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Mankind is irrational.
Their political decisions are often not made uppon logic and science.
I have critisized mankind for this. And each time I've done so, people say that I am stupid, an idiot or something like that.
That have raised the question: Do mankind deserves its existence? No. I don't think so. They are irrational.
In the past the normal, neurotypical people banned all studies and science in France because it was against the religion. Today they don't ban it by prohibiting it and punish students. But they ignore it completely if the scientifical arguments in political discussions are against the culture or nationality.
That makes me really angry. I don't want mankind to live anymore! I don't think they deserves existence for their evil irrationalism! I hate humans because they make their political oppinions uppon irrational arguments and intutions and not on scientifial facts or plain logic.
Make mankind make their political oppinions uppon logic and science - or let it die!
Their political decisions are often not made uppon logic and science.
I have critisized mankind for this. And each time I've done so, people say that I am stupid, an idiot or something like that.
That have raised the question: Do mankind deserves its existence? No. I don't think so. They are irrational.
In the past the normal, neurotypical people banned all studies and science in France because it was against the religion. Today they don't ban it by prohibiting it and punish students. But they ignore it completely if the scientifical arguments in political discussions are against the culture or nationality.
That makes me really angry. I don't want mankind to live anymore! I don't think they deserves existence for their evil irrationalism! I hate humans because they make their political oppinions uppon irrational arguments and intutions and not on scientifial facts or plain logic.
Make mankind make their political oppinions uppon logic and science - or let it die!