Is Kim Jong-Il's Behavior a Sign of Mental Instability?

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In summary: Some of these stories however come from defectors from the DPRK, and are considered more credible. Kim's former Japanese chef has said in newspaper interviews that Kim has a 10,000-bottle wine cellar, likes blonde Western women, collects Mazda RX-7 sports cars, stages all-night banquets at which attendance and heavy drinking is compulsory for high officials (this was also a habit of Stalin's), and has a troupe of strippers for his personal entertainment. According to this account Kim once sent his wife and children on a secret trip to Tokyo Disneyland. Kim is also said to be a film fan, owning a collection of some 20,000 video tapes [3].Some analysts say such launches are part of
  • #36
pattylou said:
Here are some more for you to work on. I provided the edits for you;

Wouldn't you capitalize the letters of 'icbm' also?

(My writing is horrible too. )
Physics news on
  • #37
Townsend said:
Wouldn't you capitalize the letters of 'icbm' also?

(My writing is horrible too. )

Yeah, but we've got to set realistic goals.

  • #38
Townsend said:
Wouldn't you capitalize the letters of 'icbm' also?

(My writing is horrible too. )
I almost googled to find out, but settled for rationalising that intercontinental, ballistic, and missile can all begin with lower case.

Now I wish I had checked. Damn you, Townsend, damn you. Heheheh.
  • #39
STOP HIJACKING MY THREAD (and no, ICBM is all capitals)
  • #40
Smurf said:
STOP HIJACKING MY THREAD (and no, ICBM is all capitals)
You're so cute when you yell.

I thought you were in class?
  • #41
Smurf said:
STOP HIJACKING MY THREAD (and no, ICBM is all capitals)

LOL, sorry Smurf. But I think it's going to be a long wait before anybody fully proves or debunks that Kim Jung-Il is suffering from a mental illness.
  • #42
pattylou said:
You're so cute when you yell.
Excuse me? Are you implying I'm less cute when I don't yell? I'll have you know I'm smurfish-cute all year round thank you.
I thought you were in class?
That was like 7 hours ago.
  • #43
Patty (you blasphemer), you missed an apostrophe on "thats". :rolleyes:

Now what were we talking about here ?
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  • #44
Kim Jung-Il and his mental stability
  • #45
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  • #46
Art said:
Here's a serious analysis of the N. Korean issue without the rather silly rhetoric usually employed, to demonise 'evil enemies', for general consumption.
Kim Jong Il certainly is desperate, but not insane. Desperate can be almost as dangerous though. And it sounds like there are problems with inept administration of economic programs, perhaps due to appointments made based on loyalty rather than qualifications? :rolleyes: He probably would have been overthrown long ago except he has been enabled, most of all by his neighbors who fear refugees flooding over the border, etc.--like the evolution toward nuclear capability has been better? In any event, the suggestions at the end seem better than a preemptive first strike.
  • #47
SOS2008 said:
That sounds like most dictators to me, but in particular Marcos in the Philippines. I'm sure his wife had way more shoes than Kim Jong Il. And the U.S, supported Marcos for almost 20 years. Ooooh scary!

It was stocked in the basement of their palace. Not to mention the huge gallons of perfumes with small faucets in their bedroom.
  • #48
Kim Jong-Il is just selfish, plain and simple. All he cares about is himself. He raises himself above all others and satisfies his own disires at the expense of others. I don't know if extreme egotism is a mental illness or not.

I doubt he is a sociopath. Being one would imply he suffers from antisocial behavior and he seems very charismatic, he must be to build up so many followers considering how goofy he looks.

I doubt he is a psycopath either. Psycopaths generally don't have a fear of consquences, which is why they aren't afraid of the social repercussions of perverted crimes. If he did suffer from this type of mental illness I believe his foreign politics would be far more aggressive than they are. From what I've heard, people who have met with him say he doesn't show aggressive behavior and actually acts very professional.

It is possible that he is delusional, but his behavior doesn't seem to be that irrational to say he is seeing or hearing things. Maybe delusional to the point that he thinks he is doing what is right for his people. But in my opinion I think he doesn't give a damn about his people. Creating weapons of mass destruction is just a way to make sure he holds on to his power. I doubt he is crazy enough to try and use them against another nation. I think he is sane enough to know that if he did we would wipe him out.
  • #49
Smurf said:
I find this a fascinating statement by you Russ. 10% of Korea's population is about 2 million people. It's interesting that you consider their deaths the act of a sociopath but that 1.1 million people falling into poverty as a mere statistic, or miniscule. I think if killing people alone is enough to call a person a sociopath wouldn't a great deal of America's past presidents be just as bad?
Who is hijacking the thread now? :wink: Do you really want answers to those...?
  • #50
Entropy said:
Kim Jong-Il is just selfish, plain and simple. All he cares about is himself. He raises himself above all others and satisfies his own disires at the expense of others. I don't know if extreme egotism is a mental illness or not.

I doubt he is a sociopath. Being one would imply he suffers from antisocial behavior and he seems very charismatic, he must be to build up so many followers considering how goofy he looks.

