Is it worth watching Yale Fundamentals of Physics vids?

In summary: Take the integral againx = F/m * t^2/2 + v_o * t + x_o [ x_o is the constant of integration...the initial position ]You are going to learn in Physics 2 that acceleration isn't constant in the real world, and then you are going to learn in Modern Physics that the fundamental forces are also not constant but rather have fields, which require multivariable calculus to be properly expressed.In summary, the conversation revolves around the question of whether the open courseware for physics at Yale University is a good resource for someone with no prior physics experience. One person recommends also checking out MIT's open courseware and Khan Academy as well as having a good foundation in math
  • #1

I'm starting college in September and have never taken Physics before, so I am preparing by reading different books and watching some videos, and was wondering if this course is worth watching because the curriculum for this seems weird. I think in Fundamentals of Physics I, it's Classical Mechanics and Thermodynamics, and in Fundamentals of Physics II, it's E&M and Modern Physics. Is this at all worth watching for introduction to Physics?
Physics news on
  • #2
It's definitely not a bad idea, MIT also has open courseware that is good for a watch. You did say that you had no physics experience under your belt but you didn't mention any math experience. If you are currently in Calc 1, or perhaps under Calc 1, don't get too intimidated by the professors using integration and differentiation to arrive at formulas, because in Phys 1 at most schools you can stick to Algebra/Trig and succeed.

I also highly recommend checking out and see the first few videos on Physics to get a good primer on what to expect. Khan is a lot more basic and should give you a really good foundation before you even get in the door.
  • #3
My goodness, I just watched the first video and I understood virtually nothing apart from the formulae and which numbers to plug in for their respective variables.

For example, deriving the first formula they used...taking the integral of acceleration with respects to time, he arrived at [tex]x(t) = t^2 + c[/tex], but then multiplied the [tex]t^2[/tex] by [tex]\frac{a}{2}[/tex] to make the acceleration appear when you took the derivative, I guess. And then he just added [tex]bt[/tex] to the entire thing, and I have no clue why. He explained that it was so we can take the second derivative of it, but you can take the second derivative of [tex]x(t) = \frac{a}{2}\cdot t^2 + c[/tex] without the [tex]bt[/tex] too...maybe there needs to be a constant both times you take the derivative? Not sure why. Then again, I'm not sure why you need acceleration to appear with the velocity when you take the derivative of the position, because if you take the derivative of the velocity, don't you get the acceleration as that result anyway?

Anyway, 75% of the material I had no clue what was going on, with the exception of plugging in numbers to solve for some stuff. I don't think this course is good for introduction to Physics.
  • #4
myink said:
My goodness, I just watched the first video and I understood virtually nothing apart from the formulae and which numbers to plug in for their respective variables.

For example, deriving the first formula they used...taking the integral of acceleration with respects to time, he arrived at [tex]x(t) = t^2 + c[/tex], but then multiplied the [tex]t^2[/tex] by [tex]\frac{a}{2}[/tex] to make the acceleration appear when you took the derivative, I guess. And then he just added [tex]bt[/tex] to the entire thing, and I have no clue why. He explained that it was so we can take the second derivative of it, but you can take the second derivative of [tex]x(t) = \frac{a}{2}\cdot t^2 + c[/tex] without the [tex]bt[/tex] too...maybe there needs to be a constant both times you take the derivative? Not sure why. Then again, I'm not sure why you need acceleration to appear with the velocity when you take the derivative of the position, because if you take the derivative of the velocity, don't you get the acceleration as that result anyway?

Anyway, 75% of the material I had no clue what was going on, with the exception of plugging in numbers to solve for some stuff. I don't think this course is good for introduction to Physics.

I didn't watch the video but what kind of mathematical rule let's you multiply just one of the variables in the equation and not the other? This looks like hand-waving overload.
  • #5
Nano-Passion said:
I didn't watch the video but what kind of mathematical rule let's you multiply just one of the variables in the equation and not the other? This looks like hand-waving overload.
I think it was supposed to be part of taking the integral of the second derivative (obtaining the equation for position with respects to time from the equation of acceleration which is just a constant in this case)
  • #6
myink said:
I think it was supposed to be part of taking the integral of the second derivative (obtaining the equation for position with respects to time from the equation of acceleration which is just a constant in this case)

Second derivative of what?

Your confusing me, and I think you are misinterpreting the video. If you can link me to the specific video I'll be able to help you.
  • #7
Nano-Passion said:
Second derivative of what?

