Is Planet 9 Actually a Primordial Black Hole?

In summary, according to MIT Technology Review, there is a speculation that the Solar System's 'ninth planet' may actually be a primordial black hole, a superdense lump of matter about the size of a tennis ball. Hawking radiation from a black hole of this size would be almost trivial and its lifetime would be proportional to its radius. It is also believed that there should be a dark matter halo and a steady supply of dark matter falling into the black hole. The odds of capturing a rogue planet or a primordial black hole would depend on their population ratio. The expected mass of the hypothetical object is similar to that of Neptune and its temperature would be half of the Moon's mass. The Hawking radiation of a black hole with
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  • #2
a superdense lump of matter about the size of a tennis ball.

I'm thinking about Hawking radiation.

What is the intensity of radiation from a BH that size?

Because of Hawking radiation, BHs evaporate, giving a lifetime proportional to radius. What is the lifetime of a BH that size?

Who can help us with those calculations?
  • #3
anorlunda said:
What is the intensity of radiation from a BH that size?
What is the lifetime of a BH that size?

If my calculation is correct, the Hawking radiation of a black hole with the mass of Earth (just as an example) would have a power of 4.8·10-13 W and the lifetime would be 4.7·1013 years. That would be possible in theory. However, it is highly speculaticve. I'm sure there are much better explanations but they are not worth a big headline.
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  • #4
The radius is directly proportional to mass. A tennis ball has radius between 3.27 cm and 3.43 cm. A solar mass black hole has schwarschild radius 2.94 km. So 1.11 x 10-5 to 1.16 x 10 -5 solar mass, 2.72 to 2.85 Earth mass.
Ping pong balls are nice because they have a 2 cm radius.

anorlunda said:
I'm thinking about Hawking radiation.

What is the intensity of radiation from a BH that size?

Because of Hawking radiation, BHs evaporate, giving a lifetime proportional to radius. What is the lifetime of a BH that size?

Who can help us with those calculations?

The Hawking radiation will be almost trivial. Particles hitting it should give off high energy radiation. Single protons falling in should give off 10-11 Joules. A piece of dust would make a good flair.

The article claims there should be a dark matter halo and a steady supply of dark matter falling in. They calculated the dark matter halo will have around 15% of the black hole's mass (starting at 50%).
DrStupid said:
If my calculation is correct, the Hawking radiation of a black hole with the mass of Earth (just as an example) would have a power of 4.8·10-13 W and the lifetime would be 4.7·1013 years. That would be possible in theory. However, it is highly speculaticve. I'm sure there are much better explanations but they are not worth a big headline.
If we have both rogue planets and primordial black holes the odds of capturing should be proportional to the population ratio of rogue planets and black holes.
  • #5
anorlunda said:
I'm thinking about Hawking radiation.

What is the intensity of radiation from a BH that size?

Because of Hawking radiation, BHs evaporate, giving a lifetime proportional to radius. What is the lifetime of a BH that size?

Who can help us with those calculations?
If I recall correctly, you need a black hole to be something around the mass of the Moon for its Hawking temp to be higher than the cosmic background radiation. Any larger than that and even in the darkest of deep space it would be taking in mass in the form of energy faster than it could lose it via Hawking radiation. A tennis ball sized black hole would have a mass close to that of Uranus.
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  • #6
The expected mass of the hypothetical object is about the same as the planet Neptune.
  • #7
Here is a Hawking radiation calculator
Alternative if the first one goes down again

The temperature of the CMB is 2.7 K, plugging this into the calculator gives us 0.0076 Earth masses, or about half the mass of the Moon. It also gives us a lifetime of 2.5E44 years.

A lifetime of 20 billion years corresponds to 200 million tonnes initial mass (a small mountain) and an initial Hawking radiation of 9 GW at a temperature of 600 GK or 50 MeV. We would see such an intense source of gamma rays in the sky. Or maybe not. Poor photon statistics. 9 GW/(50 MeV * (100 AU)^2) * 1 m^2 = 5*10-6/s.
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FAQ: Is Planet 9 Actually a Primordial Black Hole?

1. What is Planet 9?

Planet 9, also known as Planet X, is a hypothetical planet that is believed to exist beyond the orbit of Neptune in our solar system.

2. What is a Primordial Black Hole?

A Primordial Black Hole is a theoretical type of black hole that is believed to have formed in the early stages of the universe, shortly after the Big Bang.

3. How could Planet 9 be a Primordial Black Hole?

Some scientists have proposed the idea that Planet 9 could actually be a Primordial Black Hole, as it would explain the unusual orbit of some objects in the outer solar system.

4. What evidence supports the theory of Planet 9 being a Primordial Black Hole?

There is currently no concrete evidence to support this theory, but some scientists have suggested that the gravitational effects of a Primordial Black Hole could explain the unusual orbits of objects in the outer solar system.

5. What are the potential implications of Planet 9 being a Primordial Black Hole?

If Planet 9 is indeed a Primordial Black Hole, it would significantly change our understanding of the outer solar system and the formation of planets. It could also have implications for our understanding of the universe and the formation of black holes.

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