Is it possible to specify a 3d surface in 4d space with just one vector?

In summary, in higher dimensions, hyperplanes are the equivalent of 3D planes and cannot be specified by a single vector. They require a normal vector and a point in the hyperplane to be fully defined. However, if the origin is contained in the hyperplane, it can be written as a dot product equation using a vector of the form ax_1 + bx_2 + cx_3 + dx_4 = 0. Otherwise, another plane perpendicular to the same vector cannot be expressed in this way.
  • #1
I hope this is the right forum...

In 3d space, a 2d plane can be specified by it's normal vector. In 4d space, is there a 3d plane, and will these planes be specifiable by a single vector?
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  • #2
dEdt said:
I hope this is the right forum...

In 3d space, a 2d plane can be specified by it's normal vector.
No, that's not enough information. You can specify a plane in R3 by its normal vector and a point on the plane. Without that point what you get is a family of parallel planes.
dEdt said:
In 4d space, is there a 3d plane, and will these planes be specifiable by a single vector?
In higher dimensions, including R4, we call them hyperplanes. And again, a single vector isn't enough.
  • #3
In general, we can specify a n-1 dimensional hyperplane in a space of n dimensions with a "normal vector" and a point in the hyperplane.

In four dimensions, every point can be written as [itex](x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)[/itex] and a four dimensional vector of the form [itex]a\vec{ix}+ b\vec{j}+ c\vec{k}+ d\vec{l}[/itex]. If the origin, (0, 0, 0, 0) is in the hyperplane, then we can write [itex]x_1\vec{ix}+ x_2\vec{j}+ x_3\vec{k}+ x_4\vec{l}[/itex] and so the dot product is [tex]ax_1+ bx_2+ cx_3+ dx_4= 0[/tex] giving an equation for that hyper plane. But, again, that assumes the hyperplane contains the point (0, 0, 0). Another plane, perpendicular to the same vector, but not containing (0, 0, 0), cannot be written that way.

Related to Is it possible to specify a 3d surface in 4d space with just one vector?

1. What is a 3D surface in 4D space?

A 3D surface in 4D space is a mathematical concept where a three-dimensional object or shape is represented in a four-dimensional space. This means that the surface has three dimensions of length, width, and height, but it also has a fourth dimension that is perpendicular to the other three dimensions.

2. How is a 3D surface in 4D space different from a regular 3D surface?

A 3D surface in 4D space differs from a regular 3D surface in that it exists in a higher dimension. This means that it has an extra degree of freedom, allowing it to move and change in ways that are not possible in three-dimensional space. It is also more complex and difficult to visualize, as our brains are not able to fully comprehend four-dimensional objects.

3. What is the significance of studying 3D surfaces in 4D space?

The study of 3D surfaces in 4D space is important for understanding higher-dimensional geometry and topology. It also has practical applications in fields such as computer graphics, physics, and engineering. Furthermore, it allows us to expand our understanding of the universe and the fundamental laws of nature.

4. Can you give an example of a 3D surface in 4D space?

One example of a 3D surface in 4D space is a hypercube, also known as a tesseract. It is the four-dimensional analog of a square in two dimensions and a cube in three dimensions. It has eight vertices, 24 edges, 32 faces, and 16 cells, and can be projected into three-dimensional space to create a rotating cube within a cube.

5. How is a 3D surface in 4D space represented mathematically?

A 3D surface in 4D space can be represented mathematically using equations that involve four variables. For example, a sphere in 4D space can be represented by the equation x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 = 1, where x, y, z, and w are the four coordinates in 4D space. Other mathematical representations, such as matrices and quaternions, can also be used to describe 3D surfaces in 4D space.

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