Is MOND Affecting the Universe's Expansion?

In summary, MOND proposes an alternative explanation for the velocities of stars in spiral galaxies, but it is not yet a universally accepted theory and does not directly affect the expansion of the universe.
  • #1
The gravitational force acting on a particle of mass m, on the
surface of a sphere of radius 10^26 metres and with a mass of 10^52
kg is given by
G x10^52 m / (10^26) ^ 2

The acceleration is given by G x10^52 / (10^26) ^ 2 = 10^ - 11 m/ s^2

This is the magnitude of accleration at which modified Newtonian dynamics
becomes a mathematically accurate description of the velocities of stars in spiral galaxies.MOND describes a gravitational force that is stronger than
the usual Newtonian expectation.As the universe expands beyond 10^26 metres,
if MOND is valid as a force law,then we should expect the acceleration of the expansion of the universe at distances greater than 10^26 metres,to be slower than expected.Does anyone agree with this?
Astronomy news on
  • #2

I would like to provide some clarifications and additional information on the topic of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) and its potential implications for the expansion of the universe.

Firstly, it is important to note that MOND is a theory that proposes an alternative explanation for the observed discrepancies between the predicted and observed velocities of stars in spiral galaxies. It suggests that there may be a different, stronger gravitational force at play, rather than the currently accepted theory of dark matter.

Secondly, the equation provided in the forum post is correct in terms of calculating the gravitational force on a particle on the surface of a sphere with a mass of 10^52 kg and a radius of 10^26 meters. However, it is not directly related to MOND or the expansion of the universe.

Thirdly, while MOND may provide a better fit for the velocities of stars in spiral galaxies, it has not been proven to be a universally applicable theory. It is still a subject of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

Lastly, the expansion of the universe is not directly affected by MOND. The expansion of the universe is primarily driven by the force of dark energy, which is a separate phenomenon from MOND. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe would be slower if MOND were a valid force law.

In conclusion, while MOND may have implications for our understanding of gravitational forces in certain situations, it is not directly related to the expansion of the universe. Further research and evidence are needed to fully understand the potential effects of MOND on our understanding of the universe.

FAQ: Is MOND Affecting the Universe's Expansion?

What is MOND?

MOND, or Modified Newtonian Dynamics, is a theory proposed by physicist Mordehai Milgrom in 1983 as an alternative to dark matter. It suggests that the observed discrepancies in the rotation curves of galaxies can be explained by modifying Newton's laws of motion at very low accelerations.

How does MOND explain the expansion of the universe?

MOND does not directly address the expansion of the universe. However, some researchers have proposed that MOND may be able to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion without the need for dark energy. This is still a topic of ongoing research and debate in the scientific community.

What evidence supports MOND?

There is currently no conclusive evidence that supports MOND. While it has been successful in explaining the rotation curves of galaxies and some other astrophysical observations, it has not been able to make accurate predictions for a wide range of phenomena. Additionally, MOND has not been able to explain the observations of gravitational lensing, which is a key piece of evidence for the existence of dark matter.

How does MOND compare to the theory of dark matter?

MOND and the theory of dark matter are two competing theories that attempt to explain the discrepancies in our understanding of the universe. While MOND suggests modifying Newton's laws of motion, dark matter proposes the existence of a type of matter that does not interact with light but has a gravitational effect on the visible matter in the universe. The two theories have different implications for our understanding of the universe and are currently being tested and debated by scientists.

What are the current challenges facing MOND?

One of the main challenges facing MOND is its inability to explain the observed gravitational lensing and the large-scale structure of the universe. Additionally, MOND has not been able to make accurate predictions for a wide range of phenomena, making it difficult for researchers to fully support the theory. Ongoing research and observations are being conducted to better understand the limitations and potential of MOND.
