Is It Possible to Construct Non-Measurable Sets Without the Axiom of Choice?

In summary, the existence of non-measurable sets is proved through Vitali's proof, which relies on the axiom of choice. It is not possible to construct a choice function for non-measurable sets without using the axiom of choice. Attempts have been made to investigate theories where all sets are measurable, but this is still an ongoing topic of discussion.
  • #1
"Concrete" non-measurable sets

I've had Vitali's proof of the existence of non-(Lebesgue) measurable sets branded into the side of my brain over the years. However, the proof always critically relies on evoking the axiom of choice. Has anybody every demonstrated a non-AoC construction of a non-measurable set? Or do the intuitionist logicians just avoid measure theory all together?
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  • #2

Hi Kreizhn! :smile:

The axiom of choice is necessary for the existence of non-measurable sets. If you don't adopt the axiom of choice (or a similar principle), then it can happen that all sets are measurable! There is a current investigation of some theories in which all sets are measurable, so it certainly can happen!
  • #3

Good to know. Then does using AoC necessarily preclude the ability to construct non-measurable sets that are anything but "existential?"

For example, (unless it's just been so long since I've done set theory) I imagine there are times when we must use the AoC in general, but for special cases we could explicitly construct a choice function. Are there special cases wherein this can be done for non-measurable sets? Maybe that's just a silly question.
  • #4

Kreizhn said:
Good to know. Then does using AoC necessarily preclude the ability to construct non-measurable sets that are anything but "existential?"

For example, (unless it's just been so long since I've done set theory) I imagine there are times when we must use the AoC in general, but for special cases we could explicitly construct a choice function. Are there special cases wherein this can be done for non-measurable sets? Maybe that's just a silly question.

I don't quite understand what you're asking. Do you want to construct a choice function for a non-measurable set?? This is not possible, everything you do with non-measurable sets involves the axiom of choice. It is not possible to construct a choice function for them.
  • #5

I guess what I'm thinking is that AoC always guarantees the existence of a choice function, without explicitly defining it. However, there are instances in which AoC is not required to give the choice function.

But then I guess the answer is that if we must always use AoC, then it is impossible to explicitly construct a choice function, since then AoC would not be necessary to construct nonmeasurable sets, and you have just told me that it is.

FAQ: Is It Possible to Construct Non-Measurable Sets Without the Axiom of Choice?

1. What are concrete non-measurable sets?

Concrete non-measurable sets refer to subsets of a larger set that cannot be assigned a measure or size. This means that their size or quantity cannot be determined using traditional methods of measurement.

2. Why are concrete non-measurable sets important in science?

Concrete non-measurable sets are important because they challenge traditional notions of measurement and can lead to new discoveries and understandings in mathematics and other sciences. They also have practical applications in fields such as economics and physics.

3. How do you prove that a set is concrete non-measurable?

To prove that a set is concrete non-measurable, one must show that it does not follow the properties of a measurable set, such as being countably additive or having a well-defined boundary. This can be done using various mathematical techniques and proofs.

4. Are all non-measurable sets considered concrete?

No, not all non-measurable sets are considered concrete. Some non-measurable sets, such as the Vitali set, are abstract and do not have a physical counterpart. Concrete non-measurable sets, on the other hand, can be visualized and have real-world applications.

5. How do concrete non-measurable sets impact everyday life?

Concrete non-measurable sets have various impacts on everyday life, such as in economics where they challenge traditional notions of value and measurement. They also have applications in physics, where they can help explain phenomena such as the Banach-Tarski paradox. Additionally, understanding non-measurable sets can lead to new mathematical and scientific discoveries.