Your confusing me, and I think you are misinterpreting the video. If you can link me to the specific video I'll be able to help you.

The position with respects to time
You have to skip to around 40 minutes into the video
  • #8
He was defining position in terms of acceleration and velocity.

he multiplied by a/2 in accordance with a change of variables. he wanted the second derivative of his position function to equal a(t) = a for constant acceleration. I skipped around the video, hope this clears your problems up.
  • #9
myink said:
The position with respects to time
You have to skip to around 40 minutes into the video

Taking the derivative of position is meaningless.

This is what he was saying: You have acceleration, and you want to see how position relates to it.

So you ask yourself, what variable when you take the derivative of twice, gives you acceleration. Well, you can take the derivative of at^2/2 twice to get back a. So

x = at^2/2

This isn't the only answer, because there could have been any constant in the above equation to give you acceleration. So in general,

x = at^2/2 + c .. you could have also had x = at^2/2 + bt + c

Check by integration.

I don't like his method though, let us try this method

a = F/m
Take the integral w/ respect to time
v = F/m * t + v_o [ v_o is the constant of integration here ]
Take the integral w.r.t dt again
x = F/m *t^2/2 + v_o(t) + x_o where x_o is the constant of integration here

Now plug in a for F/m

[tex]x = at^2/2 + v_o t + x_o[/tex]
  • #10
Oh boy. Well, now I'm kind of scared I won't make it through
  • #11
myink said:
Oh boy. Well, now I'm kind of scared I won't make it through

Lol why, because you didn't understand it from the first time or because you still need some clarification? Either way it doesn't mean anything.
  • #12
Nano-Passion said:
Lol why, because you didn't understand it from the first time or because you still need some clarification? Either way it doesn't mean anything.

I am concerned because when school starts, I will have to learn all this stuff on my own and won't be able to keep up. We have class three times per week, so each topic we learn, I will have to know the topic inside and out within two days or I will be behind the class when we move on. I don't think I could learn how to derive the formulae in this first video course and understand the underlying concepts of them within two days before moving on, much less more difficult topics (the next course in this particular video series seems to be something about vectors in three-dimensional spaces). That, and I will have four other classes to tend to, which will probably require the same amount of time and effort and I have to dedicate to each subject equally, which means less time for each. So be a slightly slow learner, I'm not sure how I'll hold up with more advanced classes in my upper years.
  • #13
myink said:
I am concerned because when school starts, I will have to learn all this stuff on my own and won't be able to keep up. We have class three times per week, so each topic we learn, I will have to know the topic inside and out within two days or I will be behind the class when we move on. I don't think I could learn how to derive the formulae in this first video course and understand the underlying concepts of them within two days before moving on, much less more difficult topics (the next course in this particular video series seems to be something about vectors in three-dimensional spaces). That, and I will have four other classes to tend to, which will probably require the same amount of time and effort and I have to dedicate to each subject equally, which means less time for each. So be a slightly slow learner, I'm not sure how I'll hold up with more advanced classes in my upper years.

So take less classes. Things take time. A couple of years ago I absolutely knew NOTHING about physics and mathematics. Now I'm studying some subjects by myself. You just have to train your brain to be able to cope with the new line of thinking. The secret to this is to struggle -- spend large amounts of time struggling and you will get better.

I can learn things much faster now in comparison to have a while back -- it is just a byproduct of hard work. Your brain wasn't created to sit down and think abstractly -- it takes TIME.
  • #14
Don't sweat it. Learn at your own pace. You may not find introductory physics particularly interesting. I know I didn't get a lot out of it. Just practice problems and do your best. Try to understand the underlying principles so you can solve whichever problems are thrown at you.
  • #15
Nano-Passion said:
So take less classes. Things take time. A couple of years ago I absolutely knew NOTHING about physics and mathematics. Now I'm studying some subjects by myself. You just have to train your brain to be able to cope with the new line of thinking. The secret to this is to struggle -- spend large amounts of time struggling and you will get better.

I can learn things much faster now in comparison to have a while back -- it is just a byproduct of hard work. Your brain wasn't created to sit down and think abstractly -- it takes TIME.
Yes, but all I did during high school up until last month when I graduated was study all day. I never had any friends so all I did was study pretty much every day, including the weekends. It doesn't seem like much fruition has come of it now that I'm starting college, which seems so different from high school since everything in high school was pretty easy and I learned everything the moment I saw it in class.
  • #16
Those videos really are unbelievable - he teaches you the philosophy of how to think about the material starting from the basics each time to re-derive everything on the spot. Without a doubt the way to fail at this is not to have the maths.

