Is law of universal gravitation really correct?

In summary, when two masses are in close proximity to each other, the force between them becomes zero due to the law of conservation of mass. However, this does not mean that the masses will suddenly start moving towards each other at high speeds.
  • #1
hello, I'm not saying that Newton's law of universal gravitation is really wrong but there are phenomenons which i don't think the law is really correct and i want someone to help me. There might be explanations but i don't really know any explanations right now so an explanation would be appreciated.

1. When two masses are at one point (centers align), from the equation you should get undefined amount of force but doesn't the force becomes zero when that happens as the two objects should merge into one? This scenario should have occurred many times in daily life, eg. a bullet is fired at a person. The center of the bullet might be able to exactly align with the center of the person as it pierce through the person.

2. When two centers are extremely close to each other, (d->0 but not equal to zero), acceleration should approach infinite from the equation but doesn't that mean the two masses should travel at extreme velocities toward each other? Firstly doesn't it mean that the masses will be able to exceed the speed of light as the acceleration is approaching infinite which violates Einstein's theory. Secondly if the speed of one mass does not exceed speed of light then from law of conservation of mass and momentum, the mass should approach infinite as velocity is converted to mass from equation E=mc^2. But this would lead to more problems such as the mass would attract other objects with force approaching to infinite from law of universal gravitation.

So can anyone give me an explanation to the points i mentioned above? Thanks
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  • #2
DarkestNight said:
hello, I'm not saying that Newton's law of universal gravitation is really wrong but there are phenomenons which i don't think the law is really correct and i want someone to help me.

Newton's gravity is quite correct for "normal" applications to not-too-extreme situations, but we know since Einstein that relativity imposes modifications of gravity. It is Einstein's general relativity which replaces Newton's gravity (and reduces to Newton's gravity in daily applications).

1. When two masses are at one point (centers align), from the equation you should get undefined amount of force but doesn't the force becomes zero when that happens as the two objects should merge into one? This scenario should have occurred many times in daily life, eg. a bullet is fired at a person. The center of the bullet might be able to exactly align with the center of the person as it pierce through the person.

Gravity is not "concentrated" in the center of an object. It is only for a spherical object, *outside the object*, or when you are far from the object (as a good approximation) that it is allowed to replace the gravitational effect of an extended body by the gravity of its mass in its center.

For instance, in the center of the earth, the gravitational force is zero.

2. When two centers are extremely close to each other, (d->0 but not equal to zero), acceleration should approach infinite from the equation but doesn't that mean the two masses should travel at extreme velocities toward each other? Firstly doesn't it mean that the masses will be able to exceed the speed of light as the acceleration is approaching infinite which violates Einstein's theory.

Yes. But in Newton's theory, there is no "speed limit". This is the kind of extreme cases where Newton's gravity, although mathematically consistent in a way, doesn't coincide with what is observed to happen in our universe, and where General Relativity is a better description of gravity as it happens in our universe.

Secondly if the speed of one mass does not exceed speed of light then from law of conservation of mass and momentum, the mass should approach infinite as velocity is converted to mass from equation E=mc^2. But this would lead to more problems such as the mass would attract other objects with force approaching to infinite from law of universal gravitation.

Again, Newton's law of gravity doesn't include any relativistic effects. When these become important, Newton's law of gravity is not a good description of nature anymore. But for more daily phenomena, these corrections are so tiny that Newton's law of gravity is still a good (very good) approximation.
  • #3
Welcome to PhysicsForums, DarkestNight!

The answer to your question, "Is the law of universal gravitation really correct?", is no -- but not quite for the reasons you gave.

1. Even in Newtonian mechanics, Newton's law of gravity applies only to point masses. Real objects are not point masses. To compute the gravitational force between a point mass and a real object, you have to compute the forces between each bit of matter in the real object and the point mass and add all those little bits up -- a volume integral. For example, consider the gravitational force inside the Earth. Newton's law of gravity, properly applied, says the gravitational force at the center of the Earth is zero, not infinite. For two real objects, a double volume integral is needed. Because real objects are not point masses, your concern never materializes.

2. This is closer to the mark, but still not quite correct. If the point masses are moving, the time during which the acceleration is infinite is infinitesimally small. Just because the acceleration becomes infinite does not necessarily mean that velocity necessarily becomes infinite.

However, the velocity does not have to become infinite to create big problems with respect to special relativity. All it has to do is exceed the speed of light. One can easily come up with orbits that would follow Newton's law of gravity but would have superluminal velocities somewhere along the orbit. Newton's law of gravity is not quite right. In addition to special relativity, Einstein also developed general relativity, which is a more accurate model of how gravity works that Newton's law.

So why don't they teach general relativity rather than Newton's law of gravity? Simple: If you are a high school student, neither you nor your teacher have anywhere near enough math background to be able to understand it. That's not an insult. There are a lot of people who majored in physics in college who don't have the math background to understand it.

Newton's law of gravity is a very good approximation to how gravity does work. It does a very good job of explaining the solar system. It took a couple hundred years after Newton's time Einstein before scientists started seeing problems.
  • #4
Thanks for your explanations, i got the idea now

FAQ: Is law of universal gravitation really correct?

1. What is the law of universal gravitation?

The law of universal gravitation is a physical law that describes the gravitational attraction between two objects with mass. It states that every object in the universe attracts every other object with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

2. How was the law of universal gravitation discovered?

The law of universal gravitation was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. He observed the falling of objects on Earth and the motion of planets in our solar system, and theorized that there must be a force of attraction between all objects with mass. He then derived the mathematical formula for the law of universal gravitation based on his observations and experiments.

3. Is the law of universal gravitation still considered accurate?

Yes, the law of universal gravitation is still considered accurate and is used in many fields of science, including astronomy, physics, and engineering. It has been tested and verified through countless experiments and observations, and has been found to accurately predict the motion of objects in our universe.

4. Are there any exceptions to the law of universal gravitation?

While the law of universal gravitation is generally accurate, there are certain situations where it does not apply. For example, it does not apply to objects that are extremely small, such as subatomic particles, or objects that are moving at very high speeds, such as particles in a particle accelerator. It also does not account for the effects of other fundamental forces, such as the strong and weak nuclear forces.

5. Can the law of universal gravitation be proven?

As with any scientific theory, the law of universal gravitation cannot be definitively proven. However, it has been extensively tested and has consistently been found to accurately describe the behavior of gravity in our universe. It is widely accepted by the scientific community and is considered a fundamental law of physics.

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