Is My Lack of Strength and Endurance Normal After a Break from Lifting Weights?

  • Thread starter Physics_UG
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In summary: I can't just lift a lot of weight and expect to get big, it takes time and effort.In summary, the author could barely lift the 30 lb dumbells and is embarrassed lifting at the gym. He recommends free weights over machines, provided you learn good form. He has been training for about 2 years but has had to stop due to lack of time.
  • #1
Gold Member
So I decided to go back to a gym membership and get back in shape. About 3 years ago when I was still in grad school I benched about 40 lb dumbells and squatted with 55 lb dumbells. I also rowed with 50 lb dumbells, and military pressed 35-40 lb dumbells. I went to the gym today for the first time in a while and could barely lift the 30 lb dumbells let alone bench press them. I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I also could barely walk a mile at 3.8 miles/hr without getting extremely tired and my calves burning like hell.

I feel like crap being so out of shape. For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

Back when I was somewhat fit I weighed 175 lbs at 6 ft. Now I am 200 lbs and I have LESS muscle than I had when I was 175 lbs. Terrible.
Physics news on
  • #2
oh, and my heart rate got up to 150 bpm even while just walking. My resting hr is around 75.
  • #3
also, the girls in the gym were lifting more than me. The men were all watching me, I know it. Judgement free zone my ***.
  • #4
I'm 150 lbs and 5'11''. I haven't tried dumbbells yet, I do all barbell exercises:

Squat: 155 lbs
Bench: 75 lbs
Deadlift: 165 lbs
Press: 55 lbs
Power Clean: 75 lbs

I think these are all pretty weak, although I see plenty of larger people doing lighter squats than I am. I see hardly anyone doing more weight and actually doing them properly (thighs parallel to floor). I think people just don't like squats.

Occasionally I run on the elliptical for 20 minutes...I can do 30 if I just ate and I push myself. I try to keep it to a brisk jog, according to the machine it's about a mile every 10 minutes.

My normal walking speed is probably almost 4 mph...I could do that without my calves burning for a long time.

Nobody is watching you. Working out takes focus, you can't be staring at other people while trying to make sure your form is good. You should do the same...focus on what you're doing and forget everyone else. I would recommend free weights over machines, provided you learn good form. Barbells are easier than dumbbells because they require less effort to stabilize.
  • #5
Ben Niehoff said:
I'm 150 lbs and 5'11''. I haven't tried dumbbells yet, I do all barbell exercises:

Squat: 155 lbs
Bench: 75 lbs
Deadlift: 165 lbs
Press: 55 lbs
Power Clean: 75 lbs

I think these are all pretty weak, although I see plenty of larger people doing lighter squats than I am. I see hardly anyone doing more weight and actually doing them properly (thighs parallel to floor). I think people just don't like squats.

Occasionally I run on the elliptical for 20 minutes...I can do 30 if I just ate and I push myself. I try to keep it to a brisk jog, according to the machine it's about a mile every 10 minutes.

My normal walking speed is probably almost 4 mph...I could do that without my calves burning for a long time.

Nobody is watching you. Working out takes focus, you can't be staring at other people while trying to make sure your form is good. You should do the same...focus on what you're doing and forget everyone else. I would recommend free weights over machines, provided you learn good form. Barbells are easier than dumbbells because they require less effort to stabilize.

My lifting 3 yrs ago was about where you are now but that was after training relatively hard for a year prior. I think I am just a weak person physically.

Also, I have never been able to run a 10 min mile. I can run about 2 miles without stopping at a 5 mph pace but I could never do a 10 min mile.
  • #6
I have been training on and off for about 4 years (I checked another post I made, in which I stated, in 2012, its about one year... so about 2 years?), I think. Sometimes work gets in the way and I don't have time (particularly approaching exam periods). This is really frustrating as when you start again after a short break I find I have to lower the weight and then you have a few days of just ache (so no training). This means a pattern of decrease and then increase in weight, and as you get back into it, you have to stop again.
Why worry about what others think about the weight you do? There's always someone lifting more. Plus you often find a lot of people go heavy and don't have correct form - they 'swing' the weight up. I'm 5' 7'' and probably lifting on the lower end: 22kg on dumbell press, 17-18 kg arm curl... about the same as you now, really.
If you're worried about others, can't you find a time when its not busy?, we have 24 hour gyms and I train early so there's pretty much just a regular group of us there.
Also, why use only free weights or machines, I do both. Keeps it interesting and means better all-round training I think.
It's cool to see others into training, I started out for (mental) health reasons, and it's so much fun.
  • #7
Physics_UG said:
I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I also could barely walk a mile at 3.8 miles/hr without getting extremely tired and my calves burning like hell.