I recommend you watch these:
as well, they are a little more concrete at times with more problems.

As for Shankar turning x(t) = t² + c into x(t) = ½at² + bt + c:
The way to think about it is:
dv/dt = a
∫(dv/dt)dt = ∫adt
∫dv = ∫adt
v = at + b
dx/dt = at + b
∫(dx/dt)dt = ∫(at + b)
∫dx = ∫(at + b)
x = ½at² + bt + c
He is just saying that when you integrate twice you're going to get an x(t) = t² + c term, but then because we integrated a we have to include ½a. Furthermore since we integrated, we get a constant at each stage of integrating - but after the first integration a t is added to the first constant (to the b). Even if you only knew about differentiation & that acceleration is second derivative of position & thought we were just working backwards here then it just makes sense that hypothetically the bt + c term could be included since it disappears by the second derivative & we end up with constant acceleration. I hope you understand the importance of constant acceleration here & how different the situation would be if there was variable acceleration. Also, a = F/m has not been defined yet.

Just use this thread to throw out your questions as you watch them, & post all the stupid scary thoughts you have during them. I watched these videos without knowing the above & freaked out, then learned the above derivation from calculus & came back to them & got through. Then failed during the later videos :redface: Constant failure is a virtue :frown:
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  • #17
Are you planning on taking physics in college?
  • #18
myink said:
Yes, but all I did during high school up until last month when I graduated was study all day. I never had any friends so all I did was study pretty much every day, including the weekends. It doesn't seem like much fruition has come of it now that I'm starting college, which seems so different from high school since everything in high school was pretty easy and I learned everything the moment I saw it in class.

You've only been studying for a month and your getting discouraged?

One thing you will learn is that things take a lot of time. And that people who make it to the top are the ones who don't expect considerable progress so fast, they are the ones that aren't easily swayed.

Like I told you, it is a skill and it isn't easily acquired. It takes time, more time. You have to keep training your brain from different angles to bring your analytical skills up to par.
  • #19
Gravitational said:
Are you planning on taking physics in college?

Yes, I declared my major as Physics when I applied to the college I got accepted into
Nano-Passion said:
You've only been studying for a month and your getting discouraged?
No, I actually took a break from June until now to watch every single movie I hadn't seen in my high school years since I never had time to watch any because of my busy study schedule.

Can't it be detrimental to learn material too slowly in comparison with everyone else if everyone is learning the content rather quickly?
  • #20
myink said:
Yes, I declared my major as Physics when I applied to the college I got accepted into

No, I actually took a break from June until now to watch every single movie I hadn't seen in my high school years since I never had time to watch any because of my busy study schedule.

Can't it be detrimental to learn material too slowly in comparison with everyone else if everyone is learning the content rather quickly?

When did you get very serious about school? When did you get serious about math and physics?
  • #21
Nano-Passion said:
When did you get very serious about school? When did you get serious about math and physics?

I'm not sure. In my younger years, I mostly studied because it was something I had to do, but somewhere along the way I thought of gaining information and understanding about a broad range of topics as a leisurely activity, and I studied out of fun. Eventually when I started high school, I decided that I wasn't some sort of genius and needed to focus on a more specific field and I just happened to prefer the technical stuff over other liberal arts subjects, so I went along with that and have stuck to it since then. I'm not sure how much "serious" is, but I don't have much anywhere else to put my work and effort into, so most of it goes into my current studies.
  • #22
myink said:
I'm not sure. In my younger years, I mostly studied because it was something I had to do, but somewhere along the way I thought of gaining information and understanding about a broad range of topics as a leisurely activity, and I studied out of fun. Eventually when I started high school, I decided that I wasn't some sort of genius and needed to focus on a more specific field and I just happened to prefer the technical stuff over other liberal arts subjects, so I went along with that and have stuck to it since then. I'm not sure how much "serious" is, but I don't have much anywhere else to put my work and effort into, so most of it goes into my current studies.

But what I've been trying to get at, how much work have you been putting in that leads you to make the statement that your not cut out for it?

Whatever it is, it sounds like a hasty conclusion.
  • #23
Nano-Passion said:
But what I've been trying to get at, how much work have you been putting in that leads you to make the statement that your not cut out for it?

Whatever it is, it sounds like a hasty conclusion.
Because considering the average rate at which an average student is expected to learn a certain topic from an academic sequence, is in between each class which only lasts maybe 2-3 days, or the number of topics within a week, if you have irregular course schedules.