I doubt he is a psycopath either. Psycopaths generally don't have a fear of consquences, which is why they aren't afraid of the social repercussions of perverted crimes. If he did suffer from this type of mental illness I believe his foreign politics would be far more aggressive than they are. From what I've heard, people who have met with him say he doesn't show aggressive behavior and actually acts very professional.

It is possible that he is delusional, but his behavior doesn't seem to be that irrational to say he is seeing or hearing things. Maybe delusional to the point that he thinks he is doing what is right for his people. But in my opinion I think he doesn't give a damn about his people. Creating weapons of mass destruction is just a way to make sure he holds on to his power. I doubt he is crazy enough to try and use them against another nation. I think he is sane enough to know that if he did we would wipe him out.
Power corrupts. It happens everywhere all the time--even in the United States.
  • #51
HERE is an interesting article. The word "psychotic" doesn't immediately come to mind, but the word "narcissistic" does [edit: I actually wrote that before finishing the article].

-Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit.
-A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
The Great Leader had an insatiable craving for adulation. By the late '80s he had erected more than 34,000 monuments to himself. His photograph was displayed in every building and pinned to the clothing of every citizen, right over the heart. Benches where he'd once sat were sealed in glass and turned into relics.
I would argue that when narcissism leads you to kidnap an actress and hold her captive for seven years to star in your movie, that's getting close to "psychotic."

And Jerrold Post, the GWU professor and former CIA psychiatrist, believes that the Dear Leader has a serious mental illness.

"He has the core characteristics of the most dangerous personality disorder, malignant narcissism," Post theorized in a recent psychological profile.

The disorder is characterized by self-absorption, an inability to empathize, a lack of conscience, paranoia and "unconstrained aggression."

The Dear Leader, Post concluded, "will use whatever aggression is necessary, without qualm of conscience, be it to eliminate an individual or to strike out at a particular group."
I'm not a psychologist, so it should go without saying that my layman's opinions carry little weight on their own. I'll confess I don't see much difference between some of these disorders. Nevertheless, I don't see the distinction between "psychotic" and "malignant narcissism" to be significant enough to split hairs over: Either way, he's criminally insane.
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  • #52
Entropy said:
I doubt he is a sociopath. Being one would imply he suffers from antisocial behavior and he seems very charismatic, he must be to build up so many followers considering how goofy he looks.
Dictators don't become (remain) dictators through charisma, they become (remain) dictators by killing all those who stand in their way. Il's private persona is apparently somewhat personable - even charming [late edit: sentence didn't make sense], but he speaks in public very rarely. Yes, that's different from Hitler, who was charismatic, but Hitler was trying to rally his country to war, while Il is mostly just clinging to control.
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  • #53
russ_watters said:
HERE is an interesting article. The word "psychotic" doesn't immediately come to mind, but the word "narcissistic" does [edit: I actually wrote that before finishing the article].

-Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit.
-A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
Narcissism is a word often associated with Nixon.

Richard Nixon: A Psychobiography. By Vamik D. Volkan, Norman Itzkowitz, and Andrew W. Dod. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

The authors found Nixon to be narcissistic, exhibiting both exaggerated self-love and hungry dependency. The grandiose Nixon centralized decision making in the White House and undertook bold initiatives.
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  • #54
Entropy said:
I doubt he is a sociopath. Being one would imply he suffers from antisocial behavior and he seems very charismatic, he must be to build up so many followers considering how goofy he looks.

From The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, PhD:

How do we recognize the remorseless? One of their chief characteristics is a kind of glow or charisma that makes sociopaths more charming or interesting than other people around them. They're more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else, making them tricky to identify and leaving us easily seduced.
Fundamentally, sociopaths are different because they cannot love. Sociopaths learn early on how to show sham emotion, but underneath they are indifferent to others' suffering. They live to dominate and thrill to win.

I think she's a fear-mongerer myself, but charisma is generally acknowledged as a key characteristic of people with antisocial personality disorder.
  • #55
SOS2008 said:
Narcissism is a word often associated with Nixon.
I think I would tend to associate self-aggrandizement with most people who crave power. Its part of their reason for doing it. That makes most politicians borderline narcissists. But the scope is the key issue here.
  • #56
If I had to speculate about Nixon's problems, I would say his biggest ones were insecurity and paranoia. That was a large part of what caused his drive to consolidate power; he just couldn't trust anyone. It wasn't a craving for power that drove him mad; it was a fear of failure (of course, part of it was failing to attain or maintain power, so the two are closely related). I grew up in the same hometown as him and these characteristics of his are fairly well documented. One of my high school teachers even knew him growing up and said he was always like that, intensely driven and a legend among local businessmen. He really has one of the more fascinating presidential libraries I've seen, too.
  • #57
russ_watters said:
Who is hijacking the thread now? :wink: Do you really want answers to those...?
:frown: No... well, yes, but in the unemployment thread :-p
  • #58
russ_watters said:
-Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit.
-A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
[] I would argue that when narcissism leads you to kidnap an actress and hold her captive for seven years to star in your movie, that's getting close to "psychotic."
Could one not view the statues and pictures as a tactic to achieve the current effect of turning him into an almost divine symbol?

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