Is J(R) the Intersection of All Maximal Ideals in R?

  • Thread starter tsang
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In summary, the conversation discusses the definition and properties of the Jacobson ideal of a unital ring R. The goal is to prove that J(R) is an ideal in R using the conditions for an ideal. Various attempts and strategies are discussed, including using direct definition and the fact that 1-ra is a unit. One suggestion is to show that J(R) is the intersection of all maximal ideals.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let R be a unital ring. Define J(R)={a [itex]\in[/itex] R| 1-ra is a unit for any r [itex]\in[/itex] R}

Show that J(R) is an ideal in R. (It is called the Jacobson ideal of R)

Homework Equations

I is ideal of ring R
, then I satifies
a+b [itex]\in[/itex] I [itex]\forall[/itex] a,b [itex]\in[/itex] I

ra [itex]\in[/itex] I [itex]\forall[/itex] r [itex]\in[/itex] R

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been trying to use direct definition by having two elements 1-ra, 1-rb [itex]\in[/itex] J(R), then I tried to do (1-ra)+(1-rb) and hope to end up another element which has format 1-rc, but I couldn't get it.

Similarly, I let some x [itex]\in[itex] R, then try to compute x(1-ra), hope can end up format 1-ry, so it can satisfy second condition of being an ideal of ring R, but I still cannot get that format.

Unless I haven't use information that 1-ra is unit to help me solve the problem. But not quite sure how to use this bit information.

Can anyone please help me with this question? Thanks a lot.
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  • #2
1-ra is not in J(R), a is. If a and b are in J(R), 1-ra and 1-rb are units - you need to prove that 1-r(a+b) is a unit as well to show that a+b is contained in J(R)
  • #3
Hey I have also been working on this problem- got as far as showing that if ua and ub [itex]\in R[/itex] such that ua(1-ra) =1=(1-ra)ua
and ub(1-rb) =1=(1-rb)u then ubua(1-r(a+b))=1.

But (1-r(a+b))ubua=(1-raub)a[itex]\neq?1[/itex]

Does anyone have suggestions on how to go from here?
  • #4
It might be easier to show that J(R) is the intersection of all maximal ideals. This is not hard to show.

Related to Is J(R) the Intersection of All Maximal Ideals in R?

What is an ideal in a ring?

An ideal in a ring is a subset of the ring that satisfies certain properties. Specifically, an ideal is a subgroup of the additive group of the ring and is closed under multiplication by elements of the ring. This means that if you take any element of the ring and multiply it by an element of the ideal, the result will also be in the ideal.

How do you prove that J(R) is an ideal in R?

To prove that J(R) is an ideal in R, we must show that it satisfies the properties of an ideal. This includes showing that J(R) is a subgroup of the additive group of R and that it is closed under multiplication by elements of R. We must also show that J(R) is non-empty, since an ideal must contain at least one element.

Why is it important to prove that J(R) is an ideal in R?

Proving that J(R) is an ideal in R is important because it provides a deeper understanding of the structure and properties of the ring R. It also allows us to use the properties of ideals to make calculations and proofs in R easier and more efficient.

What are some common techniques used to prove that J(R) is an ideal in R?

One common technique is to show that J(R) is a subgroup of the additive group of R by using the subgroup criterion. Another technique is to use the ideal test, which involves checking if J(R) satisfies the properties of an ideal. Another approach is to use the definition of an ideal and directly show that J(R) satisfies the necessary properties.

Can a ring have more than one ideal?

Yes, a ring can have multiple ideals. In fact, every ring has at least two ideals - the trivial ideals of the entire ring and the zero ideal. However, there can be many more ideals depending on the structure and elements of the ring. For example, a commutative ring with identity has a unique maximal ideal, and a field has only two ideals - the zero ideal and the entire field.

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