Is my statics approach correct for pushing a 1000lb cart up an inclined slope?

In summary, the conversation is about a person trying to figure out which motor to order for a project involving pushing a 1000 pound cart up a 10 degree incline. They discuss the equation for the required force and coefficient of friction, but question if the friction term is correct. They also mention the importance of finding the rolling resistance instead. The conversation ends with clarification on the difference between coefficient of friction and rolling resistance.
  • #1
Hey guys,

I am trying to figure out which motor to order for a side project of mine. I am trying to push a 1000 pound cart up a 10 degree incline. The cart has four elastomer wheels, and may possible encounter carpeted surfaces. I'm not quite sure what to expect in regards to a coefficient of friction yet on a carpeted surface, but I wanted to check my math a bit to understand if I am approaching this problem correctly:

Coefficient of Friction = Cf
Required Force = Fr
Weight = Fw
Force Normal to Slope = Fn = = Cf*Fw*Cos(10)
Force Parallel to Slope = Fw*Sin(10)

So Fr = [Cf*Fw*cos10] + [Fw*Sin(10)]?

Thanks for any help in advance!

I just wanted to double check if I am doing my statics correctly.
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  • #2
The motor power depends on how fast you want to go up the slope eg power = force * velocity. The static force gives you the minimium torque required.

This equation..

Force Parallel to Slope = Fw*Sin(10)

is correct but I'm not so sure about the friction term. I think what you have used..


.. is the friction between wheels and ground. For the driving wheels that force is actually acting up the slope not down it. I think you also need to find the rolling resistance instead. I'm not sure if that's typically the same.

Edit: I checked and they are very different. If the wheel doesn't slip no power is dissipated overcoming friction between tyre and ground. You need to use the rolling coefficient instead.
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  • #3
Thanks for the response. The coefficient of friction method seemed like it was returning really high values.

Is the COF based on a surface to surface contact and the rolling resistance is based on a point to surface contact?

It seems like that would results in some more reasonable values.

FAQ: Is my statics approach correct for pushing a 1000lb cart up an inclined slope?

1. What is the concept of "Cart on an inclined slope"?

The concept of "Cart on an inclined slope" refers to the study of the motion of a cart on an inclined surface, taking into account factors such as gravity, friction, and the angle of the slope.

2. How does the angle of the slope affect the motion of the cart?

The angle of the slope has a direct impact on the acceleration of the cart. The steeper the slope, the greater the acceleration, as gravity has a stronger pull on the cart.

3. What role does friction play in the motion of the cart on an inclined slope?

Friction is a force that opposes the motion of the cart on an inclined slope. It acts in the opposite direction of the cart's movement, and its strength depends on the nature of the surface and the weight of the cart.

4. How can we calculate the acceleration of the cart on an inclined slope?

The acceleration of the cart on an inclined slope can be calculated using the formula a = gsinθ, where a is the acceleration, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²), and θ is the angle of the slope.

5. What factors can affect the accuracy of the calculations for a cart on an inclined slope?

Factors such as air resistance, the smoothness of the surface, and the precision of the measuring equipment can affect the accuracy of the calculations for a cart on an inclined slope. In addition, human error in recording data or setting up the experiment can also impact the accuracy of the results.
