Is it possible for an electron to emit more than one photon during fluorescence?

In summary, fluorescence occurs when an atom or molecule absorbs a photon and then quickly returns to its ground state, emitting a new photon of longer wavelength. The quantum yield of this process is the ratio of emitted photons to absorbed photons, and can be less than 1 due to additional non-radiative decay pathways. It is not possible for the quantum yield to be greater than 1, as this would require two photons to be absorbed for the emission of one photon. This is seen in processes such as 2nd harmonic generation and two-photon microscopy. However, in some cases, such as parametric oscillation or 4-wave mixing, two photons can interact to produce one fluorescence photon.
  • #1
Fluorescence occurs when an atom or molecule absorbs a photon, promoting a ground state electron to an excited state, and the electron returns very quickly to the ground state, emitting a new photon. The new photon is usually of a longer wavelength because some of the energy is lost to vibrational decay.

The quantum yield of the fluorescence process is the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number absorbed. I have read several times now that the quantum yield can be less than 1, but not greater than 1.

I'm not really understanding this. First, I know that fractions of photons can't be emitted, so I'm assuming that to get a quantum yield of 0.5, for example, there must be multiple decay pathways back to the ground state. Say one is a decay that produces no photon, while another decay path is through photon emission, and they are equally likely. Is that right?

But then I run into another problem. Would it be impossible for an electron to decay by two successive radiation-producing drops in energy? That seems possible to me. The absorbed high-energy photon would then produce two lower energy photons. But that would give a quantum yield of two, which I've read is impossible.

In summary, I'm afraid that I have some fundamental misunderstanding of fluorescence that is confusing me. I haven't learned many details behind the process, so I'm not looking for a very technical explanation yet, although I do have an undergraduate background in quantum mechanics to work with. But it would be very much appreciated if someone could explain where my misunderstanding of the basics is leading me astray.

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  • #2
Opus_723 said:
<snip>The quantum yield of the fluorescence process is the ratio of the number of photons emitted to the number absorbed. I have read several times now that the quantum yield can be less than 1, but not greater than 1.

I'm not really understanding this. <snip>

Remember that there's not a 100% chance that the atom/molecule will absorb a particular photon- the probability of absorption can be phrased in different ways ('transition strength' is another), but in essence the less likely a photon is absorbed, the lower the quantum yield.
  • #3
That makes perfect sense. But in that case wouldn't the quantum yield be "emitted photons/incident photon" rather than "emitted photons/absorbed photon"?

I have always seen it defined the latter way.
  • #4
Ah- I was confusing quantum yield with quantum efficiency. For your application, remember that the absorption spectrum (and emission spectrum) are broad- illuminating a fluorophore 'off resonance' will yield less fluorescence, and fluorophores can decay non-radiatively. Non-radiative decay rates are strongly influenced by the solvent (chemical environment). There are many non-radiative decay processes, two examples are collisions and FRET.

Lakowicz's book 'Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy' is excellent.
  • #5
So it sounds like I was correct in my original post: quantum yields less than 1 occur because there are additional non-radiative decay pathways that occur with some probability. Thank you for confirming that.

In that case, I'd like to return to the second question from the original post. Why is it impossible to get a quantum yield greater than 1? After absorbing a high energy photon, why can't an electron emit two lower energy photons on its way back to the ground state?

I'll have to check out that book! Thanks for the reference.
  • #7
Opus_723 said:
<snip>In that case, I'd like to return to the second question from the original post. Why is it impossible to get a quantum yield greater than 1? After absorbing a high energy photon, why can't an electron emit two lower energy photons on its way back to the ground state?

I'll have to check out that book! Thanks for the reference.

The process you describe is exactly backwards- two photons can be absorbed, resulting in 1 fluorescence photon. This is the basis of 2nd harmonic generation and two-photon microscopy.

What you describe is somewhat similar to parametric oscillation or 4-wave mixing, with one 'channel being the vacuum. Weird things happen- don't have a good reference on hand right now.

Related to Is it possible for an electron to emit more than one photon during fluorescence?

What is fluorescence?

Fluorescence is the process in which a substance absorbs light and then emits light of a longer wavelength. This can be seen as a "glowing" effect in certain materials when they are exposed to certain types of light.

How does fluorescence work?

Fluorescence occurs when a molecule absorbs a photon of light, causing one of its electrons to become excited and jump to a higher energy level. This electron then quickly falls back to its original energy level, emitting a photon of light in the process.

What is the difference between fluorescence and phosphorescence?

Fluorescence and phosphorescence are both forms of luminescence, but they differ in the length of time that the emitted light lasts. Fluorescent materials emit light instantly, while phosphorescent materials continue to emit light for a longer period of time after the exciting light source is removed.

What are some common applications of fluorescence in science?

Fluorescence has many applications in science, including in the fields of biology, chemistry, and materials science. It is commonly used in fluorescent microscopy to visualize specific molecules or structures within cells, as well as in analytical chemistry to detect and measure the presence of certain substances.

What are some factors that can affect fluorescence?

The fluorescence of a substance can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the chemical structure of the molecule, the pH of the solution, and the intensity and wavelength of the exciting light source. Temperature, solvent effects, and the presence of other molecules can also impact fluorescence.

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