Is my contribution to the philosophy forum valued?

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  • Thread starter octelcogopod
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In summary, the forum moderators have not deemed that any of the posts made by the user merit their continued discussion.
  • #1
I hope this warrants its own topic, but we'll see.

I have spent about 4 years on here, mainly in the philosophy forum.
I have had many great discussions on varied subjects, but I am beginning to doubt myself.
I searched through all my old topics, and I found that a bunch of them had been locked.
However I have never been banned. So I'm wondering if people here think I have anything to offer in the philosophy section, and if I didn't would I be banned?

I realize many of my old topics were speculative and weird at best, but still to this day I sometimes have ideas or thoughts that may be 'controversial' but I still haven't been banned for it while many others have.

So to conclude my self indulgence, have any of the mods or users ever thought anything particular about me? I don't really want to pollute your forum but I do enjoy writing philosophy.

I guess some of my posts are insightful but others I have to think a bit more through.
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  • #2
Most if not all posts in the Philosophy forum prior to Oct 11, 2006 have been locked. There are a few that got locked for noncompliance with the guidelines, but the majority are simply locked to prevent necroposting, which has been a problem now and then. Unfortunately, there is no distinction between a thread locked for a guideline violation and one locked to prevent necroposting.
  • #3
My neural pathways have become accustomed to your input.
  • #4
Ah ok I see, thanks Astronuc.

And also Dave, haha, good to hear.
  • #5
Necroposting, jeez I love that word.
  • #6
Astronuc is correct. When hypnagogue laid out the new guidelines for philosophy, many of the threads about third eyes, oneness with the Universe, etc.. were no longer allowed. I did a mass lock in GD, P&WA and PHIL (P&WA also had a major rule change).

I found that I had locked many of my own threads in the process. :-p But due to the number of threads, thousands across the 3 forums, it was the only way to manage the new rules.

When I lock a thread due to the thread itself being bad, I always post the reason.
  • #7
How long does a thread have to be inactive before it becomes a dreaded cannibalistic "Necropost".
And after it is locked what mystical process (please include chant in .wav format) needs to be done to resurrect it?
  • #8
sas3 said:
How long does a thread have to be inactive before it becomes a dreaded cannibalistic "Necropost".
And after it is locked what mystical process (please include chant in .wav format) needs to be done to resurrect it?
One may PM the forum moderator to unlock a thread. IIRC, the Rules for Philosophy got tightened when it was moved as part of a restructuring of PF.
  • #9
I don't understand why necroposting is to be hated. If a topic is still worthwhile to discuss, why not continue discussing it rather than forcing the user to create another bloated post?
  • #10
Blenton said:
I don't understand why necroposting is to be hated. If a topic is still worthwhile to discuss, why not continue discussing it rather than forcing the user to create another bloated post?
I believe that the mentors have voted in favor of treating each necropost on an individual case basis going forward. Old threads that do not conform to current guidelines will continue to be locked. If you are interested in a locked thread, and the thread doesn't say it was locked for any specific reason, and after having checked the guidelines it appears that what you wish to discuss is not a violation, feel free to start a new thread. If you aren't sure or don't have the time, just pm a mentor and ask, or use the "report" button and ask if it's ok to continue.

If the old thread is not locked, feel free to post to it.

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