Is Mesh Analysis Really Necessary in Electrical Engineering?

  • Thread starter azaharak
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In summary: Algebra and switched the polarity of the current :PIn summary, the author is not a fan of Mesh and Supermesh methods and thinks they are just variations of using KCL/KVL equations. He prefers KVL over Mesh for solving circuits.
  • #1
I've been asked to teach an electrical engineering course, due to lack of EE people at my college.

I've been running through Mesh , nodal analysis etc.

Its seems like these are just variations of using kirchhoffs voltage and current continuity equations. It seems pointless to me, I've been able to solve every problem just using intuition and kirchhoffs laws. All this mesh and supermesh stuff just seems like memorizing procedures to reduce the amount of algebra ( i guess).

Am I missing something? Is there something these methods can do that kirchhoffs methods can not?
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  • #2
azaharak said:
I've been asked to teach an electrical engineering course, due to lack of EE people at my college.

I've been running through Mesh , nodal analysis etc.

Its seems like these are just variations of using kirchhoffs voltage and current continuity equations. It seems pointless to me, I've been able to solve every problem just using intuition and kirchhoffs laws. All this mesh and supermesh stuff just seems like memorizing procedures to reduce the amount of algebra ( i guess).

Am I missing something? Is there something these methods can do that kirchhoffs methods can not?

I tend to use KCL nodal equations pretty exclusively -- they are more intuitive for me to set up versus loop mesh equations.
  • #3
they are recipies for applying Kirchoff.
I think they have two uses for students, firstly to reinforce the concept that current must flow in loops (lacking from kcl), but mainly to provide a method for inexperienced students to find the right answer for a not so straightforward problem.
its easier to teach recipes than creativity and intuition, but its also easier to trust answers from it.
  • #4
Mesh and Nodal analysis are just algorithms to solve circuits using KCL/KVL. I think teaching wise, its helpful early on to help build some intuition. Supermesh type stuff are just little tricks to help solve problems. I don't even remember exactly what they entail.

After that first half of Circuits I, I've just set up the KVL/KCL equations I needed to solve for the specific thing I'm looking for. Do emphasize techniques like source transformations and especially the current/voltage divider formulas. I use things like that all the time when looking at circuits without having to set up a whole system.

I'm a KVL guy, I always messed up signs when do node equations
  • #5

I understand your skepticism towards using mesh analysis in electrical engineering. However, I would like to offer some insight on why it is still a valuable tool to learn and use in problem-solving.

Firstly, while it may seem like mesh analysis is just a variation of Kirchhoff's laws, it actually offers a more systematic and organized approach to circuit analysis. By dividing the circuit into smaller loops or meshes, we can easily apply Kirchhoff's voltage law to each loop and then use the resulting equations to solve for unknown currents or voltages. This can be especially helpful in more complex circuits where using Kirchhoff's laws alone may become cumbersome and prone to errors.

Additionally, mesh analysis allows for the use of superposition, which is a powerful technique for analyzing circuits with multiple sources. By breaking down the circuit into individual meshes, we can apply the principle of superposition to determine the contribution of each source separately and then combine them to get the overall solution.

Furthermore, mesh analysis is not just about reducing algebraic complexity. It also helps in visualizing and understanding the flow of current in a circuit. By identifying and labeling individual meshes, we can easily track the direction and magnitude of current in each loop, leading to a better understanding of the circuit's behavior.

In conclusion, while it may seem like mesh analysis is just a memorization of procedures, it offers a more systematic and efficient way of solving complex circuits. It also allows for the use of superposition and provides a better understanding of current flow. Therefore, I would highly recommend incorporating mesh analysis into your teaching of electrical engineering.

Related to Is Mesh Analysis Really Necessary in Electrical Engineering?

What is mesh and why is it important in scientific research?

Mesh refers to a network of interconnected points or elements, typically used to represent a 3D object. It is important in scientific research because it allows for the visualization and analysis of complex structures and systems, such as biological tissues or fluid flow patterns.

What are the different types of mesh used in scientific research?

There are several types of mesh used in scientific research, including structured, unstructured, and hybrid meshes. Structured meshes use a regular grid of points, while unstructured meshes allow for more flexibility in the placement of points. Hybrid meshes combine elements of both structured and unstructured meshes for optimal accuracy and efficiency.

Do I really need to use mesh in my research?

It depends on the specific goals and methods of your research. Mesh is often necessary for analyzing and visualizing complex systems and structures, but it may not be needed for simpler objects or processes. It is important to consult with other scientists in your field and carefully consider the goals of your research before deciding whether or not to use mesh.

How do I choose the appropriate mesh for my research?

The appropriate mesh will depend on the specific goals and needs of your research. Factors to consider include the complexity of the object or system being studied, the accuracy and efficiency required, and the capabilities of the software or tools being used. It is recommended to consult with experts in your field or do further research on the different types of mesh available before making a decision.

Are there any limitations or challenges associated with using mesh in scientific research?

Like any tool or method, there are limitations and challenges associated with using mesh in scientific research. These may include the need for specialized software, difficulty in accurately representing complex geometries, and potential errors or inaccuracies in the analysis. It is important to carefully consider these limitations and address them appropriately in order to ensure the validity and reliability of your research.

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