Is Physics Forums the Place for New Members and Fishy Discussions? :tongue:

  • Thread starter FaNgS
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In summary, FaNgs is new to PF and is doing the last year of school at the moment. He is studying chemical engineering and can't wait to go to University and study physics. He unicycles and plays the guitar. He wants to do a research project with 4 other guys in a team and is trying to find out how exhausted cars be managed as technical waste. He is also doing a survey poll. Thanks for welcoming FaNgs and Unicyclist!
  • #1
I just want to say hello to everyone here in the Physics Forums community heard that there's something about a fish and new people who join the forum..umm well does it hurt? :-p

i'm currently at this exact moment in the computer lab at the univeristy...i'd like to call it a mental institute
:eek: OMG 2 minutes for class!

i'll tell u guys about it more later on (if ur interested) better start running for class..

one more thing how do i start a poll in here? I'm kinda new to all this "foruming" thing, I'm used to regular chats

talk to u guys soon BYE
Physics news on
  • #2
FaNgS said:
I just want to say hello to everyone here in the Physics Forums community heard that there's something about a fish and new people who join the forum..umm well does it hurt? :-p
Only hurts if it's done right!


Welcome to PF!:smile:
  • #3
I'm new as well and I wanted to say hello, so I'll just post here instead of starting a new thread. Oh, and hello to FaNgS while I'm at it.

Anyway, I'm doing the last year of school at the moment and should hopefully go to University this year to study physics. I can't wait. I unicycle and play the guitar.

Keep it wheel.

p.s. Could the fish initiation be connected with the Monty Python fish slapping dance in any way?
  • #5
Hello Fangs.

Welcome to PF!

To start a poll you simply start a thread, below the box where you are entering the text you will see "Post a poll", and a check box reading "Yes, post a poll with this thread", and asking you how many options you want for your poll.

Have fun. :-p
  • #6
thanks everyone for this welcome and ouch! that really hurt... a little about myself well I'm a freshman in univeristy (INSTITUTE) and studying chemical engineering i did my AS and A-levels and IGCSE's during school (british international exams)(IGCSEs cambridge board and AS and A-levels are london board/edexcel) oh and btw I'm not british and don't live in the UK

i'm currently in my 2nd semester of freshman year and I'm taking the following subjects Physics1, Organic Chemistry1, Calculus2, and Communication2 COMM for tell u the truth i hate COMM and despise it but since "we are going to be future engineers" (thats what my professors keep on saying and oh u know what it really pisses me off) we need this course to be successful engineers and communicate with clients and all that blabber..blah blah blah
well u see I'm doing a research in my comm class with 4 other guys in a team and we're trying to find out how does ELV (end-of-life vehicles) or exhausted cars be managed as technical waste here in the city i live in so i just wanted some help from all u guys and see ur opinion about the topic and want to see how much do the public know about this issue..u can say its some kind of survey poll...i'm sorry if I've went off topic hmmm u know what this thread doesn't have a "topic"....come to think of it why do u call it a thread?...y do we keep assuming things in physics? is physics based on assumptions? when will i shut up??

ok ok i will now lol :)
  • #7

Have a blast! :smile:
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  • #8
Hi, welcome to you newest addiction. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  • #9
Ooh, Moridin, I like the dancing welcome sign! We can use it to distract the new members while we sneak up on them with the fish. :biggrin:

Welcome to PF Fangs! That sounds like an interesting topic for your communications course. Don't worry, once you get out in the working world and are surrounded by engineers, you'll understand better why some need a course in communication. :biggrin:
  • #10
*gazes endlessly at the welcome sign* i..i..can't...can't stop looking

lol well i'll setup the poll later on (really hope i don't forget) when me and my team members decide what approach we're going to tackle :) and thanks for the welcome all :D
  • #11
Welcome FaNgs and Unicyclist!

<whaps Unicyclist with a fish>

It's heartwarming to see that the PF fish initiation is known worldwide. :approve:

Related to Is Physics Forums the Place for New Members and Fishy Discussions? :tongue:

1. What is the purpose of "Just wanna say hi to all"?

"Just wanna say hi to all" is a common phrase used to greet or acknowledge a group of people. It is often used in informal settings to show friendliness and inclusivity.

2. Is "Just wanna say hi to all" a formal or informal greeting?

"Just wanna say hi to all" is considered an informal greeting as it is often used in casual settings with family, friends, or acquaintances.

3. Are there any cultural considerations when using "Just wanna say hi to all"?

Yes, there may be cultural considerations when using "Just wanna say hi to all". In some cultures, it may be seen as impolite or too casual, while in others it may be the most common form of greeting. It is important to be aware of cultural norms and adjust accordingly.

4. Can "Just wanna say hi to all" be used in a professional setting?

It is usually not appropriate to use "Just wanna say hi to all" in a professional setting as it may come across as too casual or unprofessional. It is better to use a more formal greeting such as "Hello everyone" or "Good morning/afternoon".

5. Are there any alternatives to "Just wanna say hi to all"?

Yes, there are many alternatives to "Just wanna say hi to all" depending on the context and setting. Some examples include "Greetings everyone", "Hey there everyone", or simply "Hello everyone". It is important to choose a greeting that is appropriate and respectful in each situation.
