Is perpetual motion truly impossible?

In summary: This is an off-topic conversation.In summary, the authors of the textbooks stated that it has not been seen yet for perpetual motion to be possible. The opposition to perpetual motion, and the resultant free energy, is rooted in the paradigms.
  • #1
I found textbooks on physics (long time ago, when I was a student) where the authors said (paraphrase): "We do not assert that perpetual motion is impossible. It just hasn't been seen so far."
What do the mentors and contributors say about that statement?
Physics news on
  • #2
Think about the time it would take in terms of the age of the Solar System for a certain quantity of heat to be transferred from a cooler to a warmer body due to random thermal fluctuations.
  • #3
It depends on the context of the statement. It could simply be talking About Newton's first law. But if it is talking about violations of the laws of thermo then it, or your recollection, is incorrect.

Edit: btw, the terms free energy and perpetual motion are not necessarily interchangeable. Free energy, if by which you mean due to perpetual motion, is impossible.
  • #4
Thank you for your contributions.
Yes, it was about the second law; and it was in a book on thermodynamics.
And yes, I do refer to free energy as resulting from perpetual motion.
Not only is my recollection accurate, but I managed to prove that those authors had good intuition and open minds.

The opposition to perpetual motion, and the resultant free energy, is rooted in the paradigms. One of them is the classification of the physical systems into open and closed,
Think about a system which is ambiguous, fuzzy, with respect to those definitions.
I did construct that system.
But to apply it in life would mean utter destruction (misused).

I posed the question only for one reason: to see where the minds are today, years after Thomas Kuhn has broken ground on the scientific paradigms ("The philosophy of the scientific revolution")
  • #5
atal said:
The opposition to perpetual motion, and the resultant free energy, is rooted in the paradigms.

No, it's rooted in the data. One data point is that thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of inventors have claimed to make a perpetual motion machine, and the number that have been shown to actually work is identically zero.

In any event perpetual motion discussions are not allowed on PF.

FAQ: Is perpetual motion truly impossible?

What is free energy?

Free energy is a concept in physics that refers to the energy that can be obtained from a system without any additional input or cost. It is often associated with the idea of perpetual motion.

Is perpetual motion possible?

No, perpetual motion violates the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, a system cannot continue to produce energy indefinitely without any external input.

What is the difference between free energy and perpetual motion?

Free energy is a theoretical concept that refers to the potential energy that can be harnessed from a system without any additional input. Perpetual motion, on the other hand, is a physical impossibility as it would require a system to continuously produce energy without any external input.

Are there any real-world applications of free energy?

No, there are currently no known real-world applications of free energy. While there have been attempts to harness free energy, they have been unsuccessful and often rely on false or unproven scientific principles.

Why is the concept of free energy often associated with scams and pseudoscience?

The idea of free energy is often used by scammers and pseudoscientists to deceive people into investing in fraudulent products or ideas. This is because the concept goes against established scientific principles and is often used to make false claims and promises.