If I enter an industry related to my field of studies and pick up new material at the same rate as I do now when I encounter something brand new such as introductory Physics, and everyone else is working at a faster pace than I am because they are able to learn quicker, won't I fail at my job because I take longer than everyone else?
  • #24
I wouldn't start sweating it already until school actually starts, MyInk. Your University may have a much different pace and starting point than Yale or MIT physics. Is the University you're going to known for its top-tier engineering or physics grads? If not, then you're probably not even going to have to know how to differentiate or integrate to come up with Acceleration, Velocity, or Position, you can do it all with simple algebra using the Kinematic Equations:

That will get you through pretty much the first 1/3 of a simple Physics for Engineers 1 class.

Don't get me wrong, being able to simply integrate acceleration and come up with velocity at any point is a huge advantage, but if you can't do it and you aren't expected to be able to do it, then it's not necessary.

You're going to take physics in college because you need to learn physics, not because you need to prove to the professor that you can already do it.
  • #25
myink said:
Because considering the average rate at which an average student is expected to learn a certain topic from an academic sequence, is in between each class which only lasts maybe 2-3 days, or the number of topics within a week, if you have irregular course schedules.

If I enter an industry related to my field of studies and pick up new material at the same rate as I do now when I encounter something brand new such as introductory Physics, and everyone else is working at a faster pace than I am because they are able to learn quicker, won't I fail at my job because I take longer than everyone else?

You still didn't tell me how much effort you have been putting in from year to year into physics and mathematics. You keep telling me what is going on now, but I only care about the past. Mathematics is a cumulative subjects, there are some who really cared about math and gave it a very good effort, so things come easier for them later on. Others didn't, and thus are late on the learning curve. But you catch up.

Learning at a faster speed comes with time. Math and physics are like different languages, and it takes time to understand the syntax and rules of it all. But once you start getting the language down, everything will start to come easier and faster. But that takes lots of time and lots of practice.
  • #26
Creel, the course is titled 'Calculus Physics' but I don't know at what pace they go at. I've only learned basic Calculus on my own, and probably have enough Calculus knowledge to the equivalent of half a semester's worth of first semester Calculus. I have some common sense such as finding the displacement, to take the finite integral of the respective ranges, finding the derivative of the position with respects to time is the velocity, and the derivative of velocity is the acceleration, etc.
  • #27
Nano-Passion, I put a lot of effort into all of my classes, and since I never took Physics, Math is the only other subject you listed that I put any effort into. But I have taken other sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Astronomy, etc. The latest Math class I took was Pre-Calculus, and then I learned very little Calculus on my own. I had some trouble with Pre-Calculus, but I discovered it was because I was making analyses that weren't required to learn the subject (i.e. over-complicating everything).
  • #28
myink said:
Nano-Passion, I put a lot of effort into all of my classes, and since I never took Physics, Math is the only other subject you listed that I put any effort into. But I have taken other sciences such as Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Astronomy, etc. The latest Math class I took was Pre-Calculus, and then I learned very little Calculus on my own. I had some trouble with Pre-Calculus, but I discovered it was because I was making analyses that weren't required to learn the subject (i.e. over-complicating everything).

If you taught yourself calculus then you will be fine, your just being too harsh on yourself. Just don't slack up and you will see your self improving almost exponentially (not in the literal terms). Two years from now your going to look back and say, "that used to be hard?"

FAQ: Is it worth watching Yale Fundamentals of Physics vids?

1. What topics are covered in the Yale Fundamentals of Physics videos?

The Yale Fundamentals of Physics videos cover a wide range of topics including mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics.

2. Are the videos suitable for beginners or only for those with a strong background in physics?

The Yale Fundamentals of Physics videos are suitable for both beginners and those with a strong background in physics. The videos are designed to cover the fundamental principles of physics in an accessible and engaging way.

3. Do the videos provide enough depth and detail to fully understand the topics?

The videos provide a solid foundation and understanding of the topics covered, but they may not cover all the details and nuances that may be required for advanced study or research. However, they are a great resource for building a strong conceptual understanding of physics.

4. Can the videos be used as a substitute for a traditional physics course?

While the videos are a valuable resource, they should not be used as a sole substitute for a traditional physics course. They are best used as a supplement to a formal course or for self-study.

5. Are the videos worth the time investment?

The answer to this question depends on the individual's goals and learning style. The videos provide a thorough and engaging overview of fundamental physics concepts, so if that aligns with your goals and learning style, then they are definitely worth the time investment.

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