Is Kepler Bb's Unique Solar System the Most Complex in the Universe?

In summary, the solar system discussed includes a double binary star system with four main stars and several planets and moons. Kepler A is a big blue star, Kepler B is a green star, Kepler C is a red star, and Kepler D is a white star. Kepler Bb is a planet similar in size to Neptune with an Earth-like atmosphere and four moons, while Kepler B# is the size of Jupiter with a similar atmosphere and four moons. Kepler Db is part of a binary planet system with an atmosphere similar to Mars, while Kepler D# is the hottest planet in the solar system with a thick atmosphere of CO2 and volcanic gases. There are questions about the number and frequency of volcanic activity on Kepler D# and Kepler Db, as
  • #1
Solar system:

Double binary star(2 binary stars in a quadruple star system)

Kepler A:

A big blue star. It is bigger than all the other stars in the double binary system. It will however last longer than our sun just like the other 3 stars will.

Kepler B:

This is a green star(The green star is not false color or a binary star with a blue star and a yellow star). It is very rare to see a green star. It is in the same binary star as Kepler A is. It is cooler than Kepler A. It is also smaller.

Kepler C:

This is a much cooler red star. It is in the second binary star. It is the smallest of all the stars.

Kepler D

Kepler D is a white star. It is hotter than Kepler B but cooler than Kepler A. It is in the second binary star along with Kepler C

Kepler BbKepler Bb is the size of Neptune but has an Earth like atmosphere. The atmosphere is 4 times as thick as Earth’s.

This is because Neptune is 4 times the size of Earth and I thought “Why not have 4 be the magic number in this solar system?”

Kepler Bb has 4 moons orbiting around it in different trajectories at different speeds but at the same distance. Rarely do 2 or more collide. Collision events are best seen at night or during the blue hour (The approximate 1 hour period between night and the beginning of starrise(Like sunrise but not referring to our sun) or between the night and the end of starset(Like sunset but not referring to our sun))

Multiple eclipses can also happen because of these 4 moons with different trajectories and different speeds. Again this is rare, especially when it involves a solar eclipse.

Kepler B#

Kepler B# is the size of Jupiter and also has an Earth-like atmosphere. Its year is different from that on Kepler Bb but like Kepler Bb it has seasons. It has 4 moons also but at different distances.

Kepler Db

Kepler Db is part of a binary planet system that orbits around the double binary star. It is more like Mars than Earth but life is found here as well as on the 2 earth-like planets.

Kepler D#

Kepler D# is the other planet in the binary planet system. It is hotter than Kepler Db. In fact it is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Since Kepler D# is the hottest planet in the solar system in my story and yet it orbits further away from the double binary star than the 2 Earth like planets I was thinking that the source of all that heat would be a thick atmosphere of CO2 and other volcanic gases as well as lava itself

I still have questions about this solar system

Questions about Kepler D#

1) How many volcanoes would it have given that its atmosphere is much like that of Venus(That is thick with volcanic gas)?

2) How often would these volcanoes erupt? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Once a year? I am asking because if there is any life on Kepler D#, they would likely get their nutrients from lava and thus want to know when a nearby volcano is erupting.

3) Would there be any massive earthquakes from there being lots of active volcanoes?

4) Would the lava over time form bodies similar to our bodies of water as well as nutrient rich land?

Questions about Kepler Db

1) Would there be any active volcanoes on this mars-like planet?

2) Would there be a lot of plants and herbivorous animals since plants love CO2 and a mars-like planet kind of implies that there is a lot of CO2?

Questions about Kepler B#

The civilization on Kepler Bb is like this:

Every male makes a basic shelter for him and his future wife. Females have to either stay in one of their relatives' shelters or survive out in the open until they find the perfect husband for them. Once the female finds her perfect husband she lives with him for the rest of her life. Together they expand the shelter both on the surface and underground to have sleeping chambers, children's rooms, etc. These homes are connected underground. Homes are also connected to buildings this way and buildings are connected to other buildings this way. To keep the tunnels from forming a sinkhole the humaniods use static electricity.

