Is my Cockcroft-Walton accelerator design correct?

In summary: It is difficult to say how successful you will be in obtaining a usable beam. Getting a usable beam may be more difficult than you expect. However, factors that are important are purity of the gas you use, the method you use to extract the ions from the source, and how you focus the beam coming out of the source and down the beam tube.
  • #1
I am building a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator for a science fair project, so how does this design sound?

Starting from the top, there is a polished steel terminal, like a VDG terminal. Inside here is the proton source and power supply to the source (the source is a hydrogen discharge tube) . The top terminal is connected to the output (positive), of a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier. From the top terminal comes the accelerator tube. It is a glass (probably borosilicate) pipe.

Three polished copper drift tubes are fitted within it. The highest tube is connected to the spherical terminal at the top. The middle tube is connected to the middle of a six-stage CW voltage multiplier. This is half the top terminal voltage (still positive). The bottom tube is connected to the start of the multiplier , ground. The proton beam enters a machined aluminium chamber and strikes a target. This creates gamma rays which can be detected. If lithium is struck with the beam, alpha particles are created which escape through a mica window in the target chamber and are detected by a end-window Geiger counter.

Should I place external corona needles connected to the drift tubes, outside the accelerator tube, to equalise potential over the tube, or is my current design fine? Should a seal the proton source with a mica window or us the design from If I don't seal the source, won't the hydrogen just escape down the acceleration tube?

Please improve upon it and tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks so much,
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  • #2
Just for starters. Do you have sketches/drawing of your device? What is your goal or purpose for this device? What is you design terminal voltage? What radiation safety procedure do you intend to implement? An needless to say I presume you are well aware of the HV safety issues both for users and spectators.
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  • #3
gleem said:
Just for starters. Do you have sketches/drawing of your device? What is your goal or purpose for this device? What is you design terminal voltage? What radiation safety procedure do you intend to implement? An needless to say I presume you are well aware of the HV safety issues both for users and spectators.
Yes, I do have the sketches and drawings.
My goal is to create a proton beam for the bombardment of targets.
The terminal is charged from a Cockcroft-Walton multiplier, if that's what you mean.
The target chamber is shielded with lead, except for the window. I will also make use of dosimeters.
And yes, I'm aware of HV safety.
Thanks for replying, so do you think it will work?
  • #4
eigenmax said:
The terminal is charged from a Cockcroft-Walton multiplier, if that's what you mean.
He is asking what the output voltage of your multiplier is...
  • #5
berkeman said:
He is asking what the output voltage of your multiplier is...
Oh, sorry. I don't know exactly but it's probably about 72Kv. I got that from a rough estimate, I haven't got a high-voltage multimeter probe yet, so can't measure exactly.
  • #6
eigenmax said:
Thanks for replying, so do you think it will work?

Going on just your description it is difficult to say how successful you will be in obtaining a usable beam.
Getting a usable beam may be more difficult than you expect. How do you expect to evaluate its performance? Beam current for example and are you measuring what you think you are

At 72 KV I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing any nuclear reaction products. the coulomb barrier will be too high most of your beam to penetrate to a distance which will result in a reaction.

I should add that you might want to check for soft x-ray too say from back streaming electrons flying up toward the HV terminal.
  • #7
Thanks for the help! What is the value of the Coulomb barrier, so I can design a higher voltage multiplier? What could I do to create a usable beam?
  • #8
eigenmax said:
What is the value of the Coulomb barrier, so I can design a higher voltage multiplier

You should be able to compute a reasonable approximation by determining from Coulomb's law and assume that the target nucleus' surface and projectile surface just touch. the work (energy required) you must do to bring them that close.

As far as useable beams are concerned there may be a lot of trial and error. But factors that are important are purity of the gas you use , the method you use to extract the ions from the source and how you focus the beam coming out of the source and down the beam tube. you don't want the beam hitting anything after it extracted. Also the beam tube vacuum is important the longer the tube the lower the vacuum should be.
  • #9
Ok thanks, and very finally, the acceleration method is correct though, with the beam accelerated down lower potentials to ground ?
  • #10
eigenmax said:
Ok thanks, and very finally, the acceleration method is correct though, with the beam accelerated down lower potentials to ground ?

Yes, An one additional point. In trying to experimenting with and optimizing the ion source you might construct a setup specifically designed for this instead of putting it on the CW machine and measuring current at the end of the beam tube.
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  • #11
gleem said:
Yes, An one additional point. In trying to experimenting with and optimizing the ion source you might construct a setup specifically designed for this instead of putting it on the CW machine and measuring current at the end of the beam tube.
Ok, thanks a lot !

Related to Is my Cockcroft-Walton accelerator design correct?

1. How does a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator work?

A Cockcroft-Walton accelerator is a type of particle accelerator that uses high voltage to accelerate charged particles. It works by using a series of capacitors and diodes to create an alternating electric field that increases the energy of the particles as they pass through the gaps between the electrodes.

2. What factors should I consider when designing a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator?

Some important factors to consider when designing a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator include the voltage and capacitance of the capacitors, the type and placement of diodes, and the spacing between the electrodes. It is also important to consider safety measures and potential sources of electrical interference.

3. How can I test if my Cockcroft-Walton accelerator design is correct?

A common way to test a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator design is to use a voltage meter to measure the output voltage. The design should also be tested with different load resistances to ensure that it can handle varying loads. Other testing methods may include simulation software or physical experiments with charged particles.

4. Are there any common errors or challenges when building a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator?

One common error when building a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator is using incorrect or faulty components, which can lead to inaccurate results or potential safety hazards. Another challenge is achieving high enough voltages, as leakage and breakdown can occur at high voltages. It is also important to consider insulation and grounding to prevent electrical shocks.

5. Can a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator be used for any other applications?

Yes, a Cockcroft-Walton accelerator can also be used for X-ray generation, ion implantation, and other types of particle acceleration. It can also be used in research and industrial settings for materials testing and analysis. However, it is important to note that the design and components may need to be adjusted for different applications.

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