Is MCNP capable of scoring fission spectrum?

In summary, you can tag the neutron tally to only be scored for specific reactions in specific cells/materials in a nuclear data library in order to reduce the uncertainty of the simulation code.
  • #1
Hi everybody,
I am trying to score fission spectrum in MCNP for a kcode calculation. I would like to check at which energy neutrons produced by fission are generated. I have no idea how to perform since tallies are usually volume or material dependent and I just want to build a spectrum containing only the neutrons created by fission.
Any idea on how to proceed?
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  • #2
I cannot advise on how to tally the energy right upon neutron "birth", but you can tag the neutron tally to only be scored for specific reactions in specific cells/materials. This material begins in the MCNP 6.2 User Manual at 3-245 or 302/793 on the PDF copy.

Edit: The tag will act as a "barcode" upon the history that is a result of the specified reaction in the specified cell/material. Your tally will show the contribution from that specific tag and any other specified tags. This is quite useful when you're wanting to examine contributions from specific nuclides to a tally.
  • #3
froztiz said:
Hi everybody,
I am trying to score fission spectrum in MCNP for a kcode calculation. I would like to check at which energy neutrons produced by fission are generated. I have no idea how to perform since tallies are usually volume or material dependent and I just want to build a spectrum containing only the neutrons created by fission.
Any idea on how to proceed?
As far as I know, the fission neutron energy spectrum is an input that one takes from a nuclear data library: ENDF, JEFF or JENDL.

See -
Accurate nuclear data are important for reducing the uncer-2tainty of nuclear simulation codes such as Monte Carlo N Par-3ticle (MCNP)[1] and GEANT[2]. These codes require cross-4sections and other nuclear data such as energy spectrum for5prompt fission neutron emission in order to simulate nuclear6processes.

See also -

FAQ: Is MCNP capable of scoring fission spectrum?

1. Can MCNP accurately simulate fission spectrum?

Yes, MCNP is capable of accurately simulating fission spectrum. This is because MCNP uses Monte Carlo methods to simulate the transport of particles, which allows for precise calculations of fission spectrum.

2. What is the process for scoring fission spectrum in MCNP?

The process for scoring fission spectrum in MCNP involves setting up a fission tally, specifying the energy range of interest, and running the simulation. The results can then be viewed and analyzed using MCNP's output tools.

3. Are there any limitations to MCNP's ability to score fission spectrum?

Yes, there are some limitations to MCNP's ability to score fission spectrum. These include the accuracy of the nuclear data used, the size and complexity of the model being simulated, and the computational resources available.

4. Can MCNP be used to compare different fission spectrum calculations?

Yes, MCNP can be used to compare different fission spectrum calculations. This is because MCNP allows for the use of different nuclear data libraries, which can lead to variations in the calculated fission spectrum.

5. Is MCNP the only software capable of scoring fission spectrum?

No, MCNP is not the only software capable of scoring fission spectrum. There are other Monte Carlo transport codes, such as Serpent and SCALE, that also have the capability to score fission spectrum.

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