Is Lucid Dreaming the Key to Unlocking Quantum Machine Learning?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a machine that uses principles of Quantum Mechanics to record and distribute data from the natural world. The accuracy and instant communication capabilities of the machine are questioned, and the idea of learning from dreams is brought up. However, it is pointed out that this concept is not based in scientific understanding and is more like science fiction. The conversation also touches on the importance of imagination in science and suggests further research and understanding of classical information theory before delving into Quantum Information. Ultimately, the conversation is closed as it is not related to Quantum Mechanics or science.
  • #1
Hi, call me Heilsin.
Lately, I've been reaching down into the bowels of lucid dreaming, and astral projection.
Every night, I've been keeping logs of my dreams, and what they could possibly mean.
My latest dream uncovered a very intricate machine. It used the basic principles of Quantum Mechanics.
Now, I know over the course of history, great discoveries came to conscience during a dream sometime in the night.
This dream gave me grave detail on what it does.
It uses a process called quantum tunneling, which I am currently trying to figure out if it even exist.
This process simultaneously records, and distributes data absorbed from the natural world.
It then places this data on a unit that stores these, "Qubits," in massive collections on a memory unit that's 5nm across and about 2nm thick.
These storage units communicate instantaneously between each other so that data feedback is 100 percent accurate.
Its basic functions to learn and adapt. Its like the human brain but learns a million times faster.
What are your guys opinions?
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  • #2
This is probably a bit too much fantasy to belong on these forums, however, I'll bite and make a few remarks.

There does exist something called quantum tunneling, but from the rest of your description, I don't see how it fits in. You're probably better off to read the wikipedia to get some information on what this is first.

You mention instant communication, but this is actually not possible, as all information signalling is limited to the speed of light. You also state that because of instant communication, they are 100% accurate, but this makes no sense, as one does not lead to the other. It's like saying that because an object is green then it must also be fluffy, it's just not a related property. Just because something is fast doesn't mean it is noise free (which I assume is what you mean by "accuracy").

In the end, most dreams are just dreams and it's rather unlikely that you learn physics from them...
  • #3
Thank you for filling me in on some realities here. Yes, I know it may seem a bit like a fantasy, but from what I've learned, without the imagination, science wouldn't be feasible. I'd like to escalate my speculation with some knowledge and bring this dream into reality. I know most of my information isn't proven thoroughly, but where there is an idea, there is discovery. I want to actually make this machine. I know that information is lost through translation, but what I'm projecting is that the cumulative degeneration of information traveling is high, but to minimize such boundaries are my goals. There is much more research that is in need to be done I know, but this is another hypothesis I came to in my dreams. :)
  • #4
First of all, this has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics. Second, it does not have to do with any kind of science at all. You do not even seem to understand what "learning" means, which is not unexpected. Before you start trying to understand anything about Quantum Information, you need to understand classical information theory. For that you need solid grasp of logic. Go learn that first. Then you can look into knowledge bases, neural networks, and machine learning in general. And while you are at it, you might consider looking into epistemology so you have some idea of what it is that you are trying to achieve. If you are still hopeful when you are done with this in 5-6 years, come back and we'll point you in the right direction to start looking into Quantum Information.
  • #5
Heilsin said:
but from what I've learned, without the imagination, science wouldn't be feasible.
Science without imagination does not make much progress, but imagination without science is lost.
  • #6
there are some quantum computers using ions that should be abel to be confined to 2-5 nm strutctures. decoherence theory speaks to a type of interaction between a quantum system and its enviornment/observer. however, getting a quantum computer to learn from its enviornment seems tricky.

i am imagining a type of turning machine that takes physical events happening all around (as if a quantum system could sense/be-a-sensor to statistical mechanics) and using a learning algorithm to parse the events into objects and laws (axioms from turning machine).

if the events were somehow tuned to become an effective weak measurement on one part of the quantum system (which could also be a sensing qubit i suppose... not nesesarily used for storage) it would then affect any other particles entangled with that quantum element.

but this all sounds like si-fi to me.
  • #7
Sorry, but this isn't QM. Or, as pointed out, science. Thread closed.

FAQ: Is Lucid Dreaming the Key to Unlocking Quantum Machine Learning?

1. What is a Quantum Machine that learns?

A Quantum Machine that learns is a type of computer system that uses principles from quantum mechanics to perform calculations and learn from data. It differs from classical computers in that it can take advantage of quantum superposition and entanglement to process information in a more efficient and powerful way.

2. How does a Quantum Machine that learns work?

A Quantum Machine that learns uses qubits, which are quantum bits, instead of traditional bits. These qubits can represent multiple states at the same time, allowing for faster and more complex calculations. The machine also uses algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze data and make predictions.

3. What are the potential applications of a Quantum Machine that learns?

A Quantum Machine that learns has the potential to be used in a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and materials science. It can be used for tasks such as optimizing financial portfolios, drug discovery, and designing new materials with specific properties.

4. What are the challenges of developing a Quantum Machine that learns?

One of the main challenges is creating and maintaining the delicate quantum state of the qubits. Any outside interference can cause the qubits to lose their quantum properties and lead to errors in calculations. Another challenge is developing algorithms and software that can effectively utilize the unique capabilities of quantum computers.

5. When will we see Quantum Machines that learn being used commercially?

There are already some companies and research institutions working on developing and testing Quantum Machines that learn, but widespread commercial use is still several years away. It is a complex and rapidly evolving field, so it is difficult to predict an exact timeline for when these machines will become commercially viable.
