Is Matter Really Just Made of Waves?

In summary, there is a debate about whether light is a particle or a wave, with some evidence suggesting it has characteristics of both. Another idea is that all matter, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, is made of waves. However, waves have no mass and need something to transfer energy through, which leads to the concept of The Ether. This idea suggests that space itself can have waves or ripples, and all matter is affected by these ripples. However, this idea has been discredited and there is no evidence to support it. The conversation also brings up the topic of String Theory, which is a more modern concept.
  • #1
There's a big debate on wether light is particle or wave. It sometimes ehibits chareteristics of both. If that's not confusing enough there's this new idea on matter.

I heard this guyt alk about it in a lecture. He was saying all matter, electroncs,protons, and neutrons are made out of waves. This wouldn't be so bad accept waves have no mass and waves have to have something to tranfer their energy through.

Then he goes on about something called The Ether. Apparently space itself can have waves or ripples going through it. We and all matter or supposedly those ripples. Us and all matter that is. Myquestion is how can ripples in something with no mass cause something with mass? How can you possibly test or prove it? And how in the hell did whomever come up with that?
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  • #2
The Ether? Who did you hear this all from? Apparently he is unfamiliar with Michelson Morely interferometry. The answer is that there is no ether.
  • #4
Are you talking about String Theory?

If you find you don't get satisfactory answers here, post in the 'Beyond the Standard Model' forum - String Theory probably gets a thorough working over there.

  • #5
No The Ether was before String Theory.
  • #6
well, this guy was (possibly) right about the wave-like properties of particles (matter) and the particle-like properties of waves. but not about aether (Ether is this stuff i like to snort).

FAQ: Is Matter Really Just Made of Waves?

1. What is matter?

Matter refers to all physical substances that occupy space and have mass. This includes everything around us, such as air, water, and living organisms.

2. What are particles?

Particles are tiny units of matter that cannot be divided any further. They make up atoms, which are the building blocks of all matter.

3. What is the wave-particle duality?

The wave-particle duality is the scientific concept that states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This means that particles can act as waves and have properties such as frequency, wavelength, and interference.

4. How do particles and waves differ?

Particles have a definite mass and position, while waves do not have a specific mass or location. Additionally, particles can collide and interact with each other, while waves can pass through each other without disturbance.

5. How do scientists study matter particles and waves?

Scientists use various tools and techniques, such as particle accelerators and spectroscopy, to study matter particles and waves. They also use mathematical models and theories, such as quantum mechanics, to understand the behavior of these particles and waves.

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