Is Mount Merapi About to Erupt?

  • Thread starter Rach3
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What would happen if the lava flow was heading towards a village away from water?There's also the problem of gas and ash that can be produced. They are more of a danger to people than lava.So far, the villagers seem to be relying on traditional superstitions and customs to protect them from the volcano, rather than following the advice of officials to evacuate. The volcano, Mount Merapi, is showing signs of an imminent eruption, with lava oozing and clouds of ash being released. The Indonesian government has ordered an immediate evacuation of thousands of people living on the slopes of the volcano. Mount Merapi is one of Indonesia's most active and dangerous volcanoes and has a history of deadly eruptions, including one in
  • #1

NYT said:
YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Indonesia ordered the immediate evacuation Saturday of thousands of people from the slopes of Mount Merapi volcano, warning of an imminent eruption as the mountain oozed fiery lava and belched clouds of black ash.
''Because there have been constant lava flows that cause hot gases, we have raised the status to the highest level,'' said Bambang Dwiyanto, head of the region's volcanology center.;_ylt=ApTqnUeGMdMCmHLbA0L9dHpqWscF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3dmhrOGVvBHNlYwNzc20-"
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Earth sciences news on
  • #2
I've been reading about this stuff.

The volcano is midway between Krakatau and Mount Tambora. The 1815 Mount Tambora eruption is the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history, the 1883 Krakatau eruption is the second. The volcano is also located along the same fault line that caused the 2004 tsunami.

My prediction is an eruption on the scale of Montserrat or Mount St. Helens but I don't know this stuff at all well.
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  • #3
Some background on Mount Merapi, which has been active since mid March this year.

Back in April -
Frequent earthquakes and plumes of sulfur-laden gas indicated that Mt. Merapi was gearing up for an eruption in late April 2006. The volcano is one of Indonesia’s most active and dangerous volcanoes. The slopes of the volcano are densely populated, with four districts clustered on its flanks. As many as 80,000 people may be displaced if the volcano erupts, depending on which way the lava flows down the summit, reported the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Thousands of people who live near the volcano had been evacuated by April 27, and more were preparing to leave as the volcano continued to rumble. An eruption in 1994 claimed at least 66 lives, and a 1930 eruption killed 1,370.

Among the most serious dangers an erupting Merapi poses to the surrounding population are its characteristic pyroclastic flows and lahars. Avalanches of hot ash, gas, and rock sweep down the mountain at speeds of 100 kilometers per hour or more in a pyroclastic flow, accompanied or followed by volcanic mudflows—lahars. Pyroclastic flows and lahars have been responsible for much of the damage caused by the volcano during its long eruptive history.

Merapi (Smithsonian) -
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  • #4;_ylt=AgGfZBsU7bi.Z7lmoYF4T6YiANEA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-
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  • #5
Rach3 said:;_ylt=AgGfZBsU7bi.Z7lmoYF4T6YiANEA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3bGk2OHYzBHNlYwN0bXA-
That looks bad, is it heading towards populated areas ?
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  • #6
  • #7
So sad, the sheeps fleece maybe the last thing thet see.
  • #8
That cloud behind the motorbike..looks like a sheeps head to me! They best get to step'en!
  • #9;_ylt=AgM876F.JRlvJWjouO1JPjNqWscF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3dmhrOGVvBHNlYwNzc20-
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  • #10
There really is nothing to be afraid of. I found a way to make sure the people are safe from the devastation of the volcano.

Merpai has been intermittently and regularly active over the past century, with about 1,300 people dying in an eruption in 1930. In 1994, a wedding party of about 60 people were killed by the scorching ash and gas of a pyroclastic flow from Merapi. Six years later, Luhr visited the same village with Indonesian vulcanologists to speak with the people still living there, to explain why they should leave the area. The answer from the village elders was that they already had a solution that allowed them to remain: teams of men would run naked around the village at night to keep it safe from the fiery mountain's wrath.

See? There really is nothing to be worried about!


  • #11
I've always wondered if it wouldn't make sense to dig a channel in the side of a volcano like Merapi, while it is dormant, so that when it erupts, the lava goes where it does the least harm. But then leave it to someone to settle down in that particular spot.

I wonder how much the land costs around an active volcano? :rolleyes:
  • #12
Astronuc said:
I've always wondered if it wouldn't make sense to dig a channel in the side of a volcano like Merapi, while it is dormant, so that when it erupts, the lava goes where it does the least harm. But then leave it to someone to settle down in that particular spot.

I don't think volcanos are that tame...
  • #13
Rach3 said:
I don't think volcanos are that tame...
The latest eruption at Merapi started up back around Feb or March. The authorities have had plenty of time to think about defensive measures against lava flow.
  • #14
It's been tried with Mount Etna, and met with some success.
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  • #15
Thanks matthyaouw, I was thinking about that, but wasn't sure.

In Iceland, the locals sprayed water on lava to cool it, and thus protect villages that were in the path of a lava flow. The lava actually improved the protection of a coastal village from the open sea.

Of course, being by the sea, they had lots of water at hand.

FAQ: Is Mount Merapi About to Erupt?

1. What caused the volcano to erupt in Indonesia?

The eruption of a volcano in Indonesia is typically caused by the movement of tectonic plates, which can create pressure and lead to an eruption. Other factors such as underground magma chambers and changes in the Earth's crust can also contribute to volcanic eruptions.

2. How often do volcanoes erupt in Indonesia?

Indonesia is home to more than 130 active volcanoes, making it one of the most volcanically active countries in the world. On average, there is at least one major volcanic eruption in Indonesia every year, with smaller eruptions occurring more frequently.

3. What are the potential dangers of a volcano erupting in Indonesia?

The eruption of a volcano in Indonesia can have a range of dangerous consequences. These can include ash fall, mudflows, and pyroclastic flows, which can destroy buildings and communities in the surrounding area. Volcanic gases and acid rain can also pose health hazards to humans and animals.

4. Can scientists predict when a volcano will erupt in Indonesia?

While scientists can monitor volcanic activity and provide warnings of potential eruptions, it is difficult to accurately predict when a volcano will erupt. The behavior of volcanoes can be unpredictable and can change quickly, making it challenging to determine exact eruption times.

5. What is being done to mitigate the impact of volcanic eruptions in Indonesia?

The Indonesian government, along with international organizations, have developed monitoring systems to track volcanic activity and provide early warnings to at-risk communities. Evacuation plans and emergency response procedures are also in place to help lessen the impact of volcanic eruptions. Additionally, ongoing research is being conducted to better understand and predict volcanic eruptions in Indonesia.

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