Is $p$ a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$ if $G$ has an element of order $n$?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Euge
  • Start date
In summary, $p$ must be a prime number for it to be a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$, and the order of an element in $G$ must have $p$ as a prime divisor. $\phi(n)$ can have multiple prime divisors, and while every prime divisor of $\phi(n)$ corresponds to an element of order $n$ in $G$, the converse is not always true. Euler's totient function, $\phi(n)$, helps us understand the structure of groups and identify potential prime divisors of $n$ based on the orders of elements in $G$.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:

Let $G$ be a noncyclic finite group of order $pn$ where $p$ is a prime such that $p!$ is coprime to $n$. Prove that if $G$ has an element of order $n$, then $p$ is a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$.


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  • #2
The problem statement originally excluded the assumption that $G$ is noncyclic. The edit has been made. You can read my solution below.

Suppose $x\in G$ has order $n$. Let $G$ act on the set of left cosets of $\langle x\rangle$ by left multiplication. The permutation representation afforded by this action is a group homomorphism $G \to S_p$ whose kernel is $K = \cap_{g\in G} g\langle x\rangle g^{-1}$. By the first isomorphism theorem $(G : K)$ divides $|S_p| = p!$. Note $\langle x\rangle \supset K$ whence $|K| | n$ by Lagrange's theorem. So since $|G| = pn$ we have $\frac{n}{|K|} | \frac{p!}{p}$. Now $\frac{p!}{p}$ is coprime to $\frac{n}{|K|}$ since $p!$ is coprime to $n$; therefore $\frac{n}{|K|} = 1$, or $|K| = n$. Consequently $\langle x \rangle = K$ is normal in $G$.

By Cauchy's theorem, $G$ has an element $y$ of order $p$. Note $\langle y\rangle$ acts faithfully on $\langle x \rangle$ by conjugation. For if $\langle y\rangle$ acts trivially on $\langle x\rangle$, then $yxy^{-1}= x$, making $\langle x\rangle \cap \langle y \rangle = 1$. Then $G$ would be isomorphic $\langle x\rangle \times \langle y \rangle$, which is cyclic of order $pn$, contradicting the assumption on $G$ is noncyclic. So the action is nontrivial, which must be faithful since $\langle y\rangle$ has prime order. From the faithful representation $\langle y \rangle \to \operatorname{Aut}(\langle x\rangle) \cong \mathbb Z_n^\times$ we deduce $p | \phi(n)$, by the first isomorphism theorem.

FAQ: Is $p$ a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$ if $G$ has an element of order $n$?

What is the definition of a prime divisor?

A prime divisor is a prime number that evenly divides into another number without leaving a remainder.

What is the significance of $p$ in this question?

In this question, $p$ represents a potential prime divisor of the Euler totient function, $\phi(n)$.

How does the order of an element in a group relate to the Euler totient function?

The order of an element in a group is directly related to the Euler totient function through Euler's theorem, which states that for any positive integer $n$, if $a$ and $n$ are coprime, then $a^{\phi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod{n}$.

Can $p$ be a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$ if $G$ does not have an element of order $n$?

Yes, it is possible for $p$ to be a prime divisor of $\phi(n)$ even if $G$ does not have an element of order $n$. This is because the Euler totient function takes into account all the elements of a group, not just those with order $n$.

How can this question be applied in real-world scientific research?

This question can be applied in various fields of mathematics and computer science, such as number theory, cryptography, and group theory. It can also be used in practical applications, such as determining the security of encryption algorithms and analyzing the structure of finite groups.
