Is it Possible for Light to Go Around a Planet?

In summary, a Luneburg Lens is a type of radar reflector that gives the most uniform reflection pattern of all the reflector types.
  • #1
I found a very interesting exercise for high school students: The atmosphere of a planet changes in height so that if we point a laser in a tangential direction, the light goes around the planet. This can be easily solved (at high school level) by applying the Fermat principle, but is this possible in real life? Isn't it the base of geometric optics that light travels in a straight line? I've been thinking about that if it's possible then this could be a very interesting problem to deal with. :)
Science news on
  • #2
Robin04 said:
I found a very interesting exercise for high school students: The atmosphere of a planet changes in height so that if we point a laser in a tangential direction, the light goes around the planet. This can be easily solved (at high school level) by applying the Fermat principle, but is this possible in real life? Isn't it the base of geometric optics that light travels in a straight line? I've been thinking about that if it's possible then this could be a very interesting problem to deal with. :)
By using a sphere with graded refractive index, an incident ray can be made to emerge in the direction from which it came, forming a retro reflector. It is the principle of some radar reflectors used on vessels.
  • #3
Robin04 said:
I found a very interesting exercise for high school students: The atmosphere of a planet changes in height so that if we point a laser in a tangential direction, the light goes around the planet. This can be easily solved (at high school level) by applying the Fermat principle, but is this possible in real life? Isn't it the base of geometric optics that light travels in a straight line? I've been thinking about that if it's possible then this could be a very interesting problem to deal with. :)
Shortwave radio - is that what you are thinking of.
  • #4
256bits said:
Shortwave radio - is that what you are thinking of.
In the case of radio waves and the ionosphere, it is not the same. A wave arriving from outside will be reflected off and will not propagate around the planet.
I must mention that all waves longer than a certain limiting value are reflected by the ionosphere; the magic of short wave propagation is that the absorption is also small. This happens when we use waves that are just longer than the limiting value.
  • #5
  • #6
tech99 said:
In the case of radio waves and the ionosphere, it is not the same. A wave arriving from outside will be reflected off and will not propagate around the planet.
I must mention that all waves longer than a certain limiting value are reflected by the ionosphere; the magic of short wave propagation is that the absorption is also small. This happens when we use waves that are just longer than the limiting value.

The usual term "reflection off the ionosphere" has a good deal of refraction associated with it due to the gradient of electron density in the upper atmosphere. Back propogation of the signal would involve reflection.

Such qualities of the ionosphere is used by the SuperDARN radar network to probe the atmosphere at high altitudes at over the horizon distances farther than direct line of sight signals.
The radar depends upon the refractive and reflective properties of the upper atmosphere. You yourself can set up a station with a minimal outlay of funds.

LF waves, or waves of similar wavelength, can also hug the surface of the Earth due to the difference in refractive index for the Earth and the atmosphere and thus follow the curvature of the Earth for considerable distance.

As for a natural phenomina of an emf wave traveling in a curved path, there is direct evidence for support.
The Earth has its own natural graded refractive index.
  • #7
tech99 said:
By using a sphere with graded refractive index, an incident ray can be made to emerge in the direction from which it came, forming a retro reflector. It is the principle of some radar reflectors used on vessels.
I've never heard of such a device. The only radar er ... reflectors ... I'm aware of on ships are reflector types. Can you point me to a refractor?

[ EDIT ] Well, you learn something new every day.
  • #8
DaveC426913 said:
I've never heard of such a device. The only radar er ... reflectors ... I'm aware of on ships are reflector types. Can you point me to a refractor?

[ EDIT ] Well, you learn something new every day.
Such a device is called a Luneburg Lens, and one company offering these is as follows. They give the most uniform reflection pattern of all the radar reflector types.
  • #9
256bits said:
The usual term "reflection off the ionosphere" has a good deal of refraction associated with it due to the gradient of electron density in the upper atmosphere. Back propogation of the signal would involve reflection.

Such qualities of the ionosphere is used by the SuperDARN radar network to probe the atmosphere at high altitudes at over the horizon distances farther than direct line of sight signals.
The radar depends upon the refractive and reflective properties of the upper atmosphere. You yourself can set up a station with a minimal outlay of funds.

LF waves, or waves of similar wavelength, can also hug the surface of the Earth due to the difference in refractive index for the Earth and the atmosphere and thus follow the curvature of the Earth for considerable distance.

As for a natural phenomina of an emf wave traveling in a curved path, there is direct evidence for support.
The Earth has its own natural graded refractive index.
So far as I am aware, the predominant modes of propagation beyond the horizon for LF waves are the surface wave and the ionospheric path. At VLF the ground/ionosphere is often considered to be a waveguide. The surface wave is not traditionally considered to be dependent on the atmosphere in any way, although I would agree there is uncertainty about the exact mode involved.
  • #10
just like to remind all the responders, the OP is asking about light, NOT radio signals

how about getting back on track :wink:Dave

FAQ: Is it Possible for Light to Go Around a Planet?

1. Can light travel around a planet?

Yes, light can travel around a planet. In fact, light travels in a straight line unless it is affected by gravity or other forces. As long as there is no obstruction, light can travel around a planet in a curved path.

2. How does light go around a planet?

Light goes around a planet due to the curvature of spacetime caused by the planet's mass. This curvature bends the path of light, causing it to travel in a curved path around the planet.

3. Can light go around a planet multiple times?

Yes, depending on the size and mass of the planet, light can go around a planet multiple times in a curved path. This phenomenon is known as gravitational lensing and has been observed around massive objects such as black holes.

4. Does light always go around a planet in the same direction?

No, the direction of light around a planet can vary depending on the angle at which it approaches the planet and the gravitational forces acting on it. In some cases, light can even be bent back towards its original direction of travel.

5. Can we see light going around a planet?

It is not possible to see light going around a planet with the naked eye. However, with the use of advanced telescopes and instruments, scientists have been able to detect and observe the effects of gravitational lensing caused by light going around planets and other massive objects in space.