I feel like crap being so out of shape. For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

Definitely want to ease in. Don't lift for performance in the beginning. You'll just end up hurting yourself. Do more low weight reps to help condition the muscles. Otherwise you'll end up with DOMS and be out a couple weeks. Try to lift during off hours if you feel uncomfortable. It is a great idea to combine lifting and cardio. Don't just be a meat head. Be able to run some miles too :)
  • #8
Greg Bernhardt said:
Definitely want to ease in. Don't lift for performance in the beginning. You'll just end up hurting yourself. Do more low weight reps to help condition the muscles. Otherwise you'll end up with DOMS and be out a couple weeks. Try to lift during off hours if you feel uncomfortable. It is a great idea to combine lifting and cardio. Don't just be a meat head. Be able to run some miles too :)
Good advice. Also, working up to your (current) max weights with barbells requires a spotter. You don't want to hurt yourself.

Dumbbell training is great for coordination and small-muscle development, but at some point, you'll be tempted to push the envelope, and that implies barbells (at least to me). You'll need a friend or two at the gym to pull that off safely. You need to be willing to spend some time spotting the same people that spot you. It doesn't take that much time, if you have developed routines that fit in well with each other.

Good luck, however you decide to proceed. Remember that if you are frequenting a gym that uses mostly free-weights, you should make some friends there. Just be nice. A few decades back, it became popular for investors to throw up Nautilus-only machine "gyms" in strip malls. There were no colder, more uninviting places ever invented. Just a short stab at a "free membership" was enough.
  • #9
Physics_UG said:
So I decided to go back to a gym membership and get back in shape. About 3 years ago when I was still in grad school I benched about 40 lb dumbells and squatted with 55 lb dumbells. I also rowed with 50 lb dumbells, and military pressed 35-40 lb dumbells. I went to the gym today for the first time in a while and could barely lift the 30 lb dumbells let alone bench press them. I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I also could barely walk a mile at 3.8 miles/hr without getting extremely tired and my calves burning like hell.

I feel like crap being so out of shape. For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

Back when I was somewhat fit I weighed 175 lbs at 6 ft. Now I am 200 lbs and I have LESS muscle than I had when I was 175 lbs. Terrible.
Muscles lose strength if not used. I heard radio program last year that mentioned that someone in a sedentary situation, e.g., sitting at a desk for 8 hours, will undo any exercise that was done at or just before the beginning of that period.

I have some 25 lb dumbbells in my office which I occasionally pick up for various arm exercises. I also try to walk at least 2 miles each day, and sometimes more. At home I have 40 lb dumbbells and a barbell on which I use 100 lbs (excluding the bar), 120 lbs or more, for various reps.

I also do various horizontal push ups and vertical push ups.

There was a period several years ago, when I hadn't done much lifting, and the 25 lb dumbbells felt heavy. Now they feel light.

I'm no where near what I could do 30 years ago, but I do pretty well for an old man.
  • #10
Does lifting 12 packs of coke count in preparation for a weekend long skyrim marathon.
  • #11
WannabeNewton said:
Does lifting 12 packs of coke count in preparation for a weekend long skyrim marathon.

No. Isn't there a weight room at your fancy New England institution?
  • #12
Like the other guys said, don't worry about how it looks that you are using light weight. Learn proper form on free weights. Don't be embarrassed about how much you are lifting, everyone has to start somewhere and you'll get stronger in time. Use that feeling to push yourself to getting stronger. But, use a weight that you feel comfortable lifting with good form between 10-15 reps. I generally stick to between 8-12 on most muscle groups.

