Is nuclear fusion radioactive?

In summary, nuclear fusion can be considered a radioactive process due to the production of neutrons and other forms of radiation. However, the level of radioactivity depends on the specific fusion reaction and can be controlled in a fusion reactor. Fusion by-products do not continue to undergo radioactive decay and do not produce long-term radioactive waste. The use of fusion power is generally considered safer than other alternatives.
  • #1
I was just wondering if nuclear fusion is considered a radioactive process?
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Physics news on
  • #2
It is in a weapon, because a fission trigger is used. Pure fusion, such as in a reactor, is not. Fusion by-products stop at the stage of becoming iron, which isn't heavy enough to be fissile.
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  • #3
Fusion does produce neutrons which can be harmful.
One argument against "cold fusion" is that neutrons aren't seen in the experiments.
  • #4
Hmm. A friend is telling me that "The fusion in the sun produces radiation of several types, including beta positive and gamma in huge quantities" Is this just radioactive waste?
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  • #5
This might be just a matter of terminology. To me, the term 'radioactive' indicates a decay process. That might not be a proper definition. Of course, fusion releases EM radiation. So do light bulbs and radio stations, but I don't consider them radioactive. I was aware of fusion releasing protons, but not neutrons. Beta decay is just the release of electrons, which again is not something that I think of as being hazardous radiation. After all, that's what makes a TV work. Keep in mind that I'm not a scientist. My apologies if I misled you.
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  • #6
No worries! Please don't apologize, I was just curious.
  • #7
People come to PF expecting accuracy. If I offered false information, then I do indeed owe you and everyone else who reads this thread an apology.
Let's just hang around and wait for some experts to show up. That way, we can both learn from it. :smile:
  • #8
Danger said:
To me, the term 'radioactive' indicates a decay process. That might not be a proper definition. Of course, fusion releases EM radiation. So do light bulbs and radio stations, but I don't consider them radioactive. I was aware of fusion releasing protons, but not neutrons. Beta decay is just the release of electrons, which again is not something that I think of as being hazardous radiation. After all, that's what makes a TV work.

To most people 'radioactive' means 'invisibly lethal', which isn't a good starting place (in actual fact everything and everyone is radioactive, to varying extents). This means the OP asked the wrong question (and should instead be asking "Is using fusion power safer than not using fusion power?". And it so happens that the answer is "probably" since the realistic alternatives have been shown more dangerous for complicatedly practical reasons).

Usually three specific types of emanation are recognised (being both potentially dangerous and common from the natural nuclear decay of many materials): (a) helium ions, (b) fast electrons, and (c) high frequency light. So, it is a danger (sorry) to categorically dismiss any of these. As for the question of whether fusion of light elements will produce any soon-decaying isotopes, sure: you'll sometimes produce unstable isotopes of light elements or transmute parts of the reactor casing.
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  • #9
Take my name in vain, huh, you bastard? :-p

That was a nice response, Froggie. Very informative. That part about transmutation of the reactor casing never occurred to me.
  • #10
The D + T reaction produces 14.1 MeV neutrons and 3.5 MeV alphas, and in that sense it's radioactive. The neutrons will slow activate the structure enclosing the plasma chamber, so some of the structure overtime will become radioactive.

The D + D reaction produce p + T or n + He3, with about a 50/50 split in probability. T is a low energy beta emitter. In the plasma, T will react with D, n's will leave the plasma, and He3 may react with D in an aneutronic reaction, (D + He3 -> p + He4).

There are other radiative processes in plasma that produce radiation, namely recombination (ions recombining with electrons - think Lyman, Balmer, . . . spectra) and bremsstrahlung radiation. With plasmas at keV energies, there is a fair amount of low energy gamma, X-ray and UV.

FAQ: Is nuclear fusion radioactive?

1. What is nuclear fusion and how does it work?

Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy and is the same process that powers the sun. In order for fusion to occur, extremely high temperatures and pressures are required to overcome the repulsive forces between positively charged nuclei.

2. Is nuclear fusion radioactive?

Nuclear fusion itself is not radioactive. However, the materials used to initiate and sustain a fusion reaction, such as tritium and deuterium, are radioactive. These materials are typically present in small amounts and have short half-lives, meaning they decay quickly and do not pose a long-term risk to health or the environment.

3. How does nuclear fusion differ from nuclear fission?

Nuclear fusion is the process of combining two atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, while nuclear fission is the process of splitting a heavy nucleus into smaller nuclei. Fusion releases much more energy than fission, and the materials used in fusion are more plentiful and less radioactive than those used in fission. Additionally, fusion reactions do not produce long-lived radioactive waste, making it a potentially cleaner and safer alternative to fission.

4. What are the potential benefits of nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion has the potential to be a nearly limitless source of clean and sustainable energy. It does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or long-lived radioactive waste, and the materials needed for fusion reactions are more abundant and less hazardous than those used in nuclear fission. Fusion could also help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to a more secure and stable energy supply.

5. What are the challenges and limitations of nuclear fusion?

The main challenge of nuclear fusion is achieving and maintaining the extreme conditions necessary for the reaction to occur. This requires advanced technology and large-scale facilities, which are currently very expensive to build and operate. Additionally, the development of fusion technology is still in its early stages and there are many technical and engineering challenges that need to be overcome before fusion can become a viable source of energy on a large scale.

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