Is it possible to calculate 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius?

In summary: So the overpressure decreases exponentially with distance from the center of the fireball.In summary, the blast radius is a function of the weapon yield, the distance from the center of the explosion, and the atmospheric pressure.
  • #1
Really, what I'm wondering is if the blast radius is a constant given an increase in output. I assume it is not. So I'm really at a loss as to how to calculate such a massive value.

The scenario is the explosion occurs at sea level on a flat desert plane.

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  • #2
What do you define as "blast radius"?
Radius of some specific overpressure?
Radius of some specific temperature?
Radius of some specific destruction?
In addition, all three will depend on the height of the explosion.
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  • #4
mfb said:
What do you define as "blast radius"?
Radius of some specific overpressure?
Radius of some specific temperature?
Radius of some specific destruction?
In addition, all three will depend on the height of the explosion.

I'm thinking of the radius within which there is "total destruction" of any objects that are not very heavily reinforced.
  • #5
Does not allow to detonate nukes above 2 MT, but I did some scaling guesswork:

"Certain Mass Fires" radius:
2 MT: 821 km^2
1 MT: 417 km^2
0,2 MT: 88 km^2
0,02 MT: 10 km^2
0,002 MT: 1,3 km^2

Looks like a factor of ~9 for the area for a factor of 10 in weapon yield. If that does not change, I would expect an area of 25*10^6 km^2 or a radius of 2800 km for an explosion of 10^5 MT. However, this would need a nearly flat explosion, which is a bit unrealistic for such a high yield. Multiple bombs at different places could give that effect, of course.Another tool, here for the shock wave:
5 psi overpressure: "Complete destruction of ordinary houses, and moderate to severe damage to reinforced concrete structures, will occur within this ring." (does not take heat into account)

100MT: 20.99 km radius
20MT: 12.28 km
2MT: 5.7 km (102km^2)
0,2MT: 2.64 km
0,02MT: 1.23 km
That corresponds to a factor of 2.15 in radius or 4.64 in area for a factor of 10 in yield. As ##10^{1/3}=2.154## and the shock wave is spherical, that looks reasonable.
Scaled to 10^5 MT:
100MT: 208 km radiusA third tool shows effects of the shock wave and heat at the same time, and indicates that indeed the burned area expands quicker with weapon yield than the shockwave. And it shows the difference between an explosion on ground and in the air.
  • #6
I expect that for bombs over a few tens of MT, the overpressure would grow less than in case of a smaller explosion - these have nearly spherical fireballs in nearly uniform air environment.

But when fireball expands past a few km and approaches atmospheric scale height, the upper part of the fireball will be ploughing up less dense air - it will travel faster and expand to lower pressure. And decreasing pressure at the top will release the pressure from the bottom and sides of fireball and slow down their propagation.

FAQ: Is it possible to calculate 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius?

1. How is the nuclear blast radius calculated?

The nuclear blast radius is calculated using mathematical models that take into account the size and type of nuclear weapon, the altitude of the explosion, and environmental factors such as air pressure and wind speed.

2. Is it possible to accurately calculate a 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius?

Yes, it is possible to accurately calculate a 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius using advanced mathematical models and data from previous nuclear tests. However, it is important to note that the actual blast radius may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the explosion.

3. Can the blast radius of a nuclear explosion be controlled?

No, the blast radius of a nuclear explosion cannot be controlled. It is determined by the power and characteristics of the nuclear weapon used and the surrounding environment.

4. How far-reaching is a 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius?

The exact distance of a 100,000 MT nuclear blast radius will vary depending on the factors mentioned above. However, it is safe to say that it can cause catastrophic damage within a radius of several miles and have a significant impact on a much larger area.

5. Can a nuclear blast radius be reduced?

There are some methods that can be used to reduce the blast radius of a nuclear explosion, such as using a higher altitude for the detonation or using a smaller weapon. However, these methods can also have other consequences, and ultimately the blast radius cannot be completely eliminated.