Machines aren't great for building strength early on, and in fact can be quite detrimental. There are many small stabilizing muscles surrounding most of your muscle groups (shoulders, chest, back, legs, etc) and the machines don't allow these to get the proper training they need. You risk injury if you lift heavy free weights after having trained on the machines, as these stabilizing muscles won't be able to properly support the major muscles.

Do squats. Do deadlifts.
  • #13
Ben Niehoff said:
No. Isn't there a weight room at your fancy New England institution?
There might be, I've never ventured too close to those areas.
  • #14
Astronuc said:
Muscles lose strength if not used. I heard radio program last year that mentioned that someone in a sedentary situation, e.g., sitting at a desk for 8 hours, will undo any exercise that was done at or just before the beginning of that period.

I have some 25 lb dumbbells in my office which I occasionally pick up for various arm exercises. I also try to walk at least 2 miles each day, and sometimes more. At home I have 40 lb dumbbells and a barbell on which I use 100 lbs (excluding the bar), 120 lbs or more, for various reps.

I also do various horizontal push ups and vertical push ups.

There was a period several years ago, when I hadn't done much lifting, and the 25 lb dumbbells felt heavy. Now they feel light.

I'm no where near what I could do 30 years ago, but I do pretty well for an old man.

I picture you now as:

  • #15
These are some things that I've found that have helped me out...

1. Aim for consistency. The best exercises are the ones that you actually do. Pushing yourself really hard can feel good while you're at it, but if you get to the point where you dred the gym it will be next to impossible to keep going over time. Keep it fun and start light.

2. Buddy up. All through graduate school I hit the gym on a regular basis with a good friend. Gym time was social for us. We'd debate whatever the issue of the day was and sometimes it even got a little heated, but it was always interesting. (That said, it's also important to be mindful of others in the gym. Some people really despise 'socializing' when they're trying to get in a serious workout.)

3. Set goals for yourself. If you're just starting out it might be worth getting a session with a personal trainer who can help you assess where you're at, and help you develop a plan for where you want to be, and show the most efficient way of getting there. Having a goal to work towards can also help you with consistency and give you a sense of purpose.

Good luck!
  • #16
Physics_UG said:
So I decided to go back to a gym membership and get back in shape. About 3 years ago when I was still in grad school I benched about 40 lb dumbells and squatted with 55 lb dumbells. I also rowed with 50 lb dumbells, and military pressed 35-40 lb dumbells. I went to the gym today for the first time in a while and could barely lift the 30 lb dumbells let alone bench press them. I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I also could barely walk a mile at 3.8 miles/hr without getting extremely tired and my calves burning like hell.

I feel like crap being so out of shape. For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

Back when I was somewhat fit I weighed 175 lbs at 6 ft. Now I am 200 lbs and I have LESS muscle than I had when I was 175 lbs. Terrible.

I would avoid machines if possible. They give you a false sense of strength and typically leave to muscular imbalance. I would just fine a guy to give you pointers about proper form on free weights if you struggle with keeping it. That's the thing about most lifters, they hate to spot, but if you ask them for tips they'll follow you around 'helping' all day.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry to much about what other guys are doing. We all started somewhere and no matter how strong you get, you always notice the guy who is stronger. Thus, must people ignore the new guy who is getting back into it, unless they are an accident waiting to happening. For example, here my stats (now/during my army career.)

Bench Press: 280/325
Squat: 225/350
Deadlift: 380/450

Yet, every morning I see that big guy lifting 280 as his warm up and deadlifting a mini-bus on bars. The key is to know what you are working towards. I just want to maintain my strength, so I don't body build or powerlift or do anything crazy. I keep it simple and short. If your goal is to get into better shape, then ignore everyone else in there and just focus on picking the weight up and that's it. I used to be the afternoon physical training instructor for fat people in the army, and I used to tell those guys that it's really just a battle of time. If you watch your diet, and train, the rest will take care of itself. The key is to live a healthy lifestyle and thus be consistent at it.

