Is it possible a virtual photon is massive particle?

In summary: I'm not sure what you are asking. The propagator contains a projector which eliminates one degree of freedom, but that degree of freedom is not the number of polarizations on the photon.
  • #1
Please teach me this problem:
The classical field of real photon obey Maxwell equations,so the speed of light is c=1,therefore real photon is massless particle.But I think virtual photon maybe not obey Maxwell equations because virtual particle is the fluctuation of vacuum.So maybe virtual photon is massive particle,so that the state of virtual photon has complete four polarizations.
Please give me a favour to teach me about that.
Thank you very much for advanced.
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  • #2
ndung200790 said:
Please teach me this problem:
The classical field of real photon obey Maxwell equations,so the speed of light is c=1,therefore real photon is massless particle.But I think virtual photon maybe not obey Maxwell equations because virtual particle is the fluctuation of vacuum.So maybe virtual photon is massive particle,so that the state of virtual photon has complete four polarizations.
Please give me a favour to teach me about that.
Thank you very much for advanced.

You are right, virtual photons can be massive.
Consider the simplest tree diagram for [tex]e^+e^- \rightarrow \mu^-\mu^+[/tex],
where the positron and electron combine to form a virtual photon and then this virtual photon becomes [tex]\mu^-, \mu^+[/tex].

Since we have energy-momentum conservation at each vertex, and momentum of external electron and positron are decided, this means the momentum of this virtual photon is fixed. That is, this virtual photon could be "off shell", i.e. it doesn't satisfy the equation of motion.

As for the polarisations, or degrees of freedom for a massive vector field is seemingly four. But if my memory serves, the degrees of freedom should be three. However, I couldn't come up with the reason why the number of DoF is reduced to 3.

Any comments?
  • #3
Thank Mr.Ismaili very much,
If virtual photon is 3-polarization,so it there must be virtual photon with spin Sz=0.Therefore
I don't understand why there isn't the process of innihilation of righthanded electron and positron or lefthanded electron and positron(They have oposite spins).
Please explain it for me.I am grateful for your kindness.
  • #4
As for the polarisations, or degrees of freedom for a massive vector field is seemingly four.
No, it's just 3. It's always 2j+1.
  • #5
The number of physical polarizations for massless photons is 2, for massive photons it's 3. It may seem strange that even for a virtual photon (for which m²=0 no longer holds) 2 remains valid; the argument goes as follows:

Constructing the Hamiltonian of QED one has two eliminate unphysical degrees of freedom. First one uses the gauge symmetry to set A°=0 which is an unphysical degree of freedom as its canonical conjugate momentum is zero: there is no time derivative of A° in the Lagrangian, therefore it acts as a Lagrange multiplier. The generated constraint in the A°=0 gauge is the Gauss law div E = 0 (in vacuum), which eliminates another polarization.

So in the physical Hilbert space one has two polarizations for the photon.

The elimination of one polarization via the A°=0 gauge does no longer work for massive photons b/c gauge invariance is explicitly broken by the mass term. But A° is still an unphysical Lagrange multiplier which generates a (modified) Gauss law, so one polarization can be eliminated.
  • #6
One must be careful. If the photon mass is contained in the Lagrangian it's 3; if one constructs "virtual" photons for a Lagrangian with massless photons it's 2
  • #7
tom.stoer said:
One must be careful. If the photon mass is contained in the Lagrangian it's 3; if one constructs "virtual" photons for a Lagrangian with massless photons it's 2

oh, that's the point that I posted a question lately, but I'm still not very sure about it. :shy:

Though we started from a Lagrangian with massless photon,
we could have some virtual photons in a Feynman diagram.
Such a virtual particle is not really a particle state but just some artificial particle,
it may enable the calculation and make the physical interpretation easy.

But, if we calculate the amplitude for a process with virtual photon,
we could see that the [tex]A_{0}[/tex] component actually contributes to the amplitude too,
as well as other components [tex]A_{i}[/tex].

So this means that not only two polarizations of these artificial virtual particles involved in the physical process?
  • #8
I have read Mandl&Shaw and I know that because gauge condition, the formalism traversed polarization and 4-polarisation are equivalent!
  • #9
Usually Feynman rules in QED are formulated in the covariant Lorentz gauge. So whether A° does contribute or not is not a gauge invariant statement.

I explained the reduction of degrees of freedom in the A°=0 gauge as A° is explicitly unphysical and should be removed in order to make things transparent. In other gauges the number of "effective" degrees of freedom is again 2, but this need not be visible directly.

