Is My Epsilon-Delta Proof of a Limit Correct?

In summary: I think I understand now, we are trying to find a bound on |x-c| and it doesn't make sense to include x in the value for \deltaIn summary, the conversation discusses finding a proof for the limit of a function and the use of LaTeX to present the proof. The method of using reverse triangle inequality to find a bound for δ is discussed, and it is determined that the function is continuous for all real numbers. The conversation also touches on the use of x and ε in finding a bound for δ.
  • #1
Hey there, I'm new to this forum. Today I thought I would brush up on my calculus.
I would just like to know if my method is correct. Is there an easier way to prove this ?
By the way, it's my first time using LaTeX, so bear with me.

I am trying to prove the following :

\lim_{x\rightarrow 10} {x^2} = 100
So, I must find a δ in which the following holds

\forall\epsilon>0\ \exists\ \delta>0\ such\ that\ 0<|x - 10| < \delta \implies |x^2 - 100|< \epsilon
I observe the following
[tex]|x-10| = |x + (-10)|[/tex] and by triangle inequality, [tex]|x|+|-10| > |x-10|[/tex] We will also note that [tex]|x| + |-10| = |x| + |10|\implies|x|+|10|>|x-10|[/tex]
Now we can find a δ in terms of ε. By reverse triangle inequality,
[tex]|x^2 - 100|\geq||x^2| - |100||\ and\ ||x^2| - |100||>|x^2| - |100|\ and \ |x^2| - |100| = |x|^2 - |10|^2[/tex][tex]\implies\epsilon > |x|^2 - |10|^2[/tex] Using this we can see that,[tex]\frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|}>|x|\ as\ well\ as \ \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|^2}>|10| \ and\ since\ we\ know:\ |x|+|10| > |x-10|,[/tex]
[tex]\implies \frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|} > |x-10|[/tex]
So take [tex]\delta = \frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|}[/tex]

Is this correct? I would be really grateful if I got some feedback!
Can we also say the function is continuous [itex]\forall c\in\mathbb R[/itex] in the following way.
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow c} {x^2} = c^2[/tex] just take [tex]\delta = \frac{\epsilon+|c|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|c|}[/tex]
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  • #2
DarthRoni said:
Hey there, I'm new to this forum. Today I thought I would brush up on my calculus.
I would just like to know if my method is correct. Is there an easier way to prove this ?
By the way, it's my first time using LaTeX, so bear with me.

I am trying to prove the following :

\lim_{x\rightarrow 10} {x^2} = 100
So, I must find a δ in which the following holds

\forall\epsilon>0\ \exists\ \delta>0\ such\ that\ 0<|x - 10| < \delta \implies |x^2 - 100|< \epsilon
I observe the following
[tex]|x-10| = |x + (-10)|[/tex] and by triangle inequality, [tex]|x|+|-10| > |x-10|[/tex] We will also note that [tex]|x| + |-10| = |x| + |10|\implies|x|+|10|>|x-10|[/tex]
Now we can find a δ in terms of ε. By reverse triangle inequality,
[tex]|x^2 - 100|\geq||x^2| - |100||\ and\ ||x^2| - |100||>|x^2| - |100|\ and \ |x^2| - |100| = |x|^2 - |10|^2[/tex][tex]\implies\epsilon > |x|^2 - |10|^2[/tex] Using this we can see that,[tex]\frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|}>|x|\ as\ well\ as \ \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|^2}>|10| \ and\ since\ we\ know:\ |x|+|10| > |x-10|,[/tex]
[tex]\implies \frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|} > |x-10|[/tex]
So take [tex]\delta = \frac{\epsilon+|10|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|10|}[/tex]

Is this correct? I would be really grateful if I got some feedback!
Can we also say the function is continuous [itex]\forall c\in\mathbb R[/itex] in the following way.
[tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow c} {x^2} = c^2[/tex] just take [tex]\delta = \frac{\epsilon+|c|^2}{|x|} + \frac{\epsilon-|x|^2}{|c|}[/tex]

That seems incredibly overcomplicated.

##|x^2-100| = |x-10||x+10| < δ|x+10|##

Now by the triangle inequality:

##|x+10| = |x - 10 + 20| ≤ |x-10| + 20 < δ + 20##

Now bound delta, what can you conclude?
  • #3
Can we just say [itex]\epsilon = \delta|x+10|\implies\frac{\epsilon}{|x+10|}=\delta[/itex]
  • #4
DarthRoni said:
Can we just say [itex]\epsilon = \delta|x+10|\implies\frac{\epsilon}{|x+10|}=\delta[/itex]

Bound delta by the simplest real number you can think of ##δ ≤ 1##.

Now what can you conclude?

##δ|x+10| < δ(δ+20)##
  • #5
I see now ! [tex]take\ \delta ≤ 1\implies |x+10|≤ 1+2|10|[/tex] and so since we can say[tex]\epsilon = \delta |x+10| \implies \frac{\epsilon}{1+2|10|} = \delta[/tex]
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  • #6
DarthRoni said:
Oh is see ! Suppose [tex]|x-10|<1\implies |x+10| < 1 + 2|10|\ and\ |x^2 - 100| < \delta(\delta + 20)[/tex] So we can take [tex]\epsilon = \delta^2 + 20\delta \implies \epsilon = (1+2|10|)^2 + 20(1+2|10|) \implies \frac{\epsilon}{1+2|10|} - 20 = \delta[/tex]

You could go as far as to say:

##δ(δ+20) ≤ 21δ## because ##δ ≤ 1##.

Then you could conclude:
##21δ ≤ ε##
##δ ≤ \frac{ε}{21}##

So ##δ = min\{1, \frac{ε}{21}\}##
  • #7
Thanks so your help I realized my answer was wrong after I posted it, Why is it we cannot use x to represent out epsilon ?
  • #8
DarthRoni said:
Thanks so your help I realized my answer was wrong after I posted it, Why is it we cannot use x to represent out epsilon ?

##x## has nothing to do with ##ε##. The objective is to get a ##δ(ε)##.
  • #9
I think I understand now, we are trying to find a bound on [itex]|x-c|[/itex] and it doesn't make sense to include [itex]x[/itex] in the value for [itex]\delta[/itex]

FAQ: Is My Epsilon-Delta Proof of a Limit Correct?

What is an epsilon delta proof of a limit?

An epsilon delta proof of a limit is a mathematical method used to prove that the limit of a function exists and has a specific value. It involves using two variables, epsilon and delta, to show that for any small change in the input value, the output value will remain within a certain range.

Why is an epsilon delta proof important?

An epsilon delta proof is important because it provides a rigorous and logical way to prove the existence and value of a limit. This is essential in many areas of mathematics and science, as limits are used to describe the behavior of functions and systems.

What are the key steps in an epsilon delta proof?

The key steps in an epsilon delta proof include setting up the definition of a limit, choosing a suitable value for epsilon, finding a corresponding value for delta, and showing that for any input value within delta distance from the limit point, the output value will be within epsilon distance from the limit value.

What are some common challenges in an epsilon delta proof?

Some common challenges in an epsilon delta proof include choosing appropriate values for epsilon and delta, determining the necessary algebraic manipulations to reach the desired conclusion, and understanding the concept of a limit and its relationship to epsilon and delta.

Can an epsilon delta proof be used for all types of functions?

Yes, an epsilon delta proof can be used for all types of functions, including polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. It can also be used for limits of sequences and series.

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