When it comes to running and endurance it is a matter of practice. When I first joined the Army they gave me a 45 lb rucksack and said walk 4 miles within an hour, it sucked. By the time I deployed the 2nd time, I could do that with approximately 200 lbs and not throw up. However, it took about 5 years to get to that level. When I deployed the first time, I could do the standard infantry load but and the ranger standard but it wasn't a cake walk. The key is progression be safe progression. Some days are better than others, but you should have a way to mark overall progress. I personally wouldn't do heavy running for more than 12 weeks at a time before taking a break for a week or two. I encourage you to mix up your cardio. Plus walking with a friend or biking with a friend makes further distances go by quickly. Lastly, remember, even if it's a bad run, at least it's a run. That puts you in a better position today, than yesterday!
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  • #17
Physics_UG said:
So I decided to go back to a gym membership and get back in shape. About 3 years ago when I was still in grad school I benched about 40 lb dumbells and squatted with 55 lb dumbells. I also rowed with 50 lb dumbells, and military pressed 35-40 lb dumbells. I went to the gym today for the first time in a while and could barely lift the 30 lb dumbells let alone bench press them. I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I also could barely walk a mile at 3.8 miles/hr without getting extremely tired and my calves burning like hell.

I feel like crap being so out of shape. For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

Back when I was somewhat fit I weighed 175 lbs at 6 ft. Now I am 200 lbs and I have LESS muscle than I had when I was 175 lbs. Terrible.

1. everybody starts somewhere. just look to make steady progress, even if it means only doing a couple more reps than your previous workout. add more weight when you think it's time. if you find yourself getting impatient, just look at where you were a couple weeks earlier. in 6-12 months you could easily be lifting more than you can imagine right now (something I've noticed with my training anyway)

2. learn some basic lifting anatomy, like this book, to find good exercises to work on. it's actually very accessible & seems to be in every used bookstore. this is important especially if you notice a muscular imbalance later on that holds you back.


3. focus on basic multijoint lifts (eg squats, deadlift, various presses & later on, olympic lifts) rather than single-joint ones. these are your lifting staples & they never go out of style or become obsolete.

4. A good rule of thumb is to do a push, a pull & a squat every workout, at least in the beginning. There's a lot to choose from there when you've got dumbells, kettlebells, bars, incline benches, front/back squats, etc. At some point you'll probably want to do a split to focus on one or two lifts.
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  • #18
Physics_UG said:
I am embarrassed lifting at the gym.

I think everyone is when they start out lifting. If members are giving you strange looks, you may want to enquire about your technique. If it is because you are new and improving your being, don't worry what they think. You pay your dues and have the same rights to the facilities they do.

Physics_UG said:
Also, I have never been able to run a 10 min mile. I can run about 2 miles without stopping at a 5 mph pace but I could never do a 10 min mile.

If you have a quarter mile track available, sprint the straights and walk the curves. See how many sprints you can do full on. Wind sprints significantly improve speed as well. Jog your 2 miles on the days you aren't increasing speed. Eating pasta is a good way to improve run times.

What I want is a long term, manageable fitness. I can't have my boy out running me any time soon. Our bodies have their natural limits of growth, whether it is based on the meat our bones can hold, our ability to metabolize nutrients or cardiac health. Finding your limit can be exhausting and time consuming. Then you have to keep yourself at that level. It is a whole lot of work. and fun if you like testing your feats of strength.

Being consistent about going to the gym is the best habit you can start practicing in your fitness. Pick a workout that you have time for and don't have ill feelings towards. Don't rush either. Make it easy for you to start back up and continue going. Consistency is key.

The workout I use is pretty easy:
Day 1) back/bi's
Day 2) chest/tri's
Day 3) legs/shoulders
Day 4) off day-very important for regeneration

These muscles groups are selected because they are on opposite side. I pick 3 different exercises for the muscle group and alternate between machines and free weights on separate days:
For endurance: 3 sets- 8,10,12 should have clean form and completion
For strength: 3 sets- 6,8,10 if getting to 10 is too easy, add more weight

3 sets of ? push ups
3 sets of ? sit ups

Your diet is the most important aspect of definition.
  • #19
A 10 minute mile is not fast by any means. There's no need to do speed training to get there.

My gym plays upbeat club music. Usually moving my feet in rhythm with the song will amount to a pretty brisk jog, so that's what I try to do.