1) Since this is an earth-like planet with the same humanoid species as Kepler Bb would the civilization be any different?

2) Would it have a Ring of Fire where most of the active volcanoes are?
Physics news on
  • #2
caters said:
A big blue star. It is bigger than all the other stars in the double binary system. It will however last longer than our sun just like the other 3 stars will.
I think this is in contradiction to stellar evolution. Larger, hotter stars live shorter lifetimes.
caters said:
This is because Neptune is 4 times the size of Earth and I thought “Why not have 4 be the magic number in this solar system?”
This strains plausibility, which will detract from the science fictiony-ness of your story. What you're creating fits better in fantasy.

caters said:
Kepler Bb has 4 moons orbiting around it in different trajectories at different speeds but at the same distance.
I can't categorically say this is impossible, since they could be in eccentric orbits, with their mean distances the same, but it's extremely implausible and highly unstable.

caters said:
Rarely do 2 or more collide. Collision events are best seen at night
Rarely?? With 4 moons, there are a maximum of 3 collisions in the history of the system (let alone during the tiny window of the story), and then no more. The moons are pulverized and shower the planet with molten debris.

caters said:
1) How many volcanoes would it have given that its atmosphere is much like that of Venus(That is thick with volcanic gas)?
2) How often would these volcanoes erupt? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Once a year? I am asking because if there is any life on Kepler D#, they would likely get their nutrients from lava and thus want to know when a nearby volcano is erupting.
3) Would there be any massive earthquakes from there being lots of active volcanoes?
4) Would the lava over time form bodies similar to our bodies of water as well as nutrient rich land?
1) Would there be any active volcanoes on this mars-like planet?
2) Would there be a lot of plants and herbivorous animals since plants love CO2 and a mars-like planet kind of implies that there is a lot of CO2?
To all of the above questions: The story you're writing will be a fantasy, not science fiction. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is such a fantastical story. You can apply whatever details you wish without worrying about what might make sense.
caters said:
1) Since this is an earth-like planet with the same humanoid species as Kepler Bb would the civilization be any different?
2) Would it have a Ring of Fire where most of the active volcanoes are?
It can have whatever you wish it to have to make an entertaining story.
  • #3
I would say ditch any thought about making it science fiction and stick to pure fantasy. Also, whatever you do, don't try to explain how things work. They just do work and leave it at that.

With the questions you have raised I can tell you that you will spend years educating yourself to the point where you can start asking meaningful questions about world building.

I am not trying to be mean, but the subject is simply that deep.
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Likes DaveC426913
  • #4
+1 Loren's post. What you want to do here is write a fantasy story. Waterfalls go up, mountains hover in mid-air. No explanation given or needed. Concentrate on action and character, the fantastical worlds are just the milieu for the story.
  • #5
DaveC426913 said:
+1 Loren's post. What you want to do here is write a fantasy story. Waterfalls go up, mountains hover in mid-air. No explanation given or needed. Concentrate on action and character, the fantastical worlds are just the milieu for the story.

Thanks. One should not forget that the story is less about the fantasy worlds than about human drama and conflict. The story has to have a major conflict or problem that needs to be resolved, characters with flaws that don't think they can solve it, and a resolution at the end of the story. Well, that's the 10,000 foot view. :-)
  • #6
Well I don't mean magic number literally(as in the number 4 has magical powers). Rather I mean magic number in the sense that lots of things are based off of that number.

Also I always have some real science in my fiction. Just because the gravity on the Neptune sized planet is 1G instead of 4G doesn't mean that it isn't sci fi. Same for static electricity preventing sinkholes from forming. Geology is one of the real sciences that is always there. Thus my questions related to earthquakes and volcanoes. The civilization is 1 thing that varies. The life forms are another thing that vary.
  • #7
caters said:
Well I don't mean magic number literally(as in the number 4 has magical powers). Rather I mean magic number in the sense that lots of things are based off of that number.

