Is Physics the Key to Becoming a Live Touring Sound Engineer?

  • Thread starter OdysseasTS
  • Start date
  • #1
My name is Odysseas and I'm 16 years old. When I graduate (in 2016) from my school (Lycée Franco-Hellenique Eugene Delacroix) I'm going to study physics in Paris and after that I want to do a master in acoustics. What I want to do is to become a live touring sound engineer so I decided to combine physics with it. I already volunteer in the greatest audiovisual rental company here in Greece so I know all the tech stuff.
I want to study physics because it answers to all my questions and for some reason I just like science...
Physics news on
  • #3
Welcome! I've always been fascinated with ancient Greece and ancient Rome -- which is why I studied Classical Studies at High School.