As for workouts, as others have mentioned, do the big, multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts, etc. three days a week to start out. A more complex split like what Chiral is suggesting is for pushing your body further after you get the most you can out of the basic lifts.
  • #20
Physics_UG said:
also, the girls in the gym were lifting more than me. The men were all watching me, I know it. Judgement free zone my ***.

Have you considered other methods of building strength? It seems like you're uncomfortable with the gym atmosphere.

I used to work out in a gym. I just enjoy being outdoors so much that I started rock climbing about 5 years ago. I feel it's a good way to build strength, endurance, and flexibility while being able to enjoy the outdoors. I also mountain bike for cardio.
  • #21
Physics_UG said:
For the guys out there, what do you start out lifting when you started out? I am tempted to use machines for a while to get my strength back up. When using machines it is harder to see how much I am lifting and it forces me to use good form.

It depends on what your going for. If your going for weight loss and building a bit of definition, stay in the 15+ rep range each set. For mass (which it doesn't sound like your going for, but just incase) then 8-10 reps. Its hard to say what weight to start out at, my first trip back to the gym after taking a few months off is always just a tester. I usually just lift until I find a weight that I feel comfortable doing 8-10 reps for at least 5 sets with.
  • #22
Machines are good if you just want to get in and get out and not worry about having to put the weights on the bar and take them back off.

The free weights have their advantage by forcing your muscles to stabilize the weight while lifting it, which adds to the workout.

When I used to go to the gym, I did pushes and pulls in every direction I could. So I pushed up, pushed forward, pushed down, pulled up, pulled backward, pulled down (which would be called "pullups", because you're pulling yourself up). That seemed to give me a really good workout. There's lots of different ranges of motion for your arms, so finding different ways to workout all those different ranges of motion keeps the exercises fresh.
There's not really that many different things you can do with your legs though. They can kinda only just push in basically one direction. But you do have the calves, abductors, adductors, and butt to workout as well.
  • #23
Free weights are the best. You're not seeing results if you aren't maxing out on everything.
I squat five hundred, hurt my back, probably chronic, but I don't care at least I'm swole.
  • #24
Astronuc said:
I have some 25 lb dumbbells in my office which I occasionally pick up for various arm exercises. I also try to walk at least 2 miles each day, and sometimes more. At home I have 40 lb dumbbells and a barbell on which I use 100 lbs (excluding the bar), 120 lbs or more, for various reps.

...There was a period several years ago, when I hadn't done much lifting, and the 25 lb dumbbells felt heavy. Now they feel light.
I work mainly with two 20 Lb and two 40 Lb dumbells. I alternate between the 20 pounders with lots of reps and for hyperextended exercises, and the 40 pounders with fewer reps. When I first bought the 40 Lb dbs I could only do two reps for curls! :smile: But it only took a week to start seeing progress. Usually I do 3 sets of 15 each with the 20s, and 2 sets of 5-10 reps with the 40s, for about 6 or 8 different routines, and other cardio stuff as well. But I constantly add new stuff. It's all starting to come back to me now.

It is a bit embarrassing though. IIRC, when I was at my peak I could curl about 90 pounds and military lift 250. Still, my power output has increased about 400% over the last 18 months. So I'm happy with the progress.
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  • #25
A friend sent this to me years ago (we did Shorinji Kempo together blended with Shaolin Kungfu):

Bruce Lee: Bruce Lee is possibly the best example of a slim body pushed to its fullest potential. The late martial artist remains a role model to many short, skinny guys around the world. Gyms have pictures and posters of the "legend" plastered on their walls, and for good reason: not all men can be big, beefy studs. Bruce Lee experimented with different routines and this one fit his style best.

Shoulders: Clean and presses: 2 sets, 8 reps

Lats: Barbell pullovers: 2 sets, 8 reps

Biceps: Barbell curls: 2 sets, 8 reps

Chest: Bench-presses: 2 sets, 6 reps

Lower Back/Glutes/Hamstrings: Good mornings: 2 sets, 8 reps

Quads: Squats: 2 sets, 12 reps

• Waist Twists: 4 sets, 90 repetitions
• Sit up Twist: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
• Leg Raises: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
• Leaning Twist: 4 sets, 50 repetitions

Bruce Lee's training emphasized toning and compound exercises rather than concentration and mass. Bodybuilding played only a small part in his physical conditioning, with stretching and aerobics taking up the rest of his exercise cycle. He would perform this weight-lifting routine every other day.