Also I always have some real science in my fiction. Just because the gravity on the Neptune sized planet is 1G instead of 4G doesn't mean that it isn't sci fi. Same for static electricity preventing sinkholes from forming. Geology is one of the real sciences that is always there. Thus my questions related to earthquakes and volcanoes. The civilization is 1 thing that varies. The life forms are another thing that vary.

If that's what you want to do, then do it.

However, you just have to accept that any supporting science is going to be weak at best.

Wth a low density planet you have issues in the real world. Materials that we take for granted probably will not be available. You need a significant molten iron core to generate magnetic fields. The list goes on and on. Everything is so tightly connected that it gets nearly impossible to keep track of and understand. The dynamics are very involved and numerous variables are at play. We haven't even scratched the surface, so when you steer far off the beaten path you amplify the issues.

You best bet is to downplay any science as much as possible. The more you try to present these things as viable the more likely you will end up with something that people can legitimately pick apart.

Do you have to actually mention how many Gs this planet has? Is it not enough to say the gravity is simply higher? What are you comparing it to, Earth? are there humans from Earth on this planet? How would they know the G force and is it important to the story? The reader probably doesn't care.
  • #8
And I don't mention gravity at all but instead leave it to the imagination of the reader as to how high or low the gravity is. I do explain some science but it is mainly the science behind the UV radio that Robin invents and the science behind how positive charge prevents sinkholes from forming and waterproofs things. Then there is the presentation that Alma does about the Kepler Bb and its 4 moons, her species, and her civilization. She doesn't mention Kepler B# or the binary planet system or the double binary star in her presentation.

Also I thought that the collision events between 2 or more moons would make the now molten rock aggregate to form new moons since none of the moons are at that critical distance where they fall to the surface via gravity and small objects in space have a lower critical distance(Of course I am using small in relative terms since the objects could still be a few miles wide) because less is affected by gravity(And thus how come mercury isn't engulfed by the sun via gravity but Earth at the same distance would).
  • #9
caters said:
Also I thought that the collision events between 2 or more moons would make the now molten rock aggregate to form new moons since none of the moons are at that critical distance where they fall to the surface via gravity
A collision event will break the moons into many, many fragments - all of which will have new orbits. The orbital momentum will be shared among them, meaning some will be ejected from orbit (not a big problem) while the others will lose energy and bombard the planet with extinction-level strikes (a bigger problem).

New moons would take hundreds of millions of years to form.

Your story would be better off to avoid science and scientific explanation, and stick with action and character development. As mentioned elsewhere, Gulliver's Travels and Baron Munchhausen are highly entertaining fantasies that don't burden the story with plausibility.

Related to Is Kepler Bb's Unique Solar System the Most Complex in the Universe?

1. What is Kepler Bb and its solar system?

Kepler Bb is an exoplanet, meaning it is a planet outside of our solar system. It orbits a star called Kepler-69 and is about 1.54 times the size of Earth. Its solar system also contains two other planets, Kepler Bc and Kepler Bd.

2. How far away is Kepler Bb from Earth?

Kepler Bb is approximately 2,700 light-years away from Earth. This means it would take 2,700 years traveling at the speed of light to reach Kepler Bb.

3. Is Kepler Bb habitable?

Based on its size and distance from its star, scientists believe Kepler Bb is too close to its star to be habitable. It is also estimated to have a surface temperature of around 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, making it unsuitable for life as we know it.

4. How was Kepler Bb discovered?

Kepler Bb was discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft using the transit method. This involves measuring the dimming of a star's light as a planet passes in front of it. Kepler Bb was the first planet discovered by the Kepler spacecraft in 2013.

5. Are there any other interesting features of Kepler Bb's solar system?

Yes, Kepler Bb's solar system is unique in that it contains two other planets, Kepler Bc and Kepler Bd, both of which are larger than Earth. Kepler Bc is estimated to be 2.24 times the size of Earth and orbits its star in 242 days, while Kepler Bd is about 2.54 times the size of Earth and has an orbital period of 318 days.

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