Is Phi Upper Semicontinuous in Rudin's Analysis Problem?

  • Thread starter benorin
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In summary, the upper semicontinuity problem discussed by Papa Rudin in Real and Complex Variables is a concept that aims to make precise the notion of "local oscillation" and "infinitesimal oscillation" of a function. The first notion is defined as the supremum of the difference between the function at two points in a delta neighborhood of x, while the second notion is defined as the infimum of the first notion over all possible delta values. It is then proved that a function is upper semicontinuous if and only if it only "jumps up" at points, and a function is continuous at a point x if and only if the infinitesimal oscillation at x is equal to 0. This concept is
  • #1
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upper semicontinuity problem (Papa Rudin)

By Papa Rudin I do mean Real and Complex Variables by Walter Rudin. This is part of my grad analysis homework...
Let f be an arbitrary complex function on [tex]\mathbb{R}^1[/tex], and define
[tex]\phi(x)=\inf\{\phi(x,\delta):\delta > 0\}[/tex].
Prove that [tex]\phi[/tex] is upper semicontinuous, that f is continuous at a point x if and only if [tex]\phi(x)=0[/tex].
I can get the rest (I hope) from there.
The working definition of upper semicontinuous (ucs) is: a function f:X-->R^1 is usc if {x:f(x)<a} is an open set for every a in R^1.
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  • #2
OK, so I read the FAQ: got to show some work...

I don't have much done but:
So [tex]\delta_{1}<\delta_{2}\Rightarrow \phi(x,\delta_{1})\leq\phi(x,\delta_{2})[/tex] since sup-ing over less domain means less possibilities for big values in the co-domain. If knew f was bounded... but no.
  • #3
None of the 21st century math whizzes have stepped up to the plate so far.

My instincts on this are a quarter century rusty but it seems to me that you can do this by doing an epsilon and delta type argument where you set epsilon = (a-phi(x))/2 > 0. That is, first you use epsilon to back out the inf to get an open neighborhood U of x that satisfies phi(U) < phi(x) + epsilon. This gives you the usc requirement. I would guess the remainder to be similar.

  • #4
because most people do not like to do other peoples hw.

this kind of thing is a perfect il;lustration of why I dislike rudin's book, i.e. a simple idea is made obscure and difficult.this appears much more cleasrly in riemann e.g.

the first notion defined above is an attempt to make precise the notion of "local oscilaltion", i.e. how much does the function jump up and down on a delta neighborhood of x?the second notion is an attempt to make rpecise the concept of infinitesimal oscillation AT x, i.e. how much (at least) does the function jump up and down on EVERY neighborhood of x?a function is continuos if and only if as delta goes to zero, the oscillation of f on a delta neighborhood of x goes to zero.

An upper semi continuous function is one that only "jumps UP" at points, not down. i.e. it behaves like the dimension of the kernel of a family of linear maps, which can jump up at x if the determinant of the map vanishes at x.

so let's see, if a function oscillates by at least K on every nbhd of x, where x is a variable point converging to a, then any nbhd of a will contain a point where f oscillates by at least K, hence f will also oscillate by at elast K on every nbhd of a.

thus if x converges to a, the value of phi at a will be at least as great as the value at poimnts near a.

so the set where phi is at elast K will be closed. i hope that is the right definition of upper semi blah blah blah...

the point is to understand what you are trying to do first intuitively, then write it up rigorously.

good luck.

FAQ: Is Phi Upper Semicontinuous in Rudin's Analysis Problem?

What is "Papa Rudin problem"?

"Papa Rudin problem" refers to a specific problem or exercise found in the textbook "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Walter Rudin, commonly used in undergraduate analysis courses.

How can I get help with the "Papa Rudin problem"?

There are several resources available for help with the "Papa Rudin problem". You can seek assistance from your professor, teaching assistant, or classmates. There are also online forums and study groups dedicated to discussing and solving problems from the Rudin textbook.

What makes the "Papa Rudin problem" challenging?

The "Papa Rudin problem" is known to be quite challenging due to its rigorous and abstract nature. It requires a strong understanding of mathematical analysis, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How can I improve my skills in solving the "Papa Rudin problem"?

To improve your skills in solving the "Papa Rudin problem", it is important to practice regularly and work through a variety of problems from the Rudin textbook. Seeking help from others and discussing solutions can also aid in improving your understanding and approach to these problems.

Are there any tips for tackling the "Papa Rudin problem"?

Some tips for tackling the "Papa Rudin problem" include breaking down the problem into smaller parts, using diagrams or illustrations to visualize the concepts, and reviewing relevant definitions and theorems. It can also be helpful to approach the problem from different angles and to not get discouraged if you encounter difficulties.