As far as I know, Lee used weights compatible with his own body mass, and the push or lift was fast.

He used pullups (lats) and push ups. Try pushing onself to a vertical position!

OK - try pushing oneself up and clapping the hands - behind the back - twice.

Then try one arm push ups.

Also - do handstand pushups.

A human being should be able lift his or her own weight - and actually - 1.5x his or her own weight. Chimpanzees can handle two to three times their weight, which allows the to move in the trees.
  • #26
Ivan Seeking said:
I work mainly with two 20 Lb and two 40 Lb dumbells. I alternate between the 20 pounders with lots of reps and for hyperextended exercises, and the 40 pounders with fewer reps. When I first bought the 40 Lb dbs I could only do two reps for curls! :smile: But it only took a week to start seeing progress. Usually I do 3 sets of 15 each with the 20s, and 2 sets of 5-10 reps with the 40s, for about 6 or 8 different routines, and other cardio stuff as well. But I constantly add new stuff. It's all starting to come back to me now.
I've had a similar experience after years of desk sitting.

I started with 15 and 25 pound dumbells. Then got 40 pound.

I used a barbell with 100 or 120 or 150 lbs, excluding the bar.

For an interesting exercise, I'll take the dumbbells in hand and walk two or more miles.

Back when I was an iron worker, hefting 100 lbs in each arm was no big deal. I preferred to move big beams by myself.

My military was about 240 lbs (I used to toss it as high as I could then catch it), about 300 # on bench, and curling about 180#.
  • #27
I'm a college wrestler and the best way to build a good foundation is the spartan workout. Just do 10 exercises 15 reps each 3 times. You can find details on YouTube. After 30 days move to the gym and focus on free weights. You want a controlled strain when your lifting. Build muscle endurance before going hard on free weights. Then alternate programs every 30 days to trick muscles.
  • #28
Astronuc said:
My military was about 240 lbs (I used to toss it as high as I could then catch it), about 300 # on bench, and curling about 180#.

So we were pretty close except for the bench press. For some reason that was always my weakest lift. I don't remember my max but I know I never hit 300. In fact I think I my max military lift was about the same as my max bench.

But I could crank away on the 750 pound pedal on the weight machine longer than anyone else on our hs football team. :biggrin:

Does anyone care to explain muscle confusion? I keep meaning to look into this. I assume the standard alternation between light and heavy was doing the same thing before we talked about muscle confusion?
  • #29
Ivan Seeking said:
So we were pretty close except for the bench press. For some reason that was always my weakest lift. I don't remember my max but I know I never hit 300. In fact I think I my max military lift was about the same as my max bench.

But I could crank away on the 750 pound pedal on the weight machine longer than anyone else on our hs football team. :biggrin:

Does anyone care to explain muscle confusion? I keep meaning to look into this. I assume the standard alternation between light and heavy was doing the same thing before we talked about muscle confusion?

It's just training in intervals always switching up types of workouts.
  • #30
Klutch1 said:
It's just training in intervals always switching up types of workouts.

But what is the physiology behind this idea? I tended to assume that it refers to the different muscle fiber types all getting exercised.
  • #31
Astronuc said:
A friend sent this to me years ago (we did Shorinji Kempo together blended with Shaolin Kungfu):

Bruce Lee: Bruce Lee is possibly the best example of a slim body pushed to its fullest potential. The late martial artist remains a role model to many short, skinny guys around the world. Gyms have pictures and posters of the "legend" plastered on their walls, and for good reason: not all men can be big, beefy studs. Bruce Lee experimented with different routines and this one fit his style best.

