Is Mexoryl Unapproved Due to the Lengthy FDA Approval Process?

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In summary: It's a long and expensive process that the FDA must follow to ensure the safety and effectiveness of a drug before it can be sold to the public. Unfortunately, Mexoryl has not yet been approved by the FDA, despite dermatologists considering it the best ingredient for protection against Ultraviolet A radiation. This has caused it to be illegal to buy in the United States, while it is being used successfully in other countries. In summary, Mexoryl is a highly effective ingredient in protecting against Ultraviolet A radiation, but it is not yet approved by the FDA in the United States due to the long and cautious drug approval process. This has caused it to be unavailable for purchase in the country, despite its success in other parts of the world.
  • #1
Our suntan lotions are good at screening out the sun's UVB rays — the ones that cause sunburn and skin cancers — but most people don't realize their sunscreens don't offer much protection against UVA rays, the ones that put wrinkles in your skin.

"Ultraviolet A light ages your skin. And the reason it does that, it's a longer wavelength, so it can penetrate deeper into the skin, and instead of attacking the upper layers of the skin where skin cancer often forms, it attacks the layers that give your skin its tone, its elasticity, as we call it. … You get the lines, the wrinkles, all the things associated from aging," said Dr. Darrell Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology at New York University

But there's good news. Lotions that contain the ingredients Oxybenzone, Titanium Dioxide or Parsol 1789 block out some UVA rays.

Doctors say a chemical called Mexoryl offers even better protection.

"It produces a product which gives us almost perfect protection against sunshine," said Dr. Vincent DeLeo, chairman of dermatology at Columbia University.

People are happily protecting themselves with Mexoryl on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, the streets of Paris, in Canada, Mexico and Australia.

Mexoryl "is the No. 1 individual ingredient in terms of protection from Ultraviolet A radiation," Rigel said.

But even though dermatologists say Mexoryl is the best, you cannot legally buy it in the United States. It's illegal, because the Food and Drug Administration won't approve it. They won't even say why. The FDA is charged with making sure no drug is sold unless the government is convinced it's safe and effective. Dermatologists think it's just stuck in the bureaucracy. It routinely takes 12 to 15 years for a drug to get approval. After an approved drug — Vioxx, for example — gets bad publicity as a health risk, the FDA gets particularly cautious.
Is mexoryl unapproved because of 12-15 years waiting time for drug approval??
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  • #2
Yes, It appears so. The standard waiting period for drug approval in the United States are long and even longer now because of the Vioxx and others. A substance/drug (like mexoryl) can contain several thousand ingredients and every single on of them needs to be tested. Also, their conbined effect needs to be tested too.
  • #3

It is likely that the reason for Mexoryl being unapproved is due to the lengthy and strict process of drug approval by the FDA. As mentioned in the article, it can take 12 to 15 years for a drug to get approval from the FDA. This is because the FDA has strict standards for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drugs before they can be sold to the public. Additionally, the FDA may also be more cautious in their approval process for drugs that have received negative publicity, such as the example of Vioxx mentioned in the article. It is possible that Mexoryl is still going through the approval process and has not yet met all of the necessary requirements for FDA approval.

FAQ: Is Mexoryl Unapproved Due to the Lengthy FDA Approval Process?

1. Why is mexoryl unapproved?

Mexoryl is currently unapproved in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in sunscreen products. This is due to the fact that it is classified as a new drug, meaning it has not been previously used or marketed in the US, and therefore requires extensive testing and approval by the FDA before it can be used in consumer products.

2. What is mexoryl and why is it used in sunscreen?

Mexoryl, also known as ecamsule, is an organic compound that is used in sunscreen products as a UV filter. It is particularly effective in protecting against UVA rays, which contribute to skin aging and can cause skin cancer. It is often used in combination with other UV filters to provide broad-spectrum protection.

3. Is mexoryl safe for use in sunscreen?

While mexoryl has been approved for use in sunscreen in other countries, its safety and effectiveness have not yet been fully evaluated by the FDA. However, studies have shown that it is generally well-tolerated and has a low risk of skin irritation or allergy. Further research is needed to fully assess its safety for use in sunscreen products in the US.

4. Are there any alternatives to mexoryl for UVA protection in sunscreen?

Yes, there are other UV filters that are approved and commonly used in sunscreen products in the US. These include avobenzone, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. While they may not be as effective as mexoryl in blocking UVA rays, they still provide significant protection when used in combination with other UV filters.

5. Will mexoryl ever be approved for use in sunscreen in the US?

It is difficult to say for certain whether or not mexoryl will eventually be approved for use in sunscreen in the US. The FDA has strict guidelines and regulations for approving new drugs, and the process can be lengthy. However, if further research and testing show that mexoryl is safe and effective for use in sunscreen, it is possible that it could be approved in the future.
