Is our locally measured time actually conformal time?

  • Thread starter jcap
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In summary, the FRW metric at the origin ##r=0##, with ##c=1##, is given by $$ds^2=-dt^2+a(t)^2dr^2$$. By changing variables, near the origin the FRW metric can be approximated by the Minkowski metric describing flat spacetime: $$dS^2=-dT^2+dR^2$$, where $$dT=\frac{dt}{a(t)}$$, $$dS=\frac{ds}{a(t)}$$, and $$dR=dr$$. However, this transformation is not correct as it does not leave ##ds## invariant. The proper time for an observer at constant ##R## is given by
  • #1
The FRW metric at the origin ##r=0##, with ##c=1##, is given by:
Now one can change variables so that near the origin the FRW metric is approximated by the Minkowski metric describing flat spacetime:
All the physics experiments that we perform locally are assumed to occur in flat spacetime as described above.

Surely therefore our locally measured time is not the cosmological time ##t## but rather the conformal time ##T## ?
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  • #2
The local measured time, for any observer, is the proper time. The proper time is, in this case, almost identical to the cosmological time.
  • #3
jcap said:
one can change variables so that near the origin the FRW metric is approximated by the Minkowski metric describing flat spacetime:




dR = dr

This isn't a correct transformation. You can't transform ##ds## to ##dS##; ##ds## is the actual, physical line element, and it has to be left invariant, otherwise you're comparing apples and oranges. The correct transformation gives:

ds^2 = a^2(T) \left( - dT^2 + dR^2 \right)

In order to make the metric Minkowski in our local vicinity, you have to define ##a(T_0) = 1##, where ##T_0## is our current value of ##T##. But that only works locally, and we can make observations that go beyond that local region of spacetime. And in any case, proper time for an observer at constant ##R## is given by ##a(T) dT##, not ##dT##; again, you can try to obscure this by defining ##a(T_0) = 1##, but we can make observations covering a larger region of spacetime than the local region covered by that definition.
  • #4
You can make the following:

[itex] ds^2= dt^2 - a^2(t) dr^2 = a^2(t) \big( \frac{dt^2}{a^2(t)} - dr^2 \big)[/itex]

now you can write the first term in the parenthesis as a single variable by changing [itex] \frac{dt}{a(t)}= d( \ln a(t) ) \equiv dT[/itex].


[itex]ds^2= a^2(t) \big[ dT^2 - dr^2 \big] [/itex] or to have everything in the same coordinates: [itex]ds^2= e^{2T} \big[ dT^2 - dr^2 \big] [/itex]
since [itex]T(t)= \ln a(t) \Rightarrow a(t)= e^{T}[/itex]
  • #5
ChrisVer said:
You can make the following:

[itex] ds^2= dt^2 - a^2(t) dr^2 = a^2(t) \big( \frac{dt^2}{a^2(t)} - dr^2 \big)[/itex]

now you can write the first term in the parenthesis as a single variable by changing [itex] \frac{dt}{a(t)}= d( \ln a(t) ) \equiv dT[/itex].


[itex]ds^2= a^2(t) \big[ dT^2 - dr^2 \big] [/itex] or to have everything in the same coordinates: [itex]ds^2= e^{2T} \big[ dT^2 - dr^2 \big] [/itex]
since [itex]T(t)= \ln a(t) \Rightarrow a(t)= e^{T}[/itex]

But ## d(\ln a(t))=\frac{\dot a(t)}{a(t)}dt\neq\frac{dt}{a(t)} ##
You need ## T=\int\frac{dt}{a(t)} ## instead
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Likes ChrisVer
  • #6
Oops I'm sorry!
  • #7
No it's an interesting point, I have been using this ## T=\int\frac{dt}{a(t)} ## but I didn't know it was called conformal time - never really got to checking what that name was referring to, seemed a bit exotic... So now I know, and I can also see it's a useful thing - thanks.

FAQ: Is our locally measured time actually conformal time?

1. What is conformal time?

Conformal time is a concept in cosmology that measures the distance an object has traveled since the Big Bang. It is based on the idea that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, and it takes into account the effects of gravity and space-time curvature. Conformal time is often used to study the evolution of the universe and the behavior of light.

2. How is conformal time measured?

Conformal time is measured in units of seconds, just like regular time. However, it is a theoretical concept and cannot be directly measured. Instead, it is calculated using the scale factor, which relates the size of the universe at different times. The scale factor is determined by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the redshift of galaxies.

3. Is our locally measured time the same as conformal time?

No, our locally measured time is not the same as conformal time. Locally measured time is based on our perception of time passing, while conformal time takes into account the expansion of the universe and the effects of gravity. This means that conformal time is a more accurate measure of the age of the universe and the distance light has traveled.

4. Why is conformal time important in cosmology?

Conformal time is important in cosmology because it allows us to study the evolution of the universe and the behavior of light in a consistent and accurate way. It also helps us understand the effects of gravity and the expansion of the universe on the measurements we make. Additionally, conformal time is used in many theoretical models and calculations in cosmology.

5. Can conformal time change?

Yes, conformal time can change over time as the universe continues to expand and evolve. This means that the measurements we make using conformal time will also change. However, the rate of change of conformal time is not constant and depends on the expansion rate of the universe. This is why it is important to update and refine our calculations as we gather more data and improve our understanding of the universe.

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