Is Pocebokli's Critique of American Foreign Policy Justified?

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In summary, an open rebuttal to pocebokli regarding the invasion of Iraq. The conversation covers points such as the belief in intervention, the Iraqi nation, capitalism, dictatorships, and the reasons for the invasion. The speaker defends their beliefs and explains why they believe the invasion was necessary. They also address the possibility of containment and its effectiveness against Saddam's regime.
  • #1
member 5645
An open rebuttal to pocebokli...

[Originally posted by pocebokli]
1>i'm just pissed off at your patriotic bottom (see, i took it down a notch:-)
2>because you actually BELIEVE as if without your intervention the people of iraq would be helpless infants at the hands of merciless dictator.

3>Wake up, they are a NATION.

4>geezers, they were there for thousands of years, a cradle of civilisation and a proud nation. And all that time they were waiting that during a dictator's reign YOU will save them all!

5>Now you will teach them about most extreme capitalism, camouflaged into "democracy"? And you can't even wait for their dictator to die or their own revolution to kik him out?

6>now you go there to make profit, and you don't even have the guts to admit it.

7>perhaps you really did go there to liberate the iraqis and "enlighten" them. And yeah sure, that is the one and only reason. Bah.

8>And that is about the only reason you and your administration give out. You don't even say "oh yeah, oil will also come in handy"

9>and oh yeah, weapons of mass destruction.


11>What do you think saddam would do if he managed to acquire a single nuke in 10 or 15 years time? Launch it onto washington? do you think he is so stupid?

12>"a danger to free world" is actually a danger to MONOPOLY of WMDs, which you currently hold, followed closely by russia!

13>EVERYTHING saddam might get, YOU DEVELOPED! And probably sold to him, too!

14>Are you even aware of what you are doing to feed your unfeedable a...bottoms?

15>It's just that Saddam knew if he had a single nuke you would NEVER dare to invade iraq, he would be safe to retain his dictator's throne, but his people would be safe even after he would be already gone. ("safe" is relative in such issues, let's say "relatively safe, since we don't know if there's a dr. Strangelove somewhere, but you get my point...or do you?")

16>And if Chechnya had a single nuke, Russia would never be able to stopm upon it's soil!

17>If every nation on this planet had WMDs there would be no way of EXPLOITATION for the "developed" world!

18>So go stuck your altruistic reasons somewhere, because apart from Bush voters there are NONE so naive in the entire world!

19>Even the bush voters are not, they just want to feel comfort for war and exploitation to be able to feed their fat bottoms and continue to oppress niggerz and other not-so-whities in their country.

20>You, who have disbanded racial difference only 40 years ago, and would most likely want it back, will go teach the Iraq and the world what FREEDOM and democracy is (not much difference now anyway)?

21>You, who have jails populated 99% with non-white will name your stupid potatoes FREEDOM FRIES and make stupid references to the 2ndWW?

22>now anwser this, you old geezer!


24>Read again if you missed it for the first time, 40 years and almost no equality!

25>World cop? World thief!

26>Now it would be best for you to kick me off the forum because I'm not an american f****** patriot and freedom, fighter, you...doh...
Well, I know that I shouldnn't waste my time responding, but I am going to. This will serve me well in the future, seeing that your attitude seems pervasive in the realm of internet message boards.

1>Let me first state that your anger is a direct result of your own selfimage. You view yourself as unable to control me and it angers you that I will not see things your way. I hope you will learn tolerance. Maybe you will respond to this later on :smile:
2>Do I? How about I let you know what I actually think, instead of you telling me. As far as the Iraqi people overruling their dictator, I don't believe it would happen soon enough. It's already been too long, and there was no end in sight. No one can argue that.
3>Yes they are. And soon they will be a free and prosperous nation.
4>I'm not sure if you are aware of what geezer means, but it is odd that you talk about how old their country is while referring to me(personally or generally as an american?) as a geezer. To respond, they were there, but your country chose democracy. If dictatorship is a better route why did you not choose that as a model when your country developed?
5>Extreme capitalism? No offense, but the US, while a practicing capitalist nation, is far from being unfettered. I'm not sure how I can say anymore on this, except you are wrong with that implication.
Dictatorships don't end with one death. Saddam's sons were willing and able to continue the rule. Again, no forseeable end. As for a revolution - why do you suggest we prolong the rule under which those people live, if you believe a revolution to be the best course? Besides, it's a moot point. Saddam easily crushed the uprisings after the first gulf war (yes I know, I know with the helicopters that the UN allowed off the ground when they shouldn't have), and has fended off the kurds for decades. Some how this is going to end all of a sudden?
6>I guess I'll go ahead and address the reasons now for future reference, and because I am simply tired of you telling ME why I believe we went there:

Keep in mind that even David Kaye says that there was evidence of WMD programs in Iraq, but they had been slowed dramatically by sanctions. The intent was still there.
WMD or not, the questions have to be -

How long would it take before a system of containment, funded primarily by the US, take to break Saddam, or future leaders', resolve to develop WMD?

On a longer timeline would containment have worked at all, considering programs were still being developed and only time was against them?

Is containment (over a democratic Iraq)better or worse for the Iraqi people?