As far as I remember the photons itself may carry more than 2 polarizations, but the propagator turns out to contain a projector which eliminates one degree of freedom.
  • #10
The scalar and longitudinal photons contribute to instantanious Coulomb potention.This one could be excluded(A0).
  • #11
It seem that there not exist massive photon despite it is virtual photon because in Lagrangian it doesn't distingush real and virtual photon.Seeming that field of virtual photon also obey Maxwell equations,so that they must be massless.
  • #12
It's a bit trickier than that. Quantizing a field and using perturbation theory based on Feynman diagrams (only then it makes sense to talk about virtual particles) one finds expressions containing internal photon lines which we used to call virtual photons

[tex]\int d^4k_1\ldots d^4k_i \prod_v\delta^{(4)}\left(\sum_mk^\mu_m\right)_v \ldots \frac{C}{k_i^2+i\epsilon}\ldots[/tex]

where I omitted all fermionic contributions.

i labels all internal phootn lines (the virtual photons);
v labels all vertices (at each vertec we have 4-momentum conservation which is formally written as a delta function where the sum over m runs over all lines (momenta) at the vertex.

In addition I omitted the regularization of this integral.

Now one sees that the integration variables (momenta) are not restricted to mass shell which would read

[tex]\int d^4k\,\delta(k^2)\ldots[/tex]

The latter expression is used in canonical quantization when expressing field operators in terms of creation and annihilation operators in covariant form via Fourier transformation.

So one sees that we somehow compare apples with oranges:

1) in canonical quantization one can show that the physical Hilbert space carries only two physical polarizations; unphysical polarizations can be elimininated via gauge fixing explicitly (this works even in QCD where Fadeev-Popov ghosts and/or BRST is more familiar but makes conting of degrees of freedom ore complicated); these "photons" are creation and annhililation operators and m²=0 always holds

2) in Feynman diagrams what we call "virtual photons" are internal lines for which the momentum integration is not restricted to m²=0

But the relation between the field operators and the propagators is rather indirect; so our discussion here is - to a large extend - about the confusion regarding different concepts and interpretation what "physical photons" and "virtual photons" "are". The math itself is free of these problems.
  • #13
It seem that the off-shell of virtual particles implying the uncertainty of energy-momentum in quantum mechanics.So it also express the failling of relativity theory in quantum fraimwork!
Please give me a favour to teach me again!
Thanks very much.
  • #14
ndung200790 said:
It seem that the off-shell of virtual particles implying the uncertainty of energy-momentum in quantum mechanics.So it also express the failling of relativity theory in quantum fraimwork!
That's misleading.

Quantization of gravity does not fail "obviously", it fails technically when you want to formulate quantum gravity in the perturbatively - but this is far from obvious; it may very well be that there is a non-perturbative definition of quantum gravity which is directly based on general relativity (the approach is called asymptotic safety); in addition it could be that supergravity makes sense even in the perturbative sense.

Related to Is it possible a virtual photon is massive particle?

1. Can a virtual photon have mass?

The concept of virtual particles, including virtual photons, is part of quantum field theory and is used to explain some phenomena in particle physics. Virtual particles are not actual physical particles, but rather mathematical constructs. Therefore, the question of whether a virtual photon can have mass is not relevant, as the concept of mass does not apply to virtual particles.

2. How do virtual photons differ from real photons?

Real photons are particles of light that have measurable properties, such as energy and momentum. They can be created and detected in experiments. On the other hand, virtual photons are not directly observable and do not have the same properties as real photons. They are only used in calculations to describe interactions between particles.

3. Can virtual photons interact with matter?

Virtual photons are considered to be the carriers of the electromagnetic force, which means they can interact with charged particles. However, as they are not actual particles, they do not interact with matter in the same way as real photons. Instead, they are involved in the exchange of energy and momentum between particles.

4. What is the role of virtual photons in the Standard Model of particle physics?

The Standard Model is a theory that describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It includes the concept of virtual particles, including virtual photons, to explain the interactions between particles. Virtual photons play a crucial role in the theory, as they are responsible for the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces in nature.

5. Is there any experimental evidence for the existence of virtual photons?

As virtual photons are not directly observable, there is no experimental evidence for their existence. However, their effects can be observed in experiments, such as the scattering of particles or the behavior of electromagnetic fields. The predictions made using virtual particles, including virtual photons, have been confirmed by numerous experiments, providing strong support for their existence.
