Is it possable for Cramer's rule to fail?

In summary, Cramer's rule may fail in a linear system of equations if the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero on the top or bottom. However, this does not necessarily mean that there are no solutions, as it can also occur in systems with multiple solutions. Therefore, it is important to use more reliable methods when dealing with systems that may not have a unique solution. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the hypotheses and not assume that a theorem has failed in certain situations.
  • #1
In a linear system of equations where there is a solution, is it possible for Cramer's rule to fail? By fail, as in end up with a zero determinate on either the top or the bottom or both.
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  • #2
Well let's look at would would lead to a zero determinate on either the top or the bottom.

Consider the equations : [tex] A \vec{x} = \vec{b} [/tex]. where A is a matrix and both x and b column vectors.

Referring to Cramers Rule, the determinate on the bottom is just the determinate of A. So if the equations do indeed have a unique solution then this cannot be zero.

As for the top however, yes it is definitely possible for this to be zero. All that this requires is that b be a linear combination of the remaining columns. But does this mean that Cramers rule has failed? Not at all. There is no problems in a fraction having a numerator of zero, it just means that the answer is zero (for the particular element of vector x under consideration).
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  • #3
There is a little more to the possibilities of zeros in the numerator, denominator, or both. The easiest way to demonstrate this is with a [tex] 2 \times 2 [/tex] system, but the ideas are the same for larger systems.


2x + 3y & = 10 \\
10x + 15y & = 50

Clearly this has infinitely many solutions. When you try to solve this with Cramer's rule every determinant is zero, even though the system has (infinitely many) solutions.

Now consider this slightly different system.

2x + 3y & = 10 \\
10x + 15y & = 51

this system does not have any solutions, but the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero once again, but neither of the determinants you would use in the numerator is zero
  • #4
Statdad, when the OP stated "In a linear system of equations where there is a solution" I took that to mean that there is a unique solution to the equations. In this case then all that I said above is true. Clearly Cramers rule will fail if there is not a unique solution.
  • #5
uart said:
Statdad, when the OP stated "In a linear system of equations where there is a solution" I took that to mean that there is a unique solution to the equations. In this case then all that I said above is true. Clearly Cramers rule will fail if there is not a unique solution.

You are correct - I missed his qualifying statement.
  • #6
Faken to sumarize the important points of the above.

If the equations have just one solution then Cramers rule will not fail.

As statdad's examples correctly point out however, if Cramers rule does fail then you cannot assume that there are no solutions, as this will also happen in the case where there are multiple solutions.

The bottom line is that there much are better methods than Cramers rule, especially when dealing with sets of equations that don't necessarily have a unique solution.
  • #7
"The bottom line is that there much are better methods than Cramers rule, especially when dealing with sets of equations that don't necessarily have a unique solution."

True - Cramer's rule is of interest primarily for historical and theoretical purposes.
I would say (regarding the items I posted) that I don't tell students that Cramer's rule has failed in situations like those: I refer to those results as flags about whether the system has infinitely many or zero solutions. Minor language, but it fits with the identification of infinitely many vs zero solutions from
* elimination
* substitution
* guass/jordan
  • #8
Saying that Cramer's rule fails is like saying that the MVT fails because for f(x)=|x|, there's no point in (-1,1) with f'(0)=0. A theorem never fails, but people may fail if they don't pay attention to the hypotheses.
  • #9
Wow, thank you everyone!

You gave me a very nice solid answer.

Your right, I apparently wasn't thinking when i said that the numerator could no be zero, it obviously can.

Related to Is it possable for Cramer's rule to fail?

1. Why might Cramer's rule fail?

Cramer's rule may fail if the matrix is singular or if the coefficients of the equations are not independent. This means that there may be no unique solution or an infinite number of solutions.

2. Can Cramer's rule fail for any type of matrix?

Yes, Cramer's rule can fail for any type of matrix. It is not limited to any specific type of matrix.

3. How can I tell if Cramer's rule will fail?

You can tell if Cramer's rule will fail by checking if the determinant of the matrix is equal to 0. If it is, then Cramer's rule will fail as there will be no unique solution.

4. Can Cramer's rule fail even if the matrix is square?

Yes, Cramer's rule can fail even if the matrix is square. This can happen if the determinant of the matrix is equal to 0.

5. Are there any alternative methods to Cramer's rule that do not fail?

There are alternative methods to Cramer's rule, such as Gaussian elimination, that do not have the same limitations and potential for failure. However, the choice of method may depend on the specific problem at hand and the size and type of matrix being used.

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