Shoulders: Clean and presses: 2 sets, 8 reps

Lats: Barbell pullovers: 2 sets, 8 reps

Biceps: Barbell curls: 2 sets, 8 reps

Chest: Bench-presses: 2 sets, 6 reps

Lower Back/Glutes/Hamstrings: Good mornings: 2 sets, 8 reps

Quads: Squats: 2 sets, 12 reps

• Waist Twists: 4 sets, 90 repetitions
• Sit up Twist: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
• Leg Raises: 4 sets, 20 repetitions
• Leaning Twist: 4 sets, 50 repetitions

Bruce Lee's training emphasized toning and compound exercises rather than concentration and mass. Bodybuilding played only a small part in his physical conditioning, with stretching and aerobics taking up the rest of his exercise cycle. He would perform this weight-lifting routine every other day.

As far as I know, Lee used weights compatible with his own body mass, and the push or lift was fast.

He used pullups (lats) and push ups. Try pushing onself to a vertical position!

OK - try pushing oneself up and clapping the hands - behind the back - twice.

Then try one arm push ups.

Also - do handstand pushups.

A human being should be able lift his or her own weight - and actually - 1.5x his or her own weight. Chimpanzees can handle two to three times their weight, which allows the to move in the trees.

The intensity of such an exercise does not seem right when concerning humans. Yes, we should be lean and able to lift our own bodyweight, however, that is a given when concerning moderate rates of exercise and proper nutrition.
  • #32
well this is good timing

Here are ten keys to strength training success. See how many of them you apply in your own training!

1. When you start a new program, break into it easily. You don’t need to go full steam from day one. Build up gradually.

1a. The same applies if you add a new exercise to your program.

2. Be consistent. Never miss a workout. Every time you miss a workout you take two steps backward.

3. Emphasize heavy leg and back training. Leg and back training is the key to strength, power and muscle.

4. When I say to “train heavy,” I obviously mean to train heavy for your current level of development. That may mean 100 pounds in the squat for one lifter, 200 pounds for another lifter, and 300 pounds for a third lifter. For some lifters, it may mean 400 or 500 pounds.

5. Add weight to the bar whenever possible. The name of the game is progressive weight training.

6. When you add weight to the bar, add small amounts. Over time, the small increases add up to BIG GAINS.

7. Most trainees do too many exercises, too many sets, and too many reps – and they train too often. It isn’t until they streamline their workouts and focus on QUALITY TRAINING that they finally begin to make gains.

7a. Quality Training is Tommy Kono’s term for what I call abbreviated training. He won two Olympic gold medals and one silver medal with Quality Training.

7b. Quality Training means you choose a small number of productive exercises, train them hard, and then stop for the day.

8. Norb Schemansky won medals in FOUR different Olympics (1948, 1952, 1960 and 1964) – an amazing competition record. He once said, “If you can’t get it done in 45 minutes, it ain’t going to happen.”

9. Divided workouts are great. A divided workout let's you focus your efforts on one, two or three exercises in each workout, and give them your all.

9a. REST one or two days between workouts, even if you are using a divided workout program.

9b. Your muscles grow when you are resting, not when you are training.

10. For many trainees, ultra-abbreviated training programs are the key to success.

There you have it – ten keys to strength training success! Read, them, remember them, and apply them!

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great day – and a great weekend. If you train today, make it a good one!
  • #33
Excellent! It seems that I've been doing this all correctly except for adding too much weight at once, perhaps. But that is more because I've been hesitating to buy more equipment until I'm sure how I wish to proceed.

When I was ten years old, my uncle gave me a book called simply "Self Defense", IIRC, and it covered everything from weight training to the basics in various forms of martial arts. I proceeded to buy my first weight set [my first real purchase in life] and used that book like a bible. Over the years I have never found a better guide. I don't think I've ever run across a bad piece of information from that training. I know I still have that book in a box somewhere...
  • #34
Beyond a doubt, my last two workouts were the hardest I've had since I was in my early twenties. I think I need to take a couple of extra days off... two days later I am still tired and sore. I suspect I got a bit of the runners high and pushed a little too hard the last time.
  • #35
Ivan Seeking said:
Beyond a doubt, my last two workouts were the hardest I've had since I was in my early twenties. I think I need to take a couple of extra days off... two days later I am still tired and sore. I suspect I got a bit of the runners high and pushed a little too hard the last time.

Are you getting adequate carb intake right after the workouts?

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