Is Learning to Write with Both Hands Worth the Effort?

  • Thread starter MathematicalPhysicist
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In summary, learning how to write with both hands is a good way to improve your memory and cognitive skills. However, it is difficult and may take some time to get used to.
  • #1
Gold Member
Any one has ever tried to write with both hands?

I mean being able to do it, I guess if you have a dominated hand, you should practice a lot with your hand writing skill with the "dormant" hand.

Do you remember your first grade assignements which asked you to write down a few alphabetical letters repeatededly, I guess it's a skill as every other skill, and if I wish to acquire it with my left hand I should do it excessively like in elementary school.

The only advantage for having hand writing skill with both hands is to shorten the overload on one hand.
The big disadvantage is having to relearn this skill...
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  • #2
My mom taught us how to learn to write with both hands, but I'm right-handed, and rarely use my left hand. My mom and youngest brother are left-handed. My mother-in-law is left-handed. My son is left-handed.
  • #3
MathematicalPhysicist said:
Any one has ever tried to write with both hands?

I mean being able to do it, I guess if you have a dominated hand, you should practice a lot with your hand writing skill with the "dormant" hand.

Do you remember your first grade assignements which asked you to write down a few alphabetical letters repeatededly, I guess it's a skill as every other skill, and if I wish to acquire it with my left hand I should do it excessively like in elementary school.

The only advantage for having hand writing skill with both hands is to shorten the overload on one hand.
The big disadvantage is having to relearn this skill...

Actually it will help with your memory, and a few other things as well. It might sharpen some of your cognitive skills as well. What happens is (from what I understand) since you've been writing with the same hand since you've known how to write, your brain makes a habit, and just continually strengthens the neural connections needed in the brain to write with your dominant hand, while things related to the dormant one either get weaker from lack of use or are nonexistant. Switching out of the routine you put your brain in increases bloodflow to your brain and strengthens neural connections and networks and makes quicker routes to different neural pathways in your brain, making it quicker to access certain things in your brain. So learning to write with your left hand, or brush your teeth with your left hand, or to break yourself out of normal routines like those mentioned, increase bloodflow and strengthens and creates new pathways and networks for your brain. So if you want to think of it that way, then that's a HUGE advantage to add to your list :)
  • #4
I can write with both hands, and for a short period, tried writing with both at the same time. This was far more difficult and came out very slowly. Co-ordination at the beginning was terrible! I got a little better at it with practice, which isn't saying very much, and then ultimately gave up. It was fun though.
  • #5
I have been working on that for a few weeks. I also plan to write with closed eyes, visualizing the lines and edges of the sheets before moving on to unlined paper. I'll also try variations such as upside-down and mirror.

Eventually, I'll be attempting crisp lines and circles.
  • #6
Ah, I see you're getting good at typing with both hands.

I learned how to type with both hands, too. Eventually, though, I let each hand specialize and now each hand just concentrates on typing only its assigned letters.
  • #7
BobG said:
Ah, I see you're getting good at typing with both hands.

I learned how to type with both hands, too. Eventually, though, I let each hand specialize and now each hand just concentrates on typing only its assigned letters.
Just wait till you try using a pointing device, such as a "mouse," with no more than wrist movement!

-Er, I just caught what you mean. Deleted duplicate post. :smile:
  • #8
I always tried to write with both hands but failed utterly. I can dribble a basketball fairly proficiently with both hands if that counts for something haha.
  • #9
when I was younger I was able to write with both hands no problems and I could also write backwards hmph. I was quite a weird child.
  • #10
I have always written with one hand.


Related to Is Learning to Write with Both Hands Worth the Effort?

1. Can writing with both hands improve brain function?

There is some evidence that ambidexterity, or the ability to write with both hands, can improve brain function by strengthening connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. However, more research is needed to fully understand the impact of ambidexterity on brain function.

2. Is it possible for anyone to become ambidextrous?

While some people may naturally have the ability to write with both hands, it is possible for anyone to become ambidextrous with practice. It may take time and effort, but with consistent practice and training, most people can learn to write with both hands.

3. Do left-handed people have an advantage when it comes to ambidexterity?

There is no definitive evidence that left-handed people have an advantage when it comes to becoming ambidextrous. However, since they are already used to using their non-dominant hand for some tasks, they may have an easier time learning to write with their non-dominant hand.

4. Can writing with both hands improve handwriting?

For some people, writing with both hands can improve handwriting as it allows them to use both hands to refine their technique and form. However, this may not be the case for everyone and it ultimately depends on individual practice and skill.

5. Are there any downsides to being ambidextrous?

While there are potential benefits to being ambidextrous, such as increased brain function and improved coordination, there are also potential downsides. These may include confusion between the dominant and non-dominant hand, and difficulty with tasks that require fine motor skills and precision.

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