War Syndrome" begins to get news coverage from Gulf War veterans. Both those who served in the US and NATO forces have this unknown illness. Much press has gone into that it was the "depleted uranium" ammunition used that became an aerosol when military equipment was destroyed.

The US response to it's veterans has mostly been it's all in your head, and it's nonsense. Much was said post-Vietnam War with agent Orange chemical sprays. That the US government denied until extensive documentation appeared with a vehenement advocacy for the veterans against the US gov.

My question is this, is it plausible that Israel fired mini-nukes at Iraq during the first Gulf War in 1991. (about a 400 mile distance between each other or so) Where the US & NATO chose not to disclose such an event. In fear of igniting a powder keg in the Middle East, much less against Israel.

I did read about accounts that small mushroom clouds appeared in Iraq during the first Gulf War. (1991) Although it was assumed that those were weapon or ammunition dumps exploding from aerial bombardment from that former NATO coalition.

That would really be horrific if it was remotely true.
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Physics news on
  • #2
They have these devices called radiation detectors...
  • #3
They have these devices called radiation detectors... ---JohnDubYa

Yes they do, but i wonder if any of those sites were inspected for radiation fallout. Although the UN would've stated as such, when they were their looking and destroying for Iraqi WMD's. (unless some where down the line that info was smothered.)
  • #4
If nukes had been used there would be some sort of radiation poisoning to the locals. There isn't any, so no nukes where used. Plus there are satellites that can detect radioactive materials (unless shielded) from space. If there was a nuclear explosion we would know. Also seismic detectors can pit up such a powerful blast. How do you think we first found out Russia had developed nukes?
  • #5
Can we deep-six this idea?

Related to Is It Plausible Gulf War Syndrome (1991) Caused BY Israeli Nukes?

1. What is Gulf War Syndrome?

Gulf War Syndrome is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms experienced by some veterans of the 1991 Gulf War. These symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, headaches, memory loss, and respiratory issues.

2. Is there a link between Gulf War Syndrome and Israeli nukes?

There is currently no scientific evidence to support a link between Gulf War Syndrome and Israeli nukes. The cause of Gulf War Syndrome is still unknown and there are various theories, but none have been definitively proven.

3. How did the theory of Israeli nukes causing Gulf War Syndrome come about?

The theory emerged due to reports of a possible nuclear explosion in Iraq during the Gulf War. Some believed that this explosion was caused by an Israeli nuclear weapon, which could have released harmful radiation and chemicals, leading to the development of Gulf War Syndrome in veterans.

4. Has this theory been scientifically investigated?

Yes, this theory has been investigated by multiple scientific studies. However, none have found any conclusive evidence to support the claim that Israeli nukes caused Gulf War Syndrome. The majority of evidence points towards other environmental and chemical factors as the possible cause.

5. What is the current understanding of the cause of Gulf War Syndrome?

The cause of Gulf War Syndrome is still unknown. Some possible factors that have been suggested include exposure to chemical weapons, vaccinations, and other environmental hazards. However, more research is needed to determine the exact cause and potential treatments for this condition.

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