Is containment (over a democratic Iraq) better or worse for the United States?

Is containment (over a democratic Iraq) better or worse for the rest of the world?

Is the refusal to go to war worth the possibility that WMD are being developed, or already are developed?

After pondering this all I come to the conclusion that the answer to "should we have gone to war" is an unequivocal 'yes'. There have been no other alternatives that end with:

-a liberation of an oppressed people
-a new trading partner
-a new security partner
-the ability to hold a nation, not just one man, accountable for it's actions
-the knowledge that Iraq is fully in compliance with the original ceasfire guidlines
-a catalyst for democracy in the region

The only other real alternative put forth thus far is containment and inspections.
After 13 years this accompolished none of the above, not even the original goal of simply knowing that Iraq is, in fact, in compliance with the original ceasefire agreement.

7> refer to 6, instead of putting words in my mouth.
8>refer to 6, I've given plenty of reasons.
9>Yes, and WMD. Are you aware of the UN's policy on weapons inspections and how the process is intended to work? (hint: It's not for the inspectors to go poking around in the sand)
10> 15,000?? Not in many many years, and at that time, Russia had even more than we did :)
That link is accurate as of 2002. Both Russia and the US have about 10,000 total with about 8,000 active. Also, as for external politics, I guess this is a bad move to??
The 2002 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) follows Bush's November 2001 agreement with Putin in calling for a reduction in the United States' strategic nuclear arsenal from 7,000 to 1,700-2,200 operationally deployed weapons by 2012 . Perhaps, in your eyes, we are really looking to trick the Russians, even though we've been more open about our nuclear arsenal than any other country on earth.
11>Are you aware how close Saddam was when we went in in '91? It was MONTHS, not the 5-10 years we had assumed. And if Saddam had a nuclear weapons, the fear isn't it being launched by him against us.The fear is proliferation to terrorist groups or other rogue nations.
12>How can us having close competition be considered a monopoly??
13>But unlike Saddam, our leaders have to be held accountable to the people. If not election (or armed revolt) will be the answer. Dictatorships do not allow for dimplomacy.
14>You'll have to put this one in a complete sentence.
15>The fact is, one nuclear weapons is not enough detterance to stop an invasion force. Air superiority alone would easily allow us to remove any launching site. If one were enough, we wouldn't waste the money maintaining thousands in a nuclear triumvirate.
16>Do you really believe that? Russia lost more men fighting Germany than they would ever lose with a single nuke.
17>Yes there would. You simply start infighting in a region and let the dictators, who are accountable to no one, waste their wmd on each other.
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  • #2
18>Perhaps those that support this idea are more likely to be Bush voters. You've got your cause and effect backwards.
19>I see. Do you believe that all Bush voters are white racists? No minorities at all? This will make you unhappy then -
20>You only became a country 13 years ago. And not only that, it is the catalyst that is the USA, the world's oldest practicing democracy , that you have the ability to elect all of your leaders. 'American-style' democracy or not, it is the de facto truth that we have, and still are, spreading democracy throughout the world.
You are quite assumptive to think that I want racial discrimination to come back like we had it.
Freedom fries was a dumb move made by a small group of angry congressman. It's not common here, despite what your European media tells you :) Stupid comments on WWII? I'd ask you to elaborate, but I'm not sure this would get anywhere.

22> I am.
23>har har indeed!
24>How odd that you say that 40 years ago we had no equality, and you also state that for the last 40 years (since the end of WWII you were referring to) we have trampled all over the world. I guess we can never win with you. You hated us then, you hated us now. Please let me know why we should care what you think? (honest question, not sarcastic)
25>World thief? So our secret plan in Europe and Africa was to give them money so we can steal it later? ha! That would be quite a bank robbery right there.
26>I hope you don't get yourself kicked off :smile:
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  • #3
Do you feel better now?

Related to Is Pocebokli's Critique of American Foreign Policy Justified?

1. What is the purpose of the open rebuttal to pocebokli?

The purpose of the open rebuttal to pocebokli is to provide a counterargument to the claims made by pocebokli. It aims to present a different perspective and offer evidence or reasoning to challenge the original argument.

2. Who is the author of the open rebuttal to pocebokli?

The author of the open rebuttal to pocebokli is not specified as the rebuttal can be written by anyone who wishes to challenge pocebokli's claims. It could be written by a scientist, researcher, or any individual with relevant expertise in the topic.

3. What are some common arguments made in the open rebuttal to pocebokli?

Some common arguments made in the open rebuttal to pocebokli may include pointing out flaws in the evidence presented by pocebokli, offering alternative explanations or interpretations of the data, or highlighting conflicting studies or research in the field.

4. Is the open rebuttal to pocebokli peer-reviewed?

It depends on the source of the open rebuttal. If it is published in a scientific journal, then it has likely undergone peer-review by experts in the field. However, if it is published on a personal blog or website, it may not have gone through the same level of scrutiny.

5. How can I access the open rebuttal to pocebokli?

The open rebuttal to pocebokli may be accessible through various sources such as scientific journals, online databases, or personal websites. A simple internet search using the keywords "open rebuttal to pocebokli" may provide relevant